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wife is in frontline medical patient admin and just got her hours cut in half with a 48 hour notice. Thats also with her doing check-in for corona testing. Needless to say she will leave her company once the economy recovers over this handling of communication.
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#TrumpLiedPeople...uhhInNigeriaGotReallySick ??


Doesn’t roll off the tongue as well. He’s got to get on message to instill more confidence in what the government’s doing. I just spoke to my ophthalmologist neighbor who’s pretty much off for the next 3 weeks and he’s been spending his time looking for medical supply donations/sources. He said frontline medical providers are pretty frustrated.


I mean if people are overdosing on it then that's on them. Doesn't mean its not working. Unless Im misunderstanding your point.

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#TrumpLiedPeople...uhhInNigeriaGotReallySick ??


Doesn’t roll off the tongue as well. He’s got to get on message to instill more confidence in what the government’s doing. I just spoke to my ophthalmologist neighbor who’s pretty much off for the next 3 weeks and he’s been spending his time looking for medical supply donations/sources. He said frontline medical providers are pretty frustrated.


I just dont see how you could really blame trump for this...he has bipartisan supported medical doctors and experts telling the world what they are finding and advising him on the facts. Just because he repeats it, its his fault?


Theres several things I would point the finger at trump on, this isnt it.

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I just dont see how you could really blame trump for this...he has bipartisan supported medical doctors and experts telling the world what they are finding and advising him on the facts. Just because he repeats it, its his fault?


Theres several things I would point the finger at trump on, this isnt it.


This definitely isn't his most egregious mistake so far, but the takeaway here is that he should stop rambling on about medical topics he can't accurately articulate. There are topics he can and should discuss, but as has been a continuing challenge for him, he struggles to shut the fuck up when he really should.

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I just dont see how you could really blame trump for this...he has bipartisan supported medical doctors and experts telling the world what they are finding and advising him on the facts. Just because he repeats it, its his fault?




Theres several things I would point the finger at trump on, this isnt it.

Actually, when he kept talking about this at the press conference Dr. Fauci had contracted Trump by saying that there needed to be trails to see if it would work and if it's safe. He was exercising caution, but Trump was already talking about it like it's a cure.


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I just dont see how you could really blame trump for this...he has bipartisan supported medical doctors and experts telling the world what they are finding and advising him on the facts. Just because he repeats it, its his fault?


Theres several things I would point the finger at trump on, this isnt it.


Hang on...is Trump a leader or is he not? I know it’s confusing, because even he likes to conveniently put that hat on and off ONLY when he feels it does him good.


This definitely isn't his most egregious mistake so far, but the takeaway here is that he should stop rambling on about medical topics he can't accurately articulate. There are topics he can and should discuss, but as has been a continuing challenge for him, he struggles to shut the fuck up when he really should.


Actually, when he kept talking about this at the press conference Dr. Fauci had contracted Trump by saying that there needed to be trails to see if it would work and if it's safe. He was exercising caution, but Trump was already talking about it like it's a cure.




Throughout this catastrophe, Trump has exemplified his magic ability to lay claim to made-up “wins”, and not taken responsibility for tough decisions when he is the f**king President. That’s piss-poor leadership right there, and he’s in a position where everyone - rich and poor, smart and dumb - is listening.


- Trump can’t have the greatest economy ever, and ignore the stock market wipeout under your watch.


- Trump can’t tell people there’s only 15 cases of COVID-19, and we shut it down...and then downplay the severity of the actual impact.


- Trump can’t be behind on a feasible cure, and start yelling treatments like you’re “almost there” with a cure.


He’s so desperate to look good all the time that this time of hardship makes the whole Trump pageantry unpalatable to watch. He was funny when he snapped at reporters or burned government officials when we were riding high on the economy, but this shit is going to get much uglier before it gets better.




Thank God for some truly professional leaders in his cabinet and state/local leaders taking matters into their own hands.


