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How is Xmas divied up with your fam?


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Your married your money is her money so why does what she makes matter? Also these gifts don't have to cost tons of money or any at all.


This is what I was confused with, do you guys not share money? If you make a significant more money than her and she's stressing about money for gifts, and you guys do not share money, slide her some money then. Maybe I'm confused about the question?

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I was drunk the other night and had sand in my bathing suit...I'm getting old...todays kids are lazy, the music is too loud, I remember when, etc.


I don't really need presents...she put up the tree/decorations/lights...she really does make our house a 'home'

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Christmas is for spending time with family. Christmas GIFTS are for kids.


We celebrate with our families and buy a couple presents, bake cookies for them or whatever. But it's not a big deal. I couldn't care less if I received nothing at all.


This. Thanksgiving is a better holiday.

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Ok, so my wife is super family oriented, like Brady Bunch shit, and they are great but the issue we run into is this time of year...she doesn't make nearly as much as I do...she stresses out on buying her brothers/wives and parents gifts. We have been together for 11yrs and married for 2yrs....


Its the same thing every year, I'm last on the list(she doesn't make a lot of $$)...I know her Brothers dont care if they get a gift, especially their Sugar Mama wives dont care...is that messed up or am I being selfish? I would gladly tell my fam to take a hike for gifts if I was poor so I could buy my wife things...


I highlighted the parts that IMO are most relevant.


In our family the brother in laws usually get smaller gifts in the range of $25-$30 range at most. What's funny and in alignment with Brian's comments is there's usually several 6 packs of Great Lakes Brewing Co. exchanged and they don't usually make it home that night :p

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