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This thread assumes the premise - validated with discoveries of bacteria, water, or prehistoric evidence of the presence of either - that life does indeed exist beyond our own planet. What your suggesting is the debate about sources of INTELLIGENT life, advanced in technology.


Am I though? extraterrestrial life doesn't have to be intelligent to have an impact on our world. A previously unknown virus or other microscopic organism could be potentially devastating or an amazing boon to mankind depending on it's reaction to our physiology. Or at least as pop culture would have us believe.


I think the bar is much lower than intelligent, just completely unknown to us as a species and not of this earth is sufficient.

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Am I though? extraterrestrial life doesn't have to be intelligent to have an impact on our world. A previously unknown virus or other microscopic organism could be potentially devastating or an amazing boon to mankind depending on it's reaction to our physiology. Or at least as pop culture would have us believe.


I think the bar is much lower than intelligent, just completely unknown to us as a species and not of this earth is sufficient.


We're not talking about the fucking flu. :rolleyes:



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We're not talking about the fucking flu. :rolleyes:


no the "fucking flu" is terrestrial, I'm talking about space flu. And I thought the point of this thread was generally to talk aliens. I didn't know you were going to be so strict about it.


You have people in this thread going out of their way to say "I don't care" and I do care and want to be part of conversation and I'm the one you go after? prioritize, bro.



here, this talks about space flu, your oceans theory, and ties it all together. Happy now?




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Re-reading my comment in post #75, I realize I should've typed what we're suggesting...not what your suggesting. This thread started as a reference to UFO sightings, and your comments about bacteria in space is already somewhat of a given to anyone interested in this topic.
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Am I though? extraterrestrial life doesn't have to be intelligent to have an impact on our world. A previously unknown virus or other microscopic organism could be potentially devastating or an amazing boon to mankind depending on it's reaction to our physiology. Or at least as pop culture would have us believe.


I think the bar is much lower than intelligent, just completely unknown to us as a species and not of this earth is sufficient.


Sounds like you may be the virus.

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I think most scientists at this point will agree with Jody Foster's line... "If it's just us, that's an awful waste of space." Personally I think the biggest hiccup is time. As human beings as far as we know we have only been upright thinking beings for a very small blip on the cosmic time scale. If an alien race developed over a 100,000 time span who's the are still around in our time? A civilization that fell or "moved on" outside of our extremely limits time window would be something we would have almost no ability to detect.


The point you made Clay about belief, that's absolutely true. As with religion a belief is something you hold to regardless of fact or proof. MANY people in the "ET" world are tinfoil hat wearing folk that "believe" all sorts of interesting things, from lizard men running the world, to abductions for procreation, to.. well there's no need to go down some of THOSE paths. However there are others who just look at the histories of mankind throughout the world that knew their natural world and spotted things which just didn't fit. Some of that can absolutely be filed away as stories/fantasies/legend but even those usually have SOME sort of basis in an actual event.


Your point about underwater aliens is also extremely valid, what makes our planet unique isn't the solid dry ground on which we live, it's the vast quantities of liquid H2O that cover most of our planet. Not only does it make an excellent place to hide but as you point out a great resource. OUR civilization has barely made an attempt to utilize the near limitless energy potential stored there, would stand to reason that a truly space faring race/civilization already has that skill well in hand.

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I think most scientists at this point will agree with Jody Foster's line... "If it's just us, that's an awful waste of space." Personally I think the biggest hiccup is time. As human beings as far as we know we have only been upright thinking beings for a very small blip on the cosmic time scale. If an alien race developed over a 100,000 time span who's the are still around in our time? A civilization that fell or "moved on" outside of our extremely limits time window would be something we would have almost no ability to detect.


The point you made Clay about belief, that's absolutely true. As with religion a belief is something you hold to regardless of fact or proof. MANY people in the "ET" world are tinfoil hat wearing folk that "believe" all sorts of interesting things, from lizard men running the world, to abductions for procreation, to.. well there's no need to go down some of THOSE paths. However there are others who just look at the histories of mankind throughout the world that knew their natural world and spotted things which just didn't fit. Some of that can absolutely be filed away as stories/fantasies/legend but even those usually have SOME sort of basis in an actual event.


Your point about underwater aliens is also extremely valid, what makes our planet unique isn't the solid dry ground on which we live, it's the vast quantities of liquid H2O that cover most of our planet. Not only does it make an excellent place to hide but as you point out a great resource. OUR civilization has barely made an attempt to utilize the near limitless energy potential stored there, would stand to reason that a truly space faring race/civilization already has that skill well in hand.


The Navy also released a recent image of some such UFO (Unidentified Floating Object):




I personally think they're already here, stealing all our waters. They're creating global warming in order to melt our ice caps, so they can steal it all.

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The Navy also released a recent image of some such UFO (Unidentified Floating Object):




I personally think they're already here, stealing all our waters. They're creating global warming in order to melt our ice caps, so they can steal it all.


You know what the absolutely terrible part about this photo is? I just rewatched this movie a couple of days ago. For some reason I had the scene stuck in my head of all the old timers on the Mo crewing it back up and had to watch it. Terrible, TERRIBLE movie but... that scene I DO enjoy.

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I actually got into a conversation when it was discovered what I was watching, after they finished giving me shit for such a terrible movie. The appeal to me was that if the shit hits the fan I can TOTALLY see old vets like this being ones to step up, tag in for service, and stand for their fellow man/'mericans even more so than I can imagine younger people. Not saying I WANT to see an 80 year old dude trying to man a heavy gun while we are fighting for the survival of the human race against a small scale alien invasion.. but! :)
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