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I also wonder if those are all SARS-CoV-2 swabs, or if they are including the 4 common cold Coronavirus strains that show up on a respiratory PCR swab. OH turn around time for test results is 4.2 days using, I believe, multiple labs. All of which are backed the fuck up right now. I'm not sure where the NY hospitals are sending theirs.


I haven't been to work for several days, but when I was swabbing folks at the drive thru tents, we did did about ~250 swabs in two days. The second day actually started to die off (no pun intended) because....reasons. Not sure if it was due to lack of orders by the providers, lack of requests by patients, or just lack of available swabs.


Either way, I assure you people are being swabbed as fast as humanly possible.


I imagine NY's numbers are up so high because those fuckers are packed together like sardines. They almost can't socially distance themselves, so of course it's going to spread more there.

Quick story about how readily available tests are up here:


When we were told to WFH my coworker had a friend with a warehouse and a spare office space. So he moved in there so he wouldn't be home with his wife and kids during the day. Well, last week his friend gets sick and is tested and my coworker is told he can't leave the warehouse until the test results come back. Sunday night my coworker gets a fever, achy, tired, etc. It wasn't until mid day Monday when his friend got his positive test results for COVID-19. Despite him having symptoms and being in close proximity to someone that was positive, he was told that he wasn't getting a test unless he needs to be hospitalized. He's currently living in the warehouse until at least April 4th. His wife is 8 months pregnant and extremely pissed.


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I can understand testing only those who are hospitalized. From a treatment standpoint, it changes nothing, even in a hospital. We still treat the respiratory symptoms just the same, whether we know you're positive or not. I can understand tracking for tracking's sake, but that becomes an absurd amount of testing.
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I can understand testing only those who are hospitalized. From a treatment standpoint, it changes nothing, even in a hospital. We still treat the respiratory symptoms just the same, whether we know you're positive or not. I can understand tracking for tracking's sake, but that becomes an absurd amount of testing.
Yeah, I get it too. But this is also why the numbers are so sketchy. There are so many people, even with symptoms and direct contact with positive cases that are uncounted. You have to consider it's everywhere by now.


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(I'm not an epidemiologist of course, and even the real epidemiologists don't have solid answers, so take the below analysis for the price paid).


Just looking at NY's death rate (0.8%) versus Ohio's (1.4%), while NY has done much better at testing than the rest of the country I don't think it accounts for, say, an order of magnitude's worth of difference. Applying their death rate to Ohio, our current 564 cases would actually be something like 982. E.g., we've turned away 418 people whose symptoms weren't severe enough to warrant one of our limited tests. Which is terrifying, and it means NY is testing about twice as many patients, but it's not like South Korea levels of testing.

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Another way to look at it by comparing death rates: If NY were only testing at Ohio levels then the country's overall 53,358 cases would only be 42,493. They've identify just under 11,000 people that wouldn't have been identify if they weren't testing so aggressively.


That's certainly a lot of tests. But again, not SK.

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Hospital near me is nearing capacity within their entire network. Not good.




And we've lost at least 3 employees in the US now. Statistically, there will be more.



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I've never been much of a worry type person but for some reason this shit has me shook to the core. It's just terrifying shit to have to wake up to every day and the nightmare gets worse every day.
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I've never been much of a worry type person but for some reason this shit has me shook to the core. It's just terrifying shit to have to wake up to every day and the nightmare gets worse every day.


I’m with you there. In the beginning I was all meh... now I’m like :no:

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I've never been much of a worry type person but for some reason this shit has me shook to the core. It's just terrifying shit to have to wake up to every day and the nightmare gets worse every day.


Thats a bummer man. Its a virus, not a boogeyman thats going to get you in the middle of the night.

Maybe I 'm not scared enough


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I've never been much of a worry type person but for some reason this shit has me shook to the core. It's just terrifying shit to have to wake up to every day and the nightmare gets worse every day.


Sucks man.


I've always tried to have the mindset that I can only control whats directly inside my sphere of influence. So I just focus on getting that as correct as possible. That tends to keep me mentally relaxed.



We'll get through this. The human race has survived much worse.

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We'll get through this. The human race has survived much worse.




Everything within my own personal world is literally falling apart because of this virus. What I do for a living has been effectively stopped and there is no real end in sight because even after restrictions are lifted the tidal wave from the economic impact will wreck the industry.


I'm not worried, I can only do my job the best I can. I've actually been tasked with trying to help save an area of our business. My role has been totally changed, being asked to do things I've never done before, but at least I have some control. I also know that what I'm doing is critical in not only saving my job, but that of several others.


These are tough times, you have to improvise, adapt, and overcome.

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I've never been much of a worry type person but for some reason this shit has me shook to the core. It's just terrifying shit to have to wake up to every day and the nightmare gets worse every day.


