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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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Meh it's winter and boring. Plus, there's a lot of changes happening right now, kinda curious to hear the different opinions.


Trump has already signed a lot of executive orders. I would say I am in favor of most so far. It looks like it's going to be a very interesting first few months of his presidency.

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Moving this already. :D


I will agree that the press and people have been unfairly harsh with Trump and his team/appointees until I hear the comments coming from his own mouth, Tweets, or his people - it's going to be a bumpy ride.


Hoping for a prosperous future for most Americans. Can't be all because of economic realities.

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I voted for Hillary and felt like shit about it. I'm sure most feel the same about the candidate they chose this year.


That said, Trump is flying the plane that my ass is on. I hope he lands it safely and with the "most gusto we've ever seen. Great gusto. The best gusto". I'm not totally confident, but am 100% willing to give him a shot.


He is my president, after all. :)

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Let me just say that I voted for Trump. I don't care what you think, I want smaller government, I want to be rid of Obamacare, and I don't believe in gun control. So Trump was an easy vote for me.


After hearing some of these protesters speak after their ridiculous march, liberals make less sense to me then ever. So you marched for rights, said some really nasty things, voiced messages that most decent people wouldn't say with a small child present, and you think people will be inspired to follow you? I don't understand what came out of all the bullshit this past week, and I'm personally sick to know there are large groups of hypocrites out there ready to march and be heard by the biased media.


If you call yourself a liberal, I don't understand you, and I don't know why anyone would continue to follow this thought process.

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the press and people have been unfairly harsh with Trump and his team/appointees


When you've got a nominee for SecEd who states that school gun policy should be based on whether or not students are likely to encounter grizzly bears, there's a problem.


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When you've got a nominee for SecEd who states that school gun policy should be based on whether or not students are likely to encounter grizzly bears, there's a problem.



Notice how I've highlighted the full context of my post you omitted from your response.


I will agree that the press and people have been unfairly harsh with Trump and his team/appointees until I hear the comments coming from his own mouth, Tweets, or his people - it's going to be a bumpy ride.


Hillary didn't win, bud...no need to make out-of-context remarks like you're vying for a blogger spot at Jezebel ;) although I realized I could've rephrased it a little better to indicate my past-tense support.

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Meh it's winter and boring. Plus, there's a lot of changes happening right now, kinda curious to hear the different opinions.


Trump has already signed a lot of executive orders. I would say I am in favor of most so far. It looks like it's going to be a very interesting first few months of his presidency.


90% of his moves have been what any Republican president would have done. If you hung a red tie on a log and stuffed it in a suit it would still make the same decisions.


The exception in the group was the TPP which was really a Sophie's choice nobody wins - if we participate our workers suffer, if we don't China gets a major upper hand in the marketplace. Either way we lose something.


More concerning are his pics for cabinet people. Steve Bannon has no place in politics full stop. His education pick, DeVos, is so unqualified I would almost prefer that log in a tie I mentioned before. Neither Supreme court pick is even slightly compelling - Gorsuch is very intelligent but a fanatic originalist, and Pryor is just a jackass who think the LGBT community is our to convert/corrupt everyone.


Trumps biggest problem is he has to get the lying under control coming out of his office. You can't really claim you voted for the more trustworth candidate if every press conference has actual verifiable false information. The "Alternative facts" thing is just laughable.

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Notice how I've highlighted the full context of my post you omitted from your response.




Hillary didn't win, bud...no need to make out-of-context remarks like you're vying for a blogger spot at Jezebel ;) although I realized I could've rephrased it a little better to indicate my past-tense support.




Im soo glad we got Clay in here to fight the libtards off with a floppy gender neutral big Freddy









I voted for Hillary




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When you've got a nominee for SecEd who states that school gun policy should be based on whether or not students are likely to encounter grizzly bears, there's a problem.


I feel like "potential grizzlies" should be the name of a really good indie band.

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Says the guy who voted for Hillary. Just lol.


Did you make a nice sign when you marched last Saturday princess?

Find a good safe spot and grasp your security whistle with both hands while you were there?



































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If you call yourself a liberal, I don't understand you, and I don't know why anyone would continue to follow this thought process.


You're picking on the worst of liberals, like those liberals pick on the worst of conservatives.


I am a raging moderate that trends extremely liberal on most social issues (education, SOME environmental things, women's & minority rights, keeping religion out of government) and conservative on pretty much everything else (fuck gun control, i'm against all but the most minimalist taxes necessary, smaller gov't, states' rights, free trade).


I don't like how immature Trump is. He does not represent what is so excellent about this country. I hope he does a fine job and I hope he succeeds in spite of my opinion. But he's like that one guy at your job that you wonder how on earth he's not been fired yet because he's just such an immense jackass, but somehow he gets the job done (p.s. if you say "there's no one like that at my job" congratulations, you're that guy).


I really just want Trump to start acting like an adult. Get the fuck off twitter. Have content in his speeches. Come off a bit more like a representative of what makes this country great; hard work, ingenuity, and a can-do attitude. Not empty statements, complete opacity, and a fuck-you attitude.



