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Man the stress levels for my wife and I were high as Jon Snow got trampled. It was brilliantly captured by the film team.


I normally hate shaky-camera BS but I thought it was done very well to induce panic in the audience. Can't wait for the finale.


So there's been much debate about "Lady Stoneheart" and whether or not she'd appear. Anyone think there's a chance that it could be Sansa? That creepy diabolical smile as Ramsay gets shredded would've previously been very out of character for her. We may have been watching the development of Lady Stoneheart without ever realizing it.

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Such a brutal episode. Was pleased with everything. I almost couldn't handle the anxiety. My wife cried, again. This time because the last giant died.


And Danny...talk about shiz really starting to fall into place. Get bathed in glorious dragon fire!


She is getting to an almost unstoppable point.


May need to do an encore tonight.


And fk ramsay. Ha ha, you sick sadistic bastard. He deserved worse though...

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I thought each dragon needed a rider. If Dany can control all three, why doesn't she just fly with them to westeros and fuck shit up on her own. Not like they could do shit I she hovered above and rained fire like she did on the ships.
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Rumors I read are Lady Stoneheart is something they didn't want to do. Which sucks.


Which baffles me. How they think Lady Stoneheart was a bad idea, but thought the way they portrayed Arya's story this season was a good idea is beyond me.

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This will sound weird...but found it hard to enjoy the episode (don't get me wrong, I definitely enjoyed it!). I've become so used to getting my hopes and dreams destroyed by this series that I don't know how to handle it now that things are turning around for the good guys. I guess I should just relax and take it all in.


Also, what happened to Bran's story arch? If I don't get some L+R=J confirmation I'm gonna flip my shit.

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They teased that sooooo fucking hard before the old 3eyed Raven died and then just haven't even nodded to it since. Really fucking frustrating.


It should all come together as Bran should have a significant roll moving forward, still have Sunday to see us some Bran, since John Snow and Sansa are home now and Bran can use the tree at Winterfell. Aryia is picking a great time to go home if Littlefinger doesn't fuck everything up, by wanting to shag Sansa.

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I believe this episode will be 69min. No where near long enough imo seeing as how I think all episodes should be 2hrs+, but i'll take whatever I can get considering HBO doesn't usually give us anywhere near a full hour on most episodes.


I bet Cersi and Little Finger will not die in the series at all.


Also, side note about the "rumor" we have been discussing; one big thing that really makes me believe it is about hidden caches of wildfire is Quyburn's reply to Cersi I believe is, "ohh yes, and much more." The "much more" part is what has me thinking it's wildfire.

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Also, side note about the "rumor" we have been discussing; one big thing that really makes me believe it is about hidden caches of wildfire is Quyburn's reply to Cersi I believe is, "ohh yes, and much more." The "much more" part is what has me thinking it's wildfire.


I wasn't sold on this theory until Tyrion mentioned it in his appeal to Dany in the last episode. That all but confirmed it to me.


I bet Cersei goes all in; remember, she was told that all 3 of her kids will die. Tommen is the only one still alive, and Cersei has repeatedly been reminded that she is just the Queen Mother, completely powerless. The only things she cares about is power and the Lannister name, and when she hooked up with Jamie again she's basically saying he's more important than Tommen because he's still loyal to their House.

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Tommen is gonna die, the witch proficized it. She said all her children will be killed and she will be replaced.


Maybe the "burn them all" is Cersi's doing? Bran fucks up the mad king in a vision like he did to Hodor.

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Where was Ghost? Off teaming up with Nimeria? Maybe Ghost and Nimeria show up with a pack of wolves in the next episode...

I read an article that they didn't have the budget for him and the giant, so it was up to either having Ghost or the giant and they chose the giant.... there's no hidden plot twist, it just came down to budget and time.

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I believe this episode will be 69min. No where near long enough imo seeing as how I think all episodes should be 2hrs+, but i'll take whatever I can get considering HBO doesn't usually give us anywhere near a full hour on most episodes.


I bet Cersi and Little Finger will not die in the series at all.


Also, side note about the "rumor" we have been discussing; one big thing that really makes me believe it is about hidden caches of wildfire is Quyburn's reply to Cersi I believe is, "ohh yes, and much more." The "much more" part is what has me thinking it's wildfire.


the fucking intro is 2.5+ minutes long, drives me nuts. It was cool the first seaon or two.. (same thing with Orange is the new Black, speed that shit up)

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I read an article that they didn't have the budget for him and the giant, so it was up to either having Ghost or the giant and they chose the giant.... there's no hidden plot twist, it just came down to budget and time.


Yeah, I heard budget rumors as well. It fits with the story I believe though because where the books ended, I think Wun Wun was going to die anyway, as per my wife's interpretation.


I'll pay double my HBO subscription if they make the shows twice as long. ;)

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