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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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One more question for CR, and then I'm out.




If you had to be born poor, would you prefer to be born poor and white, or poor and black?




That's easy, I prefer I was never born, can't wait to leave this place.


Wrong answer?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk while street racing

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One more question for CR, and then I'm out.


If you had to be born poor, would you prefer to be born poor and white, or poor and black?


Didn't say what country. :gabe:


I see your point here. If I HAD to choose I'd choose to be born poor of any race/culture that knew how to thrive living off the land. Whatever color that makes me, I'd choose that.


Oh, you absolutely can be. In fact, "yellow" is probably one of the worlds most prevalent poor colors (how many of the more than 1 billion folks in China qualify as "poor"?).


I simplified the question as much as possible, because "CR". If those were your two options, which would you choose?




The Chin. Boxers call it "the button". there is a junction of three nerves behind the jaw (just below your ear) that if there is sudden contact made by the jaw moving backwards quickly your brain will trigger a loss of consciousness as a defensive measure.


You don't need an uppercut, but it helps because of the power, but a simple but direct jab will do it. It is also one of the most difficult parts for someone to hit in a fight because of people's instinct to protect their face.


don't take my word for it, there are plenty of vids on youtube of boxers getting lucky and hitting the button and their opponents passing the fuck out.


Hitting someone on the nose can sometimes blind them and cause their eyes to water but they will not lose consciousness and may flail wildly. Same with hitting them in the throat with the edge of your hand, you'll knock the wind out of them but may not stop.


The best defense is to not be in that situation in the first place. If it is completely unavoidable, most people without fight training will try to just run in close and pound on you like a coconut, keeping them at a distance is key so don't be stationary.


Serious, non-trolling question: how long have you been a fight/self defense instructor?


Fuck that, this works every time.....




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The Chin. Boxers call it "the button". there is a junction of three nerves behind the jaw (just below your ear) that if there is sudden contact made by the jaw moving backwards quickly your brain will trigger a loss of consciousness as a defensive measure.


You don't need an uppercut, but it helps because of the power, but a simple but direct jab will do it. It is also one of the most difficult parts for someone to hit in a fight because of people's instinct to protect their face.


don't take my word for it, there are plenty of vids on youtube of boxers getting lucky and hitting the button and their opponents passing the fuck out.


Hitting someone on the nose can sometimes blind them and cause their eyes to water but they will not lose consciousness and may flail wildly. Same with hitting them in the throat with the edge of your hand, you'll knock the wind out of them but may not stop.


The best defense is to not be in that situation in the first place. If it is completely unavoidable, most people without fight training will try to just run in close and pound on you like a coconut, keeping them at a distance is key so don't be stationary.


I'm with yenner on this one...that response is proof enough that Kerry has never been in a fight.


Which would explain why I was asking the guy who claimed to be a 1-punch KO'er what his angle was. Not Kerry.

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I'm with yenner on this one...that response is proof enough that Kerry has never been in a fight.


Which would explain why I was asking the guy who claimed to be a 1-punch KO'er what his angle was. Not Kerry.


Now you decide to troll? This is how long it takes? 'Bout time

Edited by Geeto67
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you can't actually believe this can you? Or more importantly do you really think this is exclusive to black culture? You and I must not listen to the same Rock and Roll songs because I am certain Rock and Roll rewards exactly the same shit, and has been since the 60's. Have you listened to heavy metal at all in the last 30 years?


Also "hip-hop" culture isn't exclusively black, and it isn't predominantly violent. Most of it is Pop music.


This is some seriously backwards old man "get off my lawn" shit.


Very far from it. I literally have seen every yo mtv raps episode. I knew who common (known as common sense) was from mix tapes before his 1st video aired on MTV and sprayed murals 10ft by 50ft. I can go on and on. "hip hop" made the big jump in popularity once it connected to the stories of the crack era in the black communities. You are correct that it is not all violence and can give the same message of rock and roll. Spend 5 minutes watching trap music on worldstarhiphop and you will see what is being done to youths minds. Even what is being played on 106.5 in Columbus. The "vice" of hip-hop is trapping inner-cities of all races into that lifestyle and why I moved on.


Spend an hour on the weekends at the gas station near wolf park and you will see its impact. Individuals are making the decision to be un-educated, deal drugs, and play the gangster card while any educated black man is considered an uncle tom. None of this has anything to do with "whitey" keeping us down and instead are more of self-inflicted wounds of bad decisions.


Remember, the end of segregation was suppose to be the end of the violence and create prosperity. Know being black or white does not matter as much as what decisions you make with your free time: invest time vs self-defeating risk.

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One more question for CR, and then I'm out.


If you had to be born poor, would you prefer to be born poor and white, or poor and black?


I would choose to be white, easy.


Look, I'm not asking the question so that I can then point and say "See, you ARE a racist!" (I'll let Geeto fight that particular battle, I'm not interested in pointing fingers at individual on CR, when the bigger issue is systemic). I'm trying to illustrate that, if my assumption is correct, most if not everyone who answered that question honestly would say "white". That doesn't make you a racist, it makes you aware. I believe "woke" is the term that the kids are using these days. I'm postulating that, while economic status IS a common and major component in discriminatory behavior, all things being equal, race is still the main factor.


It's a loaded question, but not in the way you thought.




You obviously haven't seen many poor white families. To think they're somehow living a "better" life simply because of the color of their skin is racist. It's so funny because you're attempt to be sympathetic towards another race by race baiting other people is in fact, racist. \


Go down to West Virginia or southeastern Ohio and see the heroin epidemic and tell me who it mostly affects. Actually, why don't you just go over to Sullivant Avenue here in Columbus in the bottoms and tell the 28 year old heroin addict prostitute who looks like she's 60 waiting to die that her life would be worse if she were born black.

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You obviously haven't seen many poor white families. To think they're somehow living a "better" life simply because of the color of their skin is racist. It's so funny because you're attempt to be sympathetic towards another race by race baiting other people is in fact, racist. \


Go down to West Virginia or southeastern Ohio and see the heroin epidemic and tell me who it mostly affects. Actually, why don't you just go over to Sullivant Avenue here in Columbus in the bottoms and tell the 28 year old heroin addict prostitute who looks like she's 60 waiting to die that her life would be worse if she were born black.


Motherfucker, I live in Marion, and I grew up on the east side of Columbus. I have seen poor white people. Shit, I have BEEN poor white people (sorta). Don't presume to tell me what I have seen and experienced first hand.


Do poor white people have it "better" than poor black people? No, not necessarily. But, they have a greater opportunity to take advantage of "their choices" (which seem to be getting tossed around a lot in the few pages) in order to get out of the situation. White or black, you choose to do meth, heroin, drop out, etc....that's on you. But life, contrary to popular belief, ISN'T just "what you make it", sometimes shit happens to you, and sometimes, that shit is systems based. In that case, it happens more often to people of color than it does white...ON AVERAGE. ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL, it is better in America to be white.

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contrary to popular belief, ISN'T just "what you make it", sometimes shit happens to you, and sometimes, that shit is systems based. In that case, it happens more often to people of color than it does white.


Serious question on what a couple of those things, especially system things, are that happen to people just because they are brown.

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Serious question on what a couple of those things, especially system things, are that happen to people just because they are brown.


"A black man is three times more likely to be searched at a traffic stop, and six times more likely to go jail than a white person. Blacks make up nearly 40 percent of arrests for violent crimes. On the New Jersey Turnpike, for instance, blacks make up 15 percent of drivers, more than 40 percent of stops and 73 percent of arrests – even though they break traffic laws at the same rate as whites. In New York City, blacks and Hispanics were three and four times as likely to be stopped and frisked as whites.



Black pre-schoolers are far more likely to be suspended than white children. Black children make up 18 percent of the pre-school population, but represent almost half of all out-of-school suspensions. Once you get to K-12, black children are three times more likely to be suspended than white children. Black students make up almost 40 percent of all school expulsions, and more than two thirds of students referred to police from schools are either black or Hispanic, says the Department of Education. Even disabled black children suffer from institutional racism. About a fifth of disabled children are black – yet they account for 44 and 42 percent of disabled students put in mechanical restraints or placed in seclusion."



This is not original thought from me, as I don't have access to the statistics. This is pulled from literally the first article I found on the subject, written by the National Science Foundation’s director of legislative and public affairs in the Bush AND Obama administrations. I can share personal anecdotes as well, but the numbers speak for themselves. Does this not ring true to you at all? Do you really believe that all of this stuff is made up, and that it REALLY comes down to ONLY a persons decisions, and nothing else?

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"A black man is three times more likely to be searched at a traffic stop, and six times more likely to go jail than a white person. Blacks make up nearly 40 percent of arrests for violent crimes. On the New Jersey Turnpike, for instance, blacks make up 15 percent of drivers, more than 40 percent of stops and 73 percent of arrests – even though they break traffic laws at the same rate as whites. In New York City, blacks and Hispanics were three and four times as likely to be stopped and frisked as whites.


IMO there's always more to things like the above than skin color. Are there bad cops that harass people, yes. Do cops nationwide systemically wake up to harass people of color, I don't find that to be true or likely. Especially today when there are tons of people of color actively involved in the same system.


I've worked and spent penty of time in NYC and the burrows. I am the minority most of the time in the areas I'm at too. I've seen people shaked down on the street and honestly, most are indeed sketchy. It's pretty clear cops would be wasting time frisking me. Some might call that "wrong" I call it common freaking sense thus why I've never been harassed.


Black pre-schoolers are far more likely to be suspended than white children. Black children make up 18 percent of the pre-school population, but represent almost half of all out-of-school suspensions. Once you get to K-12, black children are three times more likely to be suspended than white children. Black students make up almost 40 percent of all school expulsions, and more than two thirds of students referred to police from schools are either black or Hispanic, says the Department of Education. Even disabled black children suffer from institutional racism. About a fifth of disabled children are black – yet they account for 44 and 42 percent of disabled students put in mechanical restraints or placed in seclusion."
Again, there's more to the above than skin color except when all one looks at is skin color.


This is not original thought from me, as I don't have access to the statistics. This is pulled from literally the first article I found on the subject, written by the National Science Foundation’s director of legislative and public affairs in the Bush AND Obama administrations.
I understand.



I can share personal anecdotes as well, but the numbers speak for themselves. Does this not ring true to you at all? Do you really believe that all of this stuff is made up, and that it REALLY comes down to ONLY a persons decisions, and nothing else?
As I've noted, I do think instances like the above do happen and happen to people of all colors. Do I think it's systemic and rampantly part of the system, no. Again, there's way way more to the above situations; there always is. However, stats and numbers can be easily posted and written about in different ways when the details are left out. I prefer to look at things like the above on an individual basis so the details can be seen. I believe half of what I see and nearly none of what I read/hear, especially on situations like this. The devil is indeed in the details and especially today, the details on both sides are often left out to make a one sided argument.


Just my opinion.

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The devil is indeed in the details.


Sure. I wouldn't argue that. There is more to EVERY story than 10,000 foot view statistics. That being said, the statistics are hard to ignore. This is just a small sample, I didn't want to post the stats re: the justice system, because those have been mentioned already, and I wanted to try and point some stuff out that is harder to just file under "make better decisions". In CB, Greg asked if I thought it would be easier to get a scholarship as a black kid or a white kid, and brought up the fact that he thought there may be "more scholarships for minorities". That's a legit point. However, again, the fact that there even needs to be "special" scholarships "for minorities" seems to indicate something that is systemically flawed. As I said before, this isn't an easy thing to solve, or even wrap your head fully around, and it's been part of our country almost literally since America was an actual thing.


Additionally, your responses to me seem to be far more reasonable and measured than anything you say in response to Geeto. Lol. Glad I haven't reached "enemy" status yet.

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Sure. I wouldn't argue that. There is more to EVERY story than 10,000 foot view statistics. That being said, the statistics are hard to ignore. This is just a small sample, I didn't want to post the stats re: the justice system, because those have been mentioned already, and I wanted to try and point some stuff out that is harder to just file under "make better decisions".


agree that the stats are hard to ignore, but again, they can easily be skewed due to the details. case in point is clear when you hear about traffic stops. how many of these stops are based on stupid shit like broken tail lamps, traffic violations, tinted windows too dark, etc. It's like in nearly every instance people are failing to keep themselves off the radar and are handing cops reasons to give them a hard time. Again, I doubt very highly that two cops in a car are simply scanning to waste time giving brown people a hard time.


my point is if you don't want to be seen as a possible target then don't put one on your back. A big part of that is making better decisions. It's not hard to put fix a tail light or not give cops a reason to stop you.


In CB, Greg asked if I thought it would be easier to get a scholarship as a black kid or a white kid, and brought up the fact that he thought there may be "more scholarships for minorities". That's a legit point. However, again, the fact that there even needs to be "special" scholarships "for minorities" seems to indicate something that is systemically flawed.
but that "need" for these special programs are crutches that wouldn't be needed if the other details I've mentioned before were handled. I stand by the fact that a lot of the school related issues stem back to the break down of the family and choices that the people involved make. single moms, deadbeat dads, baby factory mindsets, drugs, near zero involvement in kids lives, etc. all of those things are personal choices not something that is happening to these people. until those those things apply to fix those issues, you're right, the problem is going to exist and that solution lies more in the hands of the families in question then they do in gov't or society to fix. The problems and challenges in my life have a solution, but they start with me and my family first, not you or others around me.


Additionally, your responses to me seem to be far more reasonable and measured than anything you say in response to Geeto. Lol. Glad I haven't reached "enemy" status yet.
haha. I actually know and like Kerry. He's a good dude just as I'm not a real bad dick in person either. I call it CR banter. We're all people not just persona's on CR. No enemy status here. Very few if any on CR that have proven to be turds both online and in person. IMO with Kerry, the reason responses are what they are is he fails to structure his replies to the medium and audience.
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IMO with Kerry, the reason responses are what they are is he fails to structure his replies to the medium and audience.


It's not a fail, it's intentional. Some of you guys don't realize how acrid some of the thing you say are to people who don't share your opinion, and I made a point of matching tone in confrontation. I'm not stupid enough to think I'm going to change anybody's mind and I have no intention to do so, I see my participation in these kitchen conversations as just being a social gadfly - someone who upsets the status quo by being a nuisance. Very few people have picked up on this but I don't really start these political conversations, I mostly just respond to something someone else says, if some of you people just kept your awful opinions to yourself you really wouldn't hear from me, at least not on this issue anyway.


When I came here, even the threads about cars had "libtard" bashing in it, but by being a lightening rod for this stuff it seems to have drawn itself into the kitchen and for the most part stayed there. The down side is I really don't get to talk cars with a lot of you because there are always going to be people like yenner who just want me to leave full stop and will go out of their way to get that point across.

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It's not a fail, it's intentional. Some of you guys don't realize how acrid some of the thing you say are to people who don't share your opinion, and I made a point of matching tone in confrontation.


my point isn't the tone it's the depth in which you reply. this is a message forum not a college thesis. that's all.


I'm not stupid enough to think I'm going to change anybody's mind and I have no intention to do so, I see my participation in these kitchen conversations as just being a social gadfly - someone who upsets the status quo by being a nuisance.


internet status achieved by more than just you.


Very few people have picked up on this but I don't really start these political conversations, I mostly just respond to something someone else says, if some of you people just kept your awful opinions to yourself you really wouldn't hear from me, at least not on this issue anyway.


opinions are like assholes right? no one here is going to stay quiet just to quiet you down. part of that is why I say the Antifa fucks trying to stomp out free speech can kiss my ass and that of those that are in abundance against them.

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well I am not gonna lie tim, in this politically charged climate it is also a little cathartic to be confrontational to people to people whose opinions you think are just awful, even if you like the person. It's oddly soothing.
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well I am not gonna lie tim, in this politically charged climate it is also a little cathartic to be confrontational to people to people whose opinions you think are just awful, even if you like the person. It's oddly soothing.


Kick me vs the dog or wife. Just buy me a coffee and I'm good :p

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"A black man is three times more likely to be searched at a traffic stop, and six times more likely to go jail than a white person. Blacks make up nearly 40 percent of arrests for violent crimes. On the New Jersey Turnpike, for instance, blacks make up 15 percent of drivers, more than 40 percent of stops and 73 percent of arrests – even though they break traffic laws at the same rate as whites. In New York City, blacks and Hispanics were three and four times as likely to be stopped and frisked as whites.




I'll just leave this here...

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