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☆~Donald Trump 2020~☆


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Based on Biden's remarks that said be patient and continued on to praise our election system admired around the world......I will take that as he has no interest in trying to dismantle the electoral college system. Let's see should he win if he will hold to that statement over the next few years.
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Based on Biden's remarks that said be patient and continued on to praise our election system admired around the world......I will take that as he has no interest in trying to dismantle the electoral college system. Let's see should he win if he will hold to that statement over the next few years.


I would agree in the fact that he was coached/stayed on message much better than trump did (if Trump had a message outside of “they are cheating”.)


There is a part of me that kinda wants to see Trump burn this whole fucker down. It might be better for us in the end and maybe usher in a multi party option. The left is fractured and now the right will be as well. The way trump politics is viewed by many as effective. I don’t see the hardcore trumpers going away for the republicans.

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I would agree in the fact that he was coached/stayed on message much better than trump did (if Trump had a message outside of “they are cheating”.)


There is a part of me that kinda wants to see Trump burn this whole fucker down. It might be better for us in the end and maybe usher in a multi party option. The left is fractured and now the right will be as well. The way trump politics is viewed by many as effective. I don’t see the hardcore trumpers going away for the republicans.


I have little doubt there's cheating going on. Is it rampant, not likely, but it's there and in some areas more than others. Until it's a focus of lawmakers there's little we the people can directly do.


IMO one of the main reasons he was elected was his bombastic blowing of shit up and directness. I think half the country does and will continue to look for that. He attempted to do shit in a world where doing shit is more of an illusion. He focused on the country and people, listened to them and didn't talk down to his base. He accomplished a lot for many and got the ball rolling. Opened a lot of eyes wider and motivated more than most ever expected. Or maybe they did and they feared that. They being people on both sides of the isle.


To your point about a third party run, I think with him out if the two sides go back to their old ways it would be a mistake as I would put money on his supporters backing an independent now more than ever. Especially if he came back and pushed that. Who knows, when Barren is 18 and Melania moves on/if she does, he might be bored enough to make another run in 2024. :p

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The Repubs could absolutely kill it in 2024 if they could manage to find someone who isn't a career politician, AND, who also isn't an idiot (Trump...). They seriously had a great shot at doing this and, as usual, blew it. Now we're back to career politics which is the same shit everyone was so tired of in 2016.


Shit ain't gonna change.

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In the last few pages we've learned that Trump is a dick (Mace), an idiot (RedRocket), and someone who sometimes can't even act like an adult (Panduh). Which is strange, because here I've been told that not wanting an idiot asshole child to lead our country makes me an libtard crybaby with Trump Derangement Syndrome who only thinks that way because of a liberal echo chamber. I guess outside the echo chamber people just don't mind that Trump is an idiot asshole child?


Trump was never going to fix anything long term because Trump lacked the aptitude to do so. If you want to end the two-party system you need to support things like ranked choice voting and proportional representation, things that have actually been proven in real-world experiments monitored by, yes, experts in their fields, to have an effect. Things that, currently, to the best of my knowledge, only Democrats are experimenting with. Things that Trump was never going to be capable of pushing for because he doesn't know what they are, and doesn't care to learn. Trump only cares about things that benefit Donald J. Trump.


It is, of course, no surprise that the rats are now jumping ship. "Well it was worth a shot," say the people who let a bull loose in a china shop. But was it? In some ways things are going to go back to "normal," now -- Biden will undo all of Trump's executive actions and begin rebuilding the executive branch institutions that Trump tried to starve of leadership and resources. In other ways, things will never be the same. Will Biden comply with any congressional subpoenas for oversight of the executive branch? Why would he? Trump has shown that you don't have to. Will the next Republican president get any ounce of cooperation from a Democratic senate? Of course not.


Trump didn't start the political divisiveness in this country, but he amplified it in ways we've never seen before. And now that it looks like his era of dickish, childish, idiot-like behavior is over, the best we can get out of voters who enabled him is a shrug. Wonderful.



Out of curiosity, how have the markets reacted to a likely Biden victory, and why was everyone but Clay so wrong about it? Interesting, right?

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Out of curiosity, how have the markets reacted to a likely Biden victory, and why was everyone but Clay so wrong about it? Interesting, right?



honestly haven't followed the details in this thread, but IMO the markets short term won't change much. 2021 is set up to be a good year no matter who won. Dems will likely put forth the stimulus again borrowing from our grand kids and I'm sure they will look for some type of infrastructure bill and once the covid BS subsides volumes in things will return and will trend things upward.


I do however think if Biden rolls back things to the Obama years ways, so too will business but that's not likely going to happen the first half of next year if at all in 2021.


For now, I've left my investments to stay the course and have made out well.

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Dems will likely put forth the stimulus again borrowing from our grand kids and I'm sure they will look for some type of infrastructure bill and once the covid BS subsides volumes in things will return and will trend things upward.


In 2016 Trump promised to eliminate the national debt in 8 years. Instead it's grown the fastest under his presidency than any other president in history, almost 36% from 2017 to 2020 (projected increase of over $8.3 trillion, even before the full impact of COVID is realized) with no signs of slowing. But, please go on about how the Dems are the one's borrowing from our grandkids.