Don't watch documentary about Ebola outbreaks ...

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Not sure if this has been posted yet, but this is a great interactive map: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html


On that map, they have JUST started to update the US Recovered Cases. As of today, the US has a 1.45% Death Rate, based on the numbers there. However, this doesn't include the thousands of cases that were not reported and people have already recovered. I'm sure there have been many that already got it, didn't get tested, didn't go to the hospital, and were able to recover on their own. Of course we'll never know those numbers.

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Yeah, if this was a really deadly virus we'd be screwed. Even just moderately deadly, nothing near Ebola level.



Hopefully various states and local gov't WAKE UP and realize that while they were going after ICE and giving drivers licenses to illegals or calling themselves sanctuary cities, or worrying more about criminals than citizens or trying to paint Trump as a bad-man or figuring out more ways to give away our tax dollars they should have instead been working on preparing themselves and protecting their citizens for such a disaster and preparing their own citizens to be stronger themselves. That's the REAL job of Governors and local gov'ts. Time for them to actually LEAD!

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Hopefully various states and local gov't WAKE UP and realize that while they were going after ICE and giving drivers licenses to illegals or calling themselves sanctuary cities, or worrying more about criminals than citizens or trying to paint Trump as a bad-man or figuring out more ways to give away our tax dollars they should have instead been working on preparing themselves and protecting their citizens for such a disaster and preparing their own citizens to be stronger themselves. That's the REAL job of Governors and local gov'ts. Time for them to actually LEAD!


Yes, I'm sure all the red states are going to nail this one because they were focused on pandemic response.

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I wonder if the wanton waste of expired medical supplies is going to change in any way after all of this. I cringe to think how much PPE we (medical community) have thrown away over the years because they were a week past their expiration date. I know OH now has a strict 'don't throw away expired stuff' guideline going right now for obvious reasons.


I'd like to see this stuff tossed in some storage containers some where so that if this happens again, and it probably will, we won't be fretting over supplies during the first 2 weeks of the epidemic.

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Hopefully various states and local gov't WAKE UP and realize that while they were going after ICE and giving drivers licenses to illegals or calling themselves sanctuary cities, or worrying more about criminals than citizens or trying to paint Trump as a bad-man or figuring out more ways to give away our tax dollars they should have instead been working on preparing themselves and protecting their citizens for such a disaster and preparing their own citizens to be stronger themselves. That's the REAL job of Governors and local gov'ts. Time for them to actually LEAD!


LOL, just lol. Trump is no doubt a bad man and absolutely a bad leader. No painting required bud.


Yes, I'm sure all the red states are going to nail this one because they were focused on pandemic response.


No joke. I'll be itching for some examples of the pandemic response focused republican spending. No surprise, pulling "funds" from abortion providers is the go to right now, which is pure lol also.

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Quick story about how readily available tests are up here:


When we were told to WFH my coworker had a friend with a warehouse and a spare office space. So he moved in there so he wouldn't be home with his wife and kids during the day. Well, last week his friend gets sick and is tested and my coworker is told he can't leave the warehouse until the test results come back. Sunday night my coworker gets a fever, achy, tired, etc. It wasn't until mid day Monday when his friend got his positive test results for COVID-19. Despite him having symptoms and being in close proximity to someone that was positive, he was told that he wasn't getting a test unless he needs to be hospitalized. He's currently living in the warehouse until at least April 4th. His wife is 8 months pregnant and extremely pissed.


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk


I’m sorry to hear about your friend. Tell him while he waiting to get test, keep himself hydrated by drink a lot of warm water. Put a slice of lemon or lime in there if he has those. Take zinc supplements if he has. Do lungs excercises, breath deep, hold as long as he can, exhale as long as he can. But mainly stay warm and drink a lot of water. Wish him the best.

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I've always tried to have the mindset that I can only control whats directly inside my sphere of influence. So I just focus on getting that as correct as possible. That tends to keep me mentally relaxed.



We'll get through this. The human race has survived much worse.


Well said.

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I’m sorry to hear about your friend. Tell him while he waiting to get test, keep himself hydrated by drink a lot of warm water. Put a slice of lemon or lime in there if he has those. Take zinc supplements if he has. Do lungs excercises, breath deep, hold as long as he can, exhale as long as he can. But mainly stay warm and drink a lot of water. Wish him the best.
Thanks. Sounds like his fever is gone, but still has a massive headache, can't think straight, tired, and achy. Although that was yesterday and he's offline today. They'll never teat hom, unless he gets worse and has to be admitted to a hospital.


I did say to him that I had heard of people losing their sense of smell as an early symptom. He hadn't heard that, but laughed and said he lost all taste 2-3 days earlier.


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