Let me try and put this simply: I hate all these groups, and Trump, for the same reason. They'll tell us what they want, but they won't give us a way to get there.








OK everyone, how do you think we should go about achieving those goals?






Trump: I've got a plan. A great plan. A plan devised with the most qualified people. Truly, have you seen these people? So qualified. CNN IS FAILING!!!

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of all the things I've seen Trump do my favorite has been his open support for police. Something that's been severely lacking lately. Those guys have hard shitty jobs and it doesn't help when they get zero support and let citizens declare open season on them. I've gotten tickets over the course of my life and yes it pissed me off but at the end of the day I was in the wrong and they were doing their job.
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Srs question: What rights are women and minorities denied here?


I have trouble relating to any of those issues really. I don't know any unsuccessful women or minorities. I'm sure there are a bunch of each but I also bet it more comes down to lack of drive/effort on their part than their gender or ethnicity.

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Let me just say that I voted for Trump. I don't care what you think, I want smaller government, I want to be rid of Obamacare, and I don't believe in gun control. So Trump was an easy vote for me.


After hearing some of these protesters speak after their ridiculous march, liberals make less sense to me then ever. So you marched for rights, said some really nasty things, voiced messages that most decent people wouldn't say with a small child present, and you think people will be inspired to follow you? I don't understand what came out of all the bullshit this past week, and I'm personally sick to know there are large groups of hypocrites out there ready to march and be heard by the biased media.


If you call yourself a liberal, I don't understand you, and I don't know why anyone would continue to follow this thought process.


Small story time.

I have never had a lapse in health coverage since I was 18. I am 37 now. Last year I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Renal Cell Carcinoma. I had a kidney removed as well as a follow up surgery. And will be going thru immunotherapy in the coming year.


Before this past year the most I have ever had to do for health coverage was routine checkups so on so forth.

In the past year I have had over 300k in medical bills keeping me alive. (i am grateful I have insurance)


If the affordable care act is abolished and I switch jobs a new insurance company can and will refuse me. Now I dont believe that my burden and health problems should be put on anyone else. I ask for zero hand outs but what about the 18 years that I paid insurance without fault. I get it. The worlds not fair but the system is broken and Affordable care act was an attempt at reforming a broken system.


p.s. Also because the health care system is broken. A ct scan from two different hospital systems can have a range that is 2k dollars different. (if you ask them why that is you can not get someone on the phone who knows why)

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Let me just say that I voted for Trump. I don't care what you think, I want smaller government, I want to be rid of Obamacare, and I don't believe in gun control. So Trump was an easy vote for me.


After hearing some of these protesters speak after their ridiculous march, liberals make less sense to me then ever. So you marched for rights, said some really nasty things, voiced messages that most decent people wouldn't say with a small child present, and you think people will be inspired to follow you? I don't understand what came out of all the bullshit this past week, and I'm personally sick to know there are large groups of hypocrites out there ready to march and be heard by the biased media.


If you call yourself a liberal, I don't understand you, and I don't know why anyone would continue to follow this thought process.


I really wish we could now how many people bitch & moan and march against Trump but didn't actually vote or do anything before the elections...

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I like the actions he is taking but hate the commentary he adds and his overall attitude. Log off of twitter already. Why are we even talking about attendance? Who cares? Seriously why would you not expect that the inauguration of the nation's first black president might draw more people. Why do you care? I wish he would strike a more conciliatory tone - liberals will fight him on absolutely everything given his approach. Maybe they would anyways.


On Obamacare he has said on multiple occasions he likes the provision around not being able to deny insurance for pre-existing conditions. That is a "make sense" rule. They have also stated they will not reduce the number of people covered.

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A ct scan from two different hospital systems can have a range that is 2k dollars different. (if you ask them why that is you can not get someone on the phone who knows why)


Different grades of scanners. Different scans. Different processing of images. Could be a number of different things. All scans aren't the same though they might appear so to the person lying on the table.

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I like the actions he is taking but hate the commentary he adds and his overall attitude. Log off of twitter already. Why are we even talking about attendance? Who cares? Seriously why would you not expect that the inauguration of the nation's first black president might draw more people. Why do you care?


I watched Sean Spicer's presser yesterday and he kind of explained why they've spent so much time on the subject. He said everything short of "We're getting tired of the stupid fucking Media lying all the time."


I can see how it would get annoying. The Media is trash these days and are clearly anti-Trump. It doesn't have to be true, it just has to be first.

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Different grades of scanners. Different scans. Different processing of images. Could be a number of different things. All scans aren't the same though they might appear so to the person lying on the table.

To be honest with as many scans as ive had in past year I'm familiar with most of the machines. Have even Googled price and typical maintenenace Costs of them. I think they are amazing and what they are capable of is as well.

I understand why the variance. Its just not good that the people I'm receiving the scans from can not tell me the same. It was just an example of what is one of many things wrong with our healthcare system.



Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk

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