I’m talking to family around the country, Friends that are business owners, medical professionals, not FB bullshit: DeWine is doing a great job in OH all things considered, local outreach has been very positive, but Federal aid has been nearly non-existent for medical/business support the last week. It’s really disappointing and unbelievable to hear what’s going on at a national level.

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Clay please quote actual scientific articles and not a journalist opinion. Who would have thought that people would use the impact of the cornoa on most the worlds economies to go after politicians for there own stance. Regardless if you believe it or not, both political parties will get through this tough time and be fine. Life will always have it's challenges and ability to blame others, it's up to us to move forward collectively.
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Hang on...is Trump a leader or is he not? I know it’s confusing, because even he likes to conveniently put that hat on and off ONLY when he feels it does him good.


It's almost like he's a sketchy bidness man who made a living off his folks money and shady deals, bankrupt several companies, was (is?) a womanizer, used (uses?) minority labor, funded (funds?) the Clinton Foundation, and was a registered Dem before deciding to run for Pres. Color me shocked. Can it be?


I’m talking to family around the country, Friends that are business owners, medical professionals, not FB bullshit: DeWine is doing a great job in OH all things considered, local outreach has been very positive, but Federal aid has been nearly non-existent for medical/business support the last week. It’s really disappointing and unbelievable to hear what’s going on at a national level.


Agreed. I see a run for POTUS (or VP) in his future because of this.


Clay please quote actual scientific articles and not a journalist opinion. Who would have thought that people would use the impact of the cornoa on most the worlds economies to go after politicians for there own stance. Regardless if you believe it or not, both political parties will get through this tough time and be fine. Life will always have it's challenges and ability to blame others, it's up to us to move forward collectively.


I wish you weren't serious but I know you are.

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No doubt we will all get through this, Chris. I truly do believe this. We're all doing what we can, and we should feel proud for it: We've donated to charities, done Lifecare Alliance "meals-on-wheels" deliveries 2x a day, provided supplies and assistance to neighbors in need. I haven't donated blood in years but I answered the call. This feels like the weeks/months after 9/11 all over again...in a good way, with how we're banding together and truly helping each other locally.


I'm not talking about politicizing a catastrophe. It's Trump's lack of real leadership that's on display here: Passing the buck when people ask tough questions. Obfuscating when you don't know or cannot understand the truth. "Faking it 'til ya make it" is not a trait of a great President.


I refuse to let Trump - the guy I voted for - phone his way through this when there's so much more he could do, do it now, and do it better than any other president. Bush had 9/11, Obama had the Great Recession...both handled core-shaking events well and re-instilled confidence in the American people. How do you think Trump's handling the situation, when every day means life and death? We should expect greatness out of the President of the United States of America. This guy doesn't have a clue.





If I'm not going to a restaurant, it's because DeWine said not to, and I'm following his common-sense decisions because I believe he's doing what's right for Ohio. I'm not bitching over whether or not I'm bellying up to a bar. But when Trump tells me in a tweet to wash my hands, I wonder how tone-deaf the man realizes he is to all of this...I have a tough time taking his leadership seriously.

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I refuse to let Trump - the guy I voted for - phone his way through this when there's so much more he could do, do it now, and do it better than any other president. Bush had 9/11, Obama had the Great Recession...both handled core-shaking events well and re-instilled confidence in the American people. How do you think Trump's handling the situation, when every day means life and death? We should expect greatness out of the President of the United States of America. This guy doesn't have a clue.



If I'm not going to a restaurant, it's because DeWine said not to, and I'm following his common-sense decisions because I believe he's doing what's right for Ohio. I'm not bitching over whether or not I'm bellying up to a bar. But when Trump tells me in a tweet to wash my hands, I wonder how tone-deaf the man realizes he is to all of this...I have a tough time taking his leadership seriously.


These two paragraphs speak volumes. Volumes.

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Man, Clay I've only met you a couple times. Surprised to hear you voted for Trump... But at the same time not surprised as I've been surprised so many times already by aquantinces and friends. At this point I've just written it off as sort of an ,"everybody makes mistakes," sort of scenario.