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Trump is a coarse man, no doubt. As much as I believe in libertarianism, I still couldn’t bring myself to vote against Trump. I am proud to have voted for him 3 times, he pisses people off, so what? If nothing else he is trying to do a job, right or wrong he’s making waves and that’s what the country needs. Shake things up and get things to move. He forces people to react and that forces changes.


Right now my short list of people I would vote for over Trump are, Ted Cruz, Dan Crenshaw, and Ron DeSantis. Those people are the future of the GOP, and if they are running I’ll continue to abandon the Libertarian party.

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In 2016 Trump promised to eliminate the national debt in 8 years. Instead it's grown the fastest under his presidency than any other president in history, almost 36% from 2017 to 2020 (projected increase of over $8.3 trillion, even before the full impact of COVID is realized) with no signs of slowing. But, please go on about how the Dems are the one's borrowing from our grandkids.


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Come on man, enough with common sense. Can’t tell anyone who’s in a cult otherwise.

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If nothing else he is trying to do a job, right or wrong he’s making waves and that’s what the country needs. Shake things up and get things to move. He forces people to react and that forces changes.


When you're talking about a new middle manager at a company, sure I would agree that someone coming in and "shaking things up," or making waves may be ok. The worst that could happen is the company's bottom line suffers and that middle manager eventually gets fired for poor performance.


But when it comes to a President who doesn't understand the full impact of the laws and regulations he's making/changing, which directly impact peoples lives, I wholeheartedly disagree.


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Trump is a coarse man, no doubt. As much as I believe in libertarianism, I still couldn’t bring myself to vote against Trump. I am proud to have voted for him 3 times, he pisses people off, so what? If nothing else he is trying to do a job, right or wrong he’s making waves and that’s what the country needs. Shake things up and get things to move. He forces people to react and that forces changes.


Have any of the waves Trump made advanced the likelihood of a 3rd party gaining ground? Has he pushed for ranked choice voting? Proportional representation?


There's a difference between making waves with a speedboat and just throwing a rock in the middle of the lake.

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. But, please go on about how the Dems are the one's borrowing from our grandkids.


You are leading with emotion and reading into my post. I didn't imply spending was one sided. You've followed me here and know I believe in smaller govt and less spending not more.




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There's a difference between making waves with a speedboat and just throwing a rock in the middle of the lake.


Most politicians won’t even pick up a rock and think about throwing it in the lake.


Here’s a fact you guys can’t deny, everybody hates one side or the other if they care about politics in the least.


My opinion, things won’t get much better in our government without things getting much worse. Pretty sure both side realize it, and neither side gives a shit about debt when they’re working towards a reset.


The illuminati are ready to start over.

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I didn’t know being an adult and moving on from a political loss / victory was seen as “a rat jumping ship”.


I’m not jumping anywhere my guy. If Trump doesn’t burn this fucker down in the process with the courts, I’m still here, still have the same morals and thoughts about how things should work in this country. There have always been aspects of Trump that I didn’t like. You will find that in many past posts.

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I think the markets are reacting to the fact that we won’t lose the senate. 2022 is looking to be a bloodbath for the Dems and joe may have republican house and senate for his final 2 years.


Basically I’m not worried because he won’t be able to do anything. Which I’m fine with. It gives the GOP time to solidify who the future of the party will be and in 2024 we will be looking at the oldest man to ever be president try to debate a younger, well spoken, possibly black, charismatic person running against him. “The party of racism” bullshit won’t be the dog whistle it was this time around...

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I think the markets are reacting to the fact that we won’t lose the senate. 2022 is looking to be a bloodbath for the Dems and joe may have republican house and senate for his final 2 years.


Basically I’m not worried because he won’t be able to do anything. Which I’m fine with. It gives the GOP time to solidify who the future of the party will be and in 2024 we will be looking at the oldest man to ever be president try to debate a younger, well spoken, possibly black, charismatic person running against him. “The party of racism” bullshit won’t be the dog whistle it was this time around...


Sign me up for some Candace Owens.

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The most dangerous Republican candidate would be one who can at least feign some appearance of honesty, decency, and some consideration for American citizens as a whole.


Also, not being fucking Ted Cruz would be an enormous asset to any future GOP candidate.

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greg ..if you can find it I've said many time trump should stay off twitter and stfu. He was president but still acted as if he was in the private world.


Yes, he was a dick but did some great things, which I'm afraid sleepy and cameltoe will undo

such as making other pay more into nato, help black communities, and easing restrictions on businesses, among other things.


He was crass and not pc but was never a racist as portrayed by the left and media.

At least I can admit the way I felt about him instead of all the left leaning fools who believe this new dem class will be wonderful.


Also, people say I'm a dick for speaking my mind the way I do but that's a different topic.

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greg ..if you can find it I've said many time trump should stay off twitter and stfu. He was president but still acted as if he was in the private world.


No I know, you and lots of people have said "Boy, I sure wish he would just get off Twitter!" As if his hateful and ignorant thoughts weren't the problem, but the fact that he was saying them out loud was.

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