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College Football Thread 2016/2017 v2.0


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I highly doubt he would take the job. Not saying he will never go back to the NFL, but he is a god in Ann Arbor just like Urban is in Columbus. Plus, if he did go back to the NFL I can't see him going to a dumpster fire.

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I highly doubt he would take the job. Not saying he will never go back to the NFL, but he is a god in Ann Arbor just like Urban is in Columbus. Plus, if he did go back to the NFL I can't see him going to a dumpster fire.


Rumor is his wife hates living in the midwest and misses Cali..plus the Brinks truck that LA would send to his house may be enough to persuade him haha. Idk if he leaves, but man if he does Michigan fans are gonna be crying, until they hire Les Miles

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Rumor is his wife hates living in the midwest and misses Cali..plus the Brinks truck that LA would send to his house may be enough to persuade him haha. Idk if he leaves, but man if he does Michigan fans are gonna be crying, until they hire Les Miles


He's already making 3 mil more than the next highest paid college coach in the country, and 2 mil more than any pro coach as well. He can create whatever legacy he wants at ttun, he is essentially a godlike figure up there already. Why you would go to the fucking Rams is beyond me.

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When will it be Urbans time to try his hand at the NFL? I'm surprised it hasn't come up more often. His ability to take young talent and turn in into a playoff team and win NC is pretty impressive. I think he would excel and be the next Pete Carroll.
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When will it be Urbans time to try his hand at the NFL? I'm surprised it hasn't come up more often. His ability to take young talent and turn in into a playoff team and win NC is pretty impressive. I think he would excel and be the next Pete Carroll.


YOu hush your damn mouth.

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When will it be Urbans time to try his hand at the NFL? I'm surprised it hasn't come up more often. His ability to take young talent and turn in into a playoff team and win NC is pretty impressive. I think he would excel and be the next Pete Carroll.


he would be dumb to do that. NFL coaching is totally different from college. for every pete carroll, there are tons of chip kelly's

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So College Football "Expert" Mark Schlabach has the B1G going 2-8 in Bowl Games... Quite low expectations that should be met or exceeded! Part of this is because the B1G has by far the toughest matchups and it's really not close.



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Why in gods name would Lane take that job. What a moron. He should have stayed another year (but word on the street is Saban wanted him gone) or gone to LSU for a year and waited for a more prime job to open up.


I agree, and I think he took it because deep down inside he knows he's not that great of a coach. He's taking what he can get.


Yeah, I don't get Jim Delaney's obsession with moving games from Saturday to prime time Thursday or Friday. This isn't the ACC or Pac 12. We don't need to reach for straws to gain viewership. Saturdays are for college football. Keep it that way, Jim.



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