Overall, I just want Bush back. Holy shit.

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In response to the Nigeria overdoses, I doubt any of them saw Trump's speech, nor cared. They probably got a rumor from a chain of people, just like that ridiculous stuff about the national guard mobilizing for martial law, and made a poor decision based on it. I mean, 44 people in Iran died from methanol poisoning because they heard a rumor that alcohol kills corona. You can't put that on Trump.

I guess I'm still not sure exactly what he's done wrong except not speaking with the demeanor you prefer?

The rise of the economy can be directly attributed to his actions, but you can't deny that the market is down due to this pandemic. If no one is flying or going to the movies because they don't want to get sick, that's a little different then providing beneficial tax cuts to bring back industries that were outsourced to China or Mexico.

IMHO, this wuhan outbreak isn't as bad as the media is portraying. The problem is, good ol H1N1 is making a comeback hard this year and is hospitalizing young people worse than the 2009 pandemic (0-4 yrs old and 18-49) or second only to 2009 (5-17 yrs old). So if you have one disease affecting one group and another disease affecting another, you have to take some dire actions. I would rather people complain about how he speaks to a reporter, then spend more time contributing to panic and making the situation worse than it is.

Just my opinion

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this pandemic has hit my business and the businesses I manage hard. I dont blame trump or expect him to speak like Roosevelt. He is a guy (from what I see) that really values appearances. Hes speaking with a high level of optimism that is being used against him as if we shouldn't be optimistic. Again, I know this has hit everyone for the most part, but I plan for shit like this is many ways by saving etc. I dont get the free trump money. I dont get breaks on paying mortgages or bills of any kind. Why is it that people like myself are not blaming him for being a poor public speaker? Its because thats not why people voted for him. Unfortunately, we are going to be faced with a similar situation in Nov. between Biden and Trump. I cant say at this point who I would vote for, but its going to take a lot for me to vote for Biden. This doesn't tip the scales IMO.


On the there side, maybe a dem president, GOP house and GOP senate would get some bipartisan stuff done. But, im not betting on it.

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No doubt we will all get through this, Chris. I truly do believe this. We're all doing what we can, and we should feel proud for it: We've donated to charities, done Lifecare Alliance "meals-on-wheels" deliveries 2x a day, provided supplies and assistance to neighbors in need. I haven't donated blood in years but I answered the call. This feels like the weeks/months after 9/11 all over again...in a good way, with how we're banding together and truly helping each other locally.


I'm not talking about politicizing a catastrophe. It's Trump's lack of real leadership that's on display here: Passing the buck when people ask tough questions. Obfuscating when you don't know or cannot understand the truth. "Faking it 'til ya make it" is not a trait of a great President.


I refuse to let Trump - the guy I voted for - phone his way through this when there's so much more he could do, do it now, and do it better than any other president. Bush had 9/11, Obama had the Great Recession...both handled core-shaking events well and re-instilled confidence in the American people. How do you think Trump's handling the situation, when every day means life and death? We should expect greatness out of the President of the United States of America. This guy doesn't have a clue.





If I'm not going to a restaurant, it's because DeWine said not to, and I'm following his common-sense decisions because I believe he's doing what's right for Ohio. I'm not bitching over whether or not I'm bellying up to a bar. But when Trump tells me in a tweet to wash my hands, I wonder how tone-deaf the man realizes he is to all of this...I have a tough time taking his leadership seriously.


Clay I get it man. Besides rallies, securing borders, and america first first he shouldn't be allowed to speak in public. Unfortunately for all of us were down to a brown box and another brown box thats more global. Obama and Bush both had there own pitfalls along with pluses. I will always say Obama is one of the best public speakers we may see in our times.

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Clay I get it man. Besides rallies, securing borders, and america first first he shouldn't be allowed to speak in public. Unfortunately for all of us were down to a brown box and another brown box thats more global. Obama and Bush both had there own pitfalls along with pluses. I will always say Obama is one of the best public speakers we may see in our times.


