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Leisurely cruise to work today

Second Gen

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I mostly read the posts on CR, but this morning I thought I would share a cool / funny story:


I was cruising Eastbound, out of downtown, on 670 and see a cute (Older) brunette driving slowly in the right lane in a newer Challenger (SRT maybe). I chuckle as Pandora is jamming to Sammy Hagar on Pandora playing "I can't drive 55". As I am moving (a little) faster she falls into the distance quickly. Just about the time she disappears I hear a horn in the distance from the passing lane and see a Red Camaro (Another older guy with grey hair) coming up quick. I get out of the way just when I hear another V8 growl, and albedamn the Brunette/Challenger wakes up and we have a chase. She is driving like the Camaro and cutting in & out of traffic to catch the Camaro. Did I hear race somewhere? So I stayed back (OK just a little) and watched these two old(er) drivers do the dance with American muscle. This goes for a bit and definitely in the three figure range, and it ends quickly when I need to head North on 270 (They were headed South).


Not a cool ending, but I got to work and was wide awake and had a smile seeing a good dance.


Thought I would share : )



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I had a GTR flying by me yesterday. I won't say where, but it was cool to see him coming up rather quickly, then we made a turn and he was on it again. I was in my GTP, so it wasn't like I was trying to do anything. I think he just wanted to get to work on time. Definitely got me excited.
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I had a GTR flying by me yesterday. I won't say where, but it was cool to see him coming up rather quickly, then we made a turn and he was on it again. I was in my GTP, so it wasn't like I was trying to do anything. I think he just wanted to get to work on time. Definitely got me excited.


Won't say where? Were you coming from a whore house? LOL


Cool story Dave- always fun to watch others dig in while you have a nice view.

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