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I said at least a week ago that this will probably delay several model launches. This is not going to be good and the effects will be long term.


Also, to the people that still think it's an over reaction, I think this summed it up pretty well.



Today it looks like Italy may stop treating people over 80 as part of their triage.



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I'm pretty sure this has more to do with preventing domestic violence than any liberal scheme to take away your guns.


What I can't believe is dewine hasn't closed gyms.

There is 0 social distance in there and you touch everything that's been touch by dozens of people..jezzzzz

Yeah, this one's a little surprising.

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Michigan closed everything, starting at 3PM today.


All restaurants, cafes, coffee houses, bars, taverns, brewpubs, distilleries, clubs, movie theaters, indoor and outdoor performance venues, gymnasiums, fitness centers, recreation centers, indoor sports facilities, indoor exercise facilities, exercise studios, spas and casinos must close by 3PM. Take out, drive up, walk up services are ok.


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NHRA has shut everything down for the next 30 days at least. All of their events and tracks are shut down, races are being "postponed" but they won't be back.


South Eastern Gassers Association just nixed its event but it's what they had in their announcement that's interesting.


"Several things helped make the decision, one example was Steve Bright who works for the Defense department was told / requested that him and his family could not leave the state. Angela Blackwell our girl in the tower that we can't do without was told by her real job that if she left the state she would have to be home quarantined at for 14 days before returning to work"

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Do you have actual information, or are you just being cute.


Yes I do, but I won't be going into detail being that I work for a major healthcare player in the area. Healthcare work and social media don't mix very well, so I'm not going into any deets. It's amazing how close they can track this stuff.



Just take the advice.

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I have. Starting to make it's rounds that we will go on a lock-down with curfews starting tomorrow. We shall see if it happens...


It sucks but at this point drastic steps are needed because the country is proving people are too fucking stupid to take care of themselves and think about others. Sure ..someone may be 20 and really enjoying how empty the gym is but they could also be an asymptomatic carrier spreading that shit to people that are vulnerable. In other words....people suck. While steps are being taken I still don't think most understand just where we're headed. Picture the Spanish flu having a baby with the great depression and they named it covid-19. This is an epidemic some of our grandchildren will be studying in school.

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Now here's something that's interesting. Racer/business owner I know posted this on Facebook. The story was backed up by several other people who had similar experiences,one of them is a co-woker of mine...


Original post:


"An acquaintance of mine just spent 4 months in Thailand. So obviously with all the crazy going on he had concerns regarding re-entry into the U.S.. He IS a U.S. Citizen. He was checked (very briefly and superficially) in Thailand before boarding the plane. Upon arrival he went right thru customs just like he had the other hundred times he's traveled abroad. No checking, no testing, no questions, no debriefing, no instructions, no self quarantine NOTHING!!

Now maybe it's just me. But I feel something's very wrong here."


Responses from my coworker


"Same thing happened coming into LAX from UK yesterday. They had to fill out a paper asking them if they have the coronavirus....and never took the paper from them"

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Crazy, We have finally been told to work from home at my job.




Also last weekend I went to Jegs and couldn't believe how busy they were. from when I took a number to when I got help it was just about an hour. I guess everyone is taking the time off work to finish their projects finally.

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GM employee tested positive. Part of the Tech Center in Warren, MI is now closed completely. Many were working from home already.


The UAW has been talking about walking off the job, but I don't think anything has happened yet.


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

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Crazy, We have finally been told to work from home at my job.




Also last weekend I went to Jegs and couldn't believe how busy they were. from when I took a number to when I got help it was just about an hour. I guess everyone is taking the time off work to finish their projects finally.


Well, get the parts while you can because the high-performance industry is going to be forever changed after this. The whispers I'm hearing from people in the right places is this is going to impact the industry by a minimum of 30% and that's being optimistic. There's going to be a lot of companies that won't survive and tracks are already ceasing operations.


I think you're going to see the COMP and Holley groups grow after all of this is done. They are going to have just enough money to survive. After that, they will go in and buy up the smaller companies that die and fold them into what they do.

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News from 3 days ago my man. I think this is what spurred the "be ready to deploy" notifications to our national guard folks in Ohio.

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