There has always been more than 2 boxes.

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He was funny when he snapped at reporters or burned government officials when we were riding high on the economy, but this shit is going to get much uglier before it gets better.


I didn't think it was funny then, and I dont think it's funny now. Did you see how he went off on the NBC reporter who asked "what do you say to the American people who are scared right now?" It was a softball question where he had free reign to speak to the people with some gold plated bullshit meant to make people feel at ease. Instead he went off on him and the media.


He's also a total hypocrite. He went off on Obama for golfing, taking vacations, "always campaigning," ebola, and the flu among other things, but in every category Trump's worse. He took office with the mission of dismantling big government, and in the process got rid of the team meant to deal with pandemics because he thought it was a waste. Keep in mind that this team was shaped by learnings from Ebola and swine flu, and all that was lost. He acknowledged getting rid of this team in February by saying he did it to save money, he didn't see the value in it. When asked in March, he claimed to know nothing about it and said he takes no responsibility.


Decisions were left to man that believes vaccines cause autism, and was more focused on "keeping his numbers low," even if that meant leaving a cruise ship full of Americans adrift in the Pacific with no possible treatment. He fucked this up. He needs to own it.


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I guess I'm still not sure exactly what he's done wrong except not speaking with the demeanor you prefer?


Why is it that people like myself are not blaming him for being a poor public speaker?


This is frustrating. Let's set aside the public speaking thing for a second. Lots of information has been posted in this thread about what exactly Trump has done wrong in terms of the US's pandemic response capabilities. I won't repeat it, maybe you read the links and dismissed them because you don't believe "the media" or whatever, but I'm going to be blunt -- a lot of you are bad skeptics.


I get it, there's a lot of information out there and it can be hard to figure out what's real and what's BS. It's hard but it's not impossible. And all citizens have a civic duty to figure out how to do it. Dismissing everything you don't want to hear as "fake news" or "liberal bias" is not how you do it. This isn't the liberal media's fault for being biased, this isn't the clickbait industry's fault for being sensationalist, this isn't the 24 hour news cycle's fault for creating filler to sell ads. This is YOUR FAULT for not putting in the effort to discern truth from scams. Make a fucking effort, realize what's going on in this country, and quit blaming boogeymen like "the media" for your inability to do research and look at information with a proper skeptic's eye.




Let's get back to Trump's public speaking now. Trump repeatedly put himself out there on Twitter and in front of cameras back in February and said that this virus wasn't an issue -- it was barely in this country, it was going away, everything was going to be fine. He was demonstrably wrong. I hope we can at least all agree on that basic fact now -- Trump was wrong. Wrong wrong wrongy wrong wrong. And it's not that he was just repeating what his experts were saying -- no experts were agreeing with him, and if you guys could filter media properly you'd know that. Do you guys honestly think Trump was out there saying Coronavirus was no big deal but secretly working with experts to prepare the US for an expert response? Of course not -- he was doing nothing behind the scenes because he doesn't listen to experts.


The bare minimum I want in a politician, absent any leadership or dealmaking skills, is someone who makes evidence-based decisions. I don't want a doctor treating me based on their gut feelings, I want treatment based on the available science, and I want politicians making decisions the same way. It's a fairly low bar, I think. So electing someone who so clearly didn't trust science, or facts, or anything connected to reality was bound to have consequences at some point. Well the consequences have come home to roost.


Do you honestly think the problem here is that Trump needs to go back to finishing school? That he's saying the right things but not eloquently enough? Christ on a pogo stick. He's saying THE WRONG THINGS, or at least he did for months. You cannot argue with this. He was saying the wrong things at a time when other people, scientists, other world leaders, reporters, the liberal media, random blokes on message boards, those people were saying the right things based on the available evidence. Trump was saying the wrong things, and the US response to coronavirus is now demonstrably worse than other countries. If you don't think those two things are related you're not living in reality, and you're giving Trump a pass for some fool reason.





I'm not saying the US would have nailed the coronavirus response under Hillary Clinton or Ted Cruz or whatever our options were 4 years ago, but that's a separate issue from the political one. For the love of god, stop carrying water for this imbecile.

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I didn't think it was funny then, and I dont think it's funny now. Did you see how he went off on the NBC reporter who asked "what do you say to the American people who are scared right now?" It was a softball question where he had free reign to speak to the people with some gold plated bullshit meant to make people feel at ease. Instead he went off on him and the media.


He's also a total hypocrite. He went off on Obama for golfing, taking vacations, "always campaigning," ebola, and the flu among other things, but in every category Trump's worse. He took office with the mission of dismantling big government, and in the process got rid of the team meant to deal with pandemics because he thought it was a waste. Keep in mind that this team was shaped by learnings from Ebola and swine flu, and all that was lost. He acknowledged getting rid of this team in February by saying he did it to save money, he didn't see the value in it. When asked in March, he claimed to know nothing about it and said he takes no responsibility.


Decisions were left to man that believes vaccines cause autism, and was more focused on "keeping his numbers low," even if that meant leaving a cruise ship full of Americans adrift in the Pacific with no possible treatment. He fucked this up. He needs to own it.


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You should watch the entire press conference so you realize it was actually the question before that which pissed Trump off and rightfully so instead of just going off the clipped version that people enjoy showing.

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People blaming Trump need to look within first for blame. How many people this time last week were business as usual? Just 2-3 days ago Florida and Texas beaches were hopping. The warnings have been there for weeks if not months. American arrogance is more to blame than anything. People still traveling abroad instead of cancelling due to cost, bitching about racist Trump when he stopped flights from China, etc etc. How's that working out now?
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You should watch the entire press conference so you realize it was actually the question before that which pissed Trump off and rightfully so instead of just going off the clipped version that people enjoy showing.
I saw both. He still doesn't get a pass from me. It was a softball question that allowed him to clear the air. Trump spends more time railing on the media for what he calls "unfair coverage," even when it's 100% truthful but doesn't praise him like he's the North Korean Supreme Leader. Reporters are supposed to ask tough questions, and when they do he goes off on them for asking "nasty questions."


He's the President of the United States, and he needs to start acting like it instead of stomping his feet like a little bitch if people don't kiss his ass.


Instead he refuses to answer tough questions, claiming media bias, and stands in front of the nation praising OAN as a legitimate news source while discussing whether Chinese Virus is racist of Chinese Food isn't. Give me a fucking break.


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As far as trump early in this catastrophe, yes he down played it but he does that quite often. I don't know if he does it because he wants to put a positive spin on it so as not to panic early or if he just doesn't understand the situation. He is a bit of a goob and when it comes to public speaking he shouldn't.


As far as the "softball question" I'm home and have watched all the 1150 a.m. updates. Why have I because I'm off from knee replacement and love the price is right. It pisses me off that I haven't seen a showcase in forever and don't get a chance to see rachel for a few extra minutes...lol. Anyway back to the question at hand, the reporter asked a loaded question and his tone was very confrontational. Everyone knows it's so easy to push his buttons, he can't handle being confronted and they know the outcome. What should have happened is what pompao did when asked a stupid question, he stated "he was refusing to answer it" and pointed to another reporter for a question.

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Nice commentary indeed. And RARE, given how quiet many current and former cabinet members are of Trump.


All great points above why people shouldn't be defending Trump's behavior. He has done a number of very good things over the last 3 years, but his presidency will be defined by how he took 2 steps forward and tripped himself 6 steps backward at every turn. He is his own worst enemy, in a country of hard-working, free-thinking people.


I have nothing more to add at this point, and I appreciate the open dialogue. Much love, CR! :)








Oh.....and the swamp isn't drained.




Oh....and RECORD DEFICIT is about to get even more record-er. :D


OK I'm done now.

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