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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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Grant, it's not hard to see what's going on here. Something bad happens to you in your real life and you come here and look up any thread I have posted in (which there are admittedly many) even if it is days or weeks old, not because you have anything to say on the subject matter but really because you feel shitty about your own life and for some reason you feel some form of superiority making cheap 3rd rate fat jokes. You use this forum as a form of therapy to cope with what I can only assume is an undiagnosed and unmedicated mental illness. When for some reason I catch an edge in my reply, you cyber stalk me and plan...something... until I assume your reason returns or your friends talk you out of it.


speaking of your friends by the way, they probably enable this behavior because they pity you - they excuse your poor behavior and tantrums because of some horrible trauma in your own life thus absolving you of responsibility for your own actions. You think it's ok to act this way because everyone around you is enabling you to do so. "Oh, grant he's just angry and young - he'll get over it", or "poor grant, he's got a lot to deal with so don't listen to his Grantrums".


I am not your friend so I don't really care if you get treated for it or not, and honestly your constant unprovoked hostility has pretty much absolved me of feeling pity for you anymore. But as a human being with a soul I do implore you to seek some form of treatment. This end game you are playing - it isn't going to lead you to a good place.


You feel superior now because I have things you don't, an education, options, a family, an interesting life...and you make all sorts of mental justifications that you are some how better and attacking me proves this, but at some point you are going to realize that none of that is true. I am not some great evil, I am not your rival, and that you are not the good guy you think you are. And then what? Then yenner's fears about you aren't so displaced.


Say what you will man, you know all sorts of information about me from stalking me and I don't even know your last name - you can lie to yourself for only so long, but at some point you are going to have a come to Jesus moment and if you aren't prepared for it I shudder at what's next.


You have one hell of a superiority complex if you think you can take a perfectly functioning member of society and insinuate that they have a mental health disorder as if that makes them any lesser of a person. Your post isn't an insult to Grant, it's an insult to the millions of Americans that suffer from mental illness, but you are so high and mighty that you can freely speak about them as if they are all third rate citizens. Oh but you don't stop there, you continue condescending them to a ill future unless they get help that is painfully unattainable in the US. What a nice guy you are, are you sure you aren't the one using CR to cope, delivering upon us your gift of high intelligence in the form of piles of feces that the CR neanderthals gather around like insects to a fire?


It is un-fucking-believable how stuck up your own ass you are. I haven't read anything so disparaging since the height of the anti-vaccines movement, but I'm not convinced your post isn't some sort of vaccine itself as I feel straight up retarded after reading it.

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"Diamonds for admin 2018"


Diamonds is a man of the people. He won't put up with the bullshit created by losers whose only voice is heard through a keyboard. Instead, Diamonds will create a sink/swim platform.


Diamonds: I want to be your admin. And if you appoint me to admin I will enact the new sink/swim platform. This platform will allow me to give bannable people an opportunity to stay if they are willing to literally box their opponents. In this scenario... Geeto would be banned... unless of course he was willing to get into the boxing ring with each person that hates him. Boom, sink or swim. No longer can you be a bitch and get away with it. Either you get banned or you fight your way out. On my platform you can no longer (figuratively) suck out all the oxygen without having a purpose on CR... or in life.

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You have one hell of a superiority complex if you think you can take a perfectly functioning member of society and insinuate that they have a mental health disorder as if that makes them any lesser of a person. Your post isn't an insult to Grant, it's an insult to the millions of Americans that suffer from mental illness, but you are so high and mighty that you can freely speak about them as if they are all third rate citizens. Oh but you don't stop there, you continue condescending them to a ill future unless they get help that is painfully unattainable in the US. What a nice guy you are, are you sure you aren't the one using CR to cope, delivering upon us your gift of high intelligence in the form of piles of feces that the CR neanderthals gather around like insects to a fire?


It is un-fucking-believable how stuck up your own ass you are. I haven't read anything so disparaging since the height of the anti-vaccines movement, but I'm not convinced your post isn't some sort of vaccine itself as I feel straight up retarded after reading it.



Just keep ignoring your friends cries for help and enabling his self destructive behavior. I'm sure it will all work out fine.

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You have one hell of a superiority complex if you think you can take a perfectly functioning member of society and insinuate that they have a mental health disorder as if that makes them any lesser of a person. Your post isn't an insult to Grant, it's an insult to the millions of Americans that suffer from mental illness, but you are so high and mighty that you can freely speak about them as if they are all third rate citizens. Oh but you don't stop there, you continue condescending them to a ill future unless they get help that is painfully unattainable in the US. What a nice guy you are, are you sure you aren't the one using CR to cope, delivering upon us your gift of high intelligence in the form of piles of feces that the CR neanderthals gather around like insects to a fire?


It is un-fucking-believable how stuck up your own ass you are. I haven't read anything so disparaging since the height of the anti-vaccines movement, but I'm not convinced your post isn't some sort of vaccine itself as I feel straight up retarded after reading it.


Be Ryan, bust G-Toads ass for clowning folks with mental illness by stating that they do not deserve to be disparaged, follow up by claiming that his post has made you "retarded", using it in the most derogatory way, thus disparaging the mentally handicapped.



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Something interesting I read today...


http://imgur.com/a/9k4rQ (Still trying to figure out how to embed these)


Let this sink in for a minute.....Hundreds and hundreds of small boats pulled by countless pickups and SUVs from across the South are headed for Houston. Almost all of them driven by men. They're using their own property, sacrificing their own time, spending their own money, and risking their own lives for one reason: to help total strangers in desperate need.


Most of them are by themselves. Most are dressed like the redneck duck hunters and bass fisherman they are. Many are veterans. Most are wearing well-used gimme-hats, t-shirts, and jeans; and there's a preponderance of camo. Most are probably gun owners, and most probably voted for Trump.


These are the people the Left loves to hate, the ones Maddow mocks. The ones Maher and Olbermann just *know* they're so much better than.


These are The Quiet Ones. They don't wear masks and tear down statues. They don't, as a rule, march and demonstrate. And most have probably never been in a Whole Foods.


But they'll spend the next several days wading in cold, dirty water; dodging gators and water moccasins and fire ants; eating whatever meager rations are available; and sleeping wherever they can in dirty, damp clothes. Their reward is the tears and the hugs and the smiles from the terrified people they help. They'll deliver one boatload, and then go back for more.


When disaster strikes, it's what men do. Real men. Heroic men. American men. And then they'll knock back a few shots, or a few beers with like-minded men they've never met before, and talk about fish, or ten-point bucks, or the benefits of hollow-point ammo, or their F-150.


And the next time they hear someone talk about "the patriarchy", or "male privilege", they'll snort, turn off the TV and go to bed.


In the meantime, they'll likely be up again before dawn. To do it again. Until the helpless are rescued. And the work's done.


They're unlikely to be reimbursed. There won't be medals. They won't care. They're heroes. And it's what they do.


Taken from a well spoken dude just like most of us




I know Kerry will chime in, b..b..b..but where are your facts to prove this? Are there statistics? No, but who would you rather rely on to come save you, a guy like the one described in this short piece or an overweight transgender man/woman with thick rimmed glasses and a resistance shirt? Thankfully real men still exist and not all of them are liberal cuck boys who run around chanting about vagina rights who don't know what life is like outside of their protected college campus.

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Be Ryan, bust G-Toads ass for clowning folks with mental illness by stating that they do not deserve to be disparaged, follow up by claiming that his post has made you "retarded", using it in the most derogatory way, thus disparaging the mentally handicapped.




I'm glad I wasn't the only one who caught that.

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Something interesting I read today...


http://imgur.com/a/9k4rQ (Still trying to figure out how to embed these).



Here you go.


IMO this guy is a real deal and a hero. Your point is spot-on. In fact if you could ask him, I bet he's still waiting to see if and when the groups of Antifa and BLM pussies covering their faces and ranting on at events in San Francisco or Berkley are going to roll into town to help out. Let's not all hold our breath waiting for that to happen though...



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Something interesting I read today...


http://imgur.com/a/9k4rQ (Still trying to figure out how to embed these)


Let this sink in for a minute.....Hundreds and hundreds of small boats pulled by countless pickups and SUVs from across the South are headed for Houston. Almost all of them driven by men. They're using their own property, sacrificing their own time, spending their own money, and risking their own lives for one reason: to help total strangers in desperate need.


Most of them are by themselves. Most are dressed like the redneck duck hunters and bass fisherman they are. Many are veterans. Most are wearing well-used gimme-hats, t-shirts, and jeans; and there's a preponderance of camo. Most are probably gun owners, and most probably voted for Trump.


These are the people the Left loves to hate, the ones Maddow mocks. The ones Maher and Olbermann just *know* they're so much better than.


These are The Quiet Ones. They don't wear masks and tear down statues. They don't, as a rule, march and demonstrate. And most have probably never been in a Whole Foods.


But they'll spend the next several days wading in cold, dirty water; dodging gators and water moccasins and fire ants; eating whatever meager rations are available; and sleeping wherever they can in dirty, damp clothes. Their reward is the tears and the hugs and the smiles from the terrified people they help. They'll deliver one boatload, and then go back for more.


When disaster strikes, it's what men do. Real men. Heroic men. American men. And then they'll knock back a few shots, or a few beers with like-minded men they've never met before, and talk about fish, or ten-point bucks, or the benefits of hollow-point ammo, or their F-150.


And the next time they hear someone talk about "the patriarchy", or "male privilege", they'll snort, turn off the TV and go to bed.


In the meantime, they'll likely be up again before dawn. To do it again. Until the helpless are rescued. And the work's done.


They're unlikely to be reimbursed. There won't be medals. They won't care. They're heroes. And it's what they do.


Taken from a well spoken dude just like most of us




I know Kerry will chime in, b..b..b..but where are your facts to prove this? Are there statistics? No, but who would you rather rely on to come save you, a guy like the one described in this short piece or an overweight transgender man/woman with thick rimmed glasses and a resistance shirt? Thankfully real men still exist and not all of them are liberal cuck boys who run around chanting about vagina rights who don't know what life is like outside of their protected college campus.



Serious question: do you really think that being of a particular political affiliation means you don't dress a certain way, or own a pickup truck, or a bass boat? Like no "liberal" on the planet owns an F150 or a bass boat? doing the right thing isn't about political affiliation, it's about being in a position to help and doing it.


My friend Heather is in Houston right now. She's an artist and lives there, rides across the country on a KLR, and is as liberal as they come. Spoke to her the other night, she's been running around her neighborhood helping out as much as she can, including going out on rescues in boats. Has nothing to do with any political affiliation. My friend and old roommate Hector is there too, drove in from Louisiana, owns both a boat and an F150 and again not really anything like what you describe politically but he considers himself part of the cajun navy and he's out there. My Sister in law went to dallas, but my brother in law stayed in Houston (they live there) to help. I think he's probably best described as a "Woody Harrelson type" but he's out in his boat and truck helping where he can.


This is a national tragedy, EVERYBODY is doing their part, it's not political.


For that piece of flotsam that you read to co-opt a tragedy for political propaganda by enforcing a stereotype is sad and despicable. For you to believe it makes you a sucker. Also it's disappointing that you seem to think the "entire left" is a transgender person in a resistance t-shirt.

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Maybe she can make some therapy art to wipe away people's blues.... /jerk-off-motion.


She rode to Columbia South America by herself on a KLR 650 with nothing but a back pack and a set of saddlebags. She also put 38,000 miles riding cross country on a yamaha XT250. She's harder than your candy ass.

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She rode to Columbia South America by herself on a KLR 650 with nothing but a back pack and a set of saddlebags. She also put 38,000 miles riding cross country on a yamaha XT250. She's harder than your candy ass.


has she appeared in rallies like this?



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Here you go.


IMO this guy is a real deal and a hero. Your point is spot-on. In fact if you could ask him, I bet he's still waiting to see if and when the groups of Antifa and BLM pussies covering their faces and ranting on at events in San Francisco or Berkley are going to roll into town to help out. Let's not all hold our breath waiting for that to happen though...



has she appeared in rallies like this?


It wouldn't be a political thread with out Tim's special brand of hatred....


Tim, BLM and AntiFa "pussies" are there too...because they live there. Do you think that Texas is some sort of conservative stronghold where the evicted everyone who didn't vote for Bush in 04? This affects everyone, everyone in that area is doing what they can. Stop trying to claim "but my team is doing more" like this is some sort of political competition. Stop being tacky. Only you would find the angle of division in something that is unifying.

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It wouldn't be a political thread with out Tim's special brand of hatred....


Tim, BLM and AntiFa "pussies" are there too...because they live there. Do you think that Texas is some sort of conservative stronghold where the evicted everyone who didn't vote for Bush in 04? This affects everyone, everyone in that area is doing what they can. Stop trying to claim "but my team is doing more" like this is some sort of political competition. Stop being tacky. Only you would find the angle of division in something that is unifying.


Yes, I hate Antifa and most BLM'ers who are hiding behind a legit causes yet spewing their own hate and racism BS while they try and shut down those that disagree with them or support Trump or his positions or movements that do the same.


Still waiting on seeing a group of Antifa put themselves out in the limelight in Houston like they do when they are whining in Berkley. Rather odd they aren't appearing in the news, especially on channels like MSNBC or CNN if they are in fact really out there helping. Sure, they are there as victims but where are they when it comes to not playing victims and instead rescuing people or supporting the true coming together that the people there are showing. Hmmmm.

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Yes, I hate Antifa and most BLM'ers who are hiding behind a legit causes yet spewing their own hate and racism BS while they try and shut down those that disagree with them or support Trump or his positions or movements that do the same.


Still waiting on seeing a group of Antifa put themselves out in the limelight in Houston like they do when they are whining in Berkley. Rather odd they aren't appearing in the news, especially on channels like MSNBC or CNN if they are in fact really out there helping. Sure, they are there as victims but where are they when it comes to not playing victims and instead rescuing people or supporting the true coming together that the people there are showing. Hmmmm.




first. google. hit. You aren't even trying.


Way to be classy, Tim. /sarcasm.

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I couldn't recognize those antifa members without their ISIS look alike outfits

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She rode to Columbia South America by herself on a KLR 650 with nothing but a back pack and a set of saddlebags. She also put 38,000 miles riding cross country on a yamaha XT250. She's harder than your candy ass.


I could do that too if I was unemployed for a living

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