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New Car, But It's Not CR Cool


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The dealership had it for a few months because people just can't drive a stick anymore.


Not sure if the above makes me laugh or shake a sad face :confused: Kids today should be required to pass a drivers test in a manual transmission car.


Nice pick up.

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More good replies. :lol: 16 years ago when I joined this site, I probably would have got into some heated responses, but now I'm old and don't give a fuck. :D


If I didn't make it clear, this is nothing more than a winter / rainy day driver. The SUV is mostly my wife's, and the rest only see salt free, dry roads as best as they can. I don't have car payments, and this car had 45K miles and was $6K, not $8K. I don't mind driving something like this in the crappy weather and for the most part, not giving a shit about it.


Someone suggested a couple of GM based vehicles. The last two GM cars I owned bricked (Cavalier) or almost bricked (Envoy) on me. So I'm pretty soured with GM right now. My G8 has been a rock star so far, thankfully. I was pretty set on getting as close to 40 MPG as I could, hence the Yaris or Fiesta. I looked at the Fit and Mazda 2, but they just didn't get the MPG I wanted. And I've always been mostly a Ford guy, etc.

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"Life's too short to drive boring cars"


100% applies regardless of what the duty of the vehicle is.


There are no "boring cars" only boring drivers. Even a Camry is fun if you are sideways and on fire.


I will admit, some cars are more fun than others though.

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Curious why you didn't just keep the Contour SVT?


I get that it's not 40mpgs, but it's paid off...that has to account for the 10-15mpg difference.


I wanted something newer and more reliable than the now 19 year old Contour. And it wasn't in my "long term plans", I only bought it to drive for a bit and make some money on.


Plus the Fiesta is paid off as well, I didn't get a loan for it. All cash, baby. The Market and Trump have been good to me... :D:cool:

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Where the hell did you get a job now that you're driving 60 miles to work from where you live?


Still downtown, but that's 25 miles from my house. So 25 miles both ways, plus a trip to the gym on the way home and maybe lunch, etc. That's pushing 60 miles a day.

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