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Triple Nickel Ride This Saturday the 6th


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QFT. Ohio has bountiful beautiful roads to carve and they aren't all in Coshocton.. despite numerous citations to the affirmative. :rolleyes:

True' date=' but I've noticed there's a HUGE clump of them in/around Coshocton.

so ill have to tell the girlfriend shes not allowed to wear the sheep outfit no more??? ross will be saddened by this news cuz he was looking forward to waking up in the middle of the night to see us playing Ole' McDonald, while at the races (he is bunking in the 2nd queen bed in our room):wtf:

we try to have a good time, i wanted so bad to get to gregggggggg's key and throw it across the road at a stop light haha :eek:

:lol: HAWT!

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555 is not a ride for inexperienced riders. Assume there is gravel in every corner..because you'll be right 80% of the time.

It is a very technical road. I rode it for the first time a few weeks back, and although the last 20 miles to the border was better than the first 40 miles, I have no desire to ride it again...for the simple fact that you spend so much time watching out for gravel that you can't enjoy the ride.

If you truly want to enjoy your ride, I'd pick a different highway.

Well that doesn't sound pleasant :( Anyone ridden SR 78 from Nelsonville to the state line?

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i know one corner inya doesnt like in coshocton... sorry had too.

So I hear you guys made a memorial visit to Shingina Alley?

Actually, that corner makes my point. The whole ride that day, I was feeling pretty good. On the way back, I hit that corner pretty hot because I was carving everything up I saw. I hadn't run into any gravel before then.....and when I did I freaked out. I learned a lot that day. Now...just imagine every corner having gravel in it, and having to deal with CRAZY INSANE elevation changes and blind corners an 90 degree switchbacks..all in the same corner.

I would never...ever....ever...take an inexperienced rider on 555. Not because of the techincal aspect..but because of the safety issues re: the gravel.

I might be in over protective asshole mode, but please...if you have a mix of riders, find another road.

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Well that doesn't sound pleasant :( Anyone ridden SR 78 from Nelsonville to the state line?

I haven't quite made it all the way to the end of 78, and have been thinking of riding it. I've gone past the end of it on 7 at the river, and went down to Marietta and came back North. I'd rather find another road going West instead to return on, or just turn around and ride 78 back. Dunno yet, but I can hear it calling me. Working on it.

I wish it crossed the river and kept on going in Pennsylvania.

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So I hear you guys made a memorial visit to Shingina Alley?

thats my cousins house right there.

that corner usually doesnt have gravel in it, but it does have a small bump in it that i hate. adn i usually slow ppl down on that corner for that reason.

atleast ur ok and can look back on it as a learning experience.

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thats my cousins house right there.

that corner usually doesnt have gravel in it, but it does have a small bump in it that i hate. adn i usually slow ppl down on that corner for that reason.

atleast ur ok and can look back on it as a learning experience.

I think your cousin was in shock while I was laying on the ground with my leg split open, asking people if they had any salad to go with the meat, and telling Randy to get a camera and take some pictures. I remember overhearing them behind me, saying 'Did he just say what i thought he