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College Football Thread 2016/2017 v2.0


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I said PSU/USC were 2 of the hottest teams in the country. Imagine an 8 team playoff field and the matchups you would've had instead of what we've gotten so far


No doubt. Imagine the winner of the five power conferences get an automatic bid and there are 3 wild card bids. This favors both teams that put together a full season resume, as well as gives teams like USC a chance when they get hot at the end of the year.

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The committee got it wrong. I know it's easy to look back and say they got it wrong but this is 2 years in a row the committee picked the wrong B1G team. In 2015, Ohio State was the best team in the B1G not Michigan State. This year Penn State is the best. It's time us Buckeye fans take our blinders off and be rational. Penn State was the better team this year.
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Tim Beck to Texas


Kevin Wilson to OSU as OC

Ryan Day to OSU as QB Coach.


Ryan Day was the QB coach with Philly last year who turned around Sam Bradford's career.



Ed Warriner is getting thrown under the bus by Beck per sources. Which would make sense seeing as how Beck faced the media after the disaster and Eddie was nowhere to be found.

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Do you have sources saying that? Or are you just guessing? I hope all of those are true. Urban needs/needed to rid Ohio State of Tim Beck. That dude has ruined 2 seasons for us now.


Edit: I found some reports of Beck and Day on Eleven Warriors, but nothing about Kevin Wilson? I would gladly take Kevin Wilson as our OC and another guy I wouldn't mind at all is Helfrich from Oregon. Dude can run an offense, just not a program.

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MOTSAG is reporting all 3. Apparently he is getting a lot of shit because this program is very tight with info and he wasn't supposed to report it yet. He will probably be cut off from the insider info from the program.
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Thank God. Tim Beck and Ed Warriner are directly responsible for 2 losses recently, and arguably more passively responsible for more. With the sheer amount of talent our teams have fielded, our offensive playbook should have a little more depth than 2 different runs and a curl pass route.
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I hear Chip Kelly is available...


Chip Kelly is an egotistical asshole who chased off multiple players throughout his CFB and NFL HC careers. I don't want him. He would be a very nice consultant or QC staffer though

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9 guys in the army high school game are OSU committs. The last 2 guys to declare live had OSU as a choice, but chose USC and the other chose UCLA. The last being the #1 DB. That would have been nice. Just said that OSU is a close 2nd in recruiting to BAMA.
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OSU will land Okudah here very shortly, stay tuned. Bama is only #1 because they have 7 more recruits, per player ranking though Ohio States class is the GREATEST in the history of rankings.


I have a feeling the Holmes to UCLA decision was made by his family not him. His nephew clearly wanted Ohio State

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Blinders? Several have no admitted this. I don't know how anyone could argue otherwise.


I got into 3 arguments last Saturday night after I said PSU probably should have gotten in. Unfortunately the "casual" Buckeye fan is the majority. They are the ones who think OSU IS THE BEST NO MATTER WHAT AND I DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY! It gets really fucking annoying and makes knowledgeable Buckeye fans like most who post here look bad. I attempted to put them in their place with valid arguments but they want to hear what they want to hear and that wasn't it.

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I got into 3 arguments last Saturday night after I said PSU probably should have gotten in. Unfortunately the "casual" Buckeye fan is the majority. They are the ones who think OSU IS THE BEST NO MATTER WHAT AND I DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY! It gets really fucking annoying and makes knowledgeable Buckeye fans like most who post here look bad. I attempted to put them in their place with valid arguments but they want to hear what they want to hear and that wasn't it.


Ah. Makes sense. I thought you meant ones that posted here.

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In a surprising move, Noah Brown just declared for the draft... I honestly felt he only showed up for 1 game this year, that being the Oklahoma game. I know he is big and blocks well, not sure that equates to declaring early for the draft though. Part of me wonders if his past injuries kind of made his decision for him. Get any/all money you can, before your body lets you down again type deal. Be interesting to see if he gets drafted and how he does at the next level.


Oh yeah, 2 back up offensive linemen transferred out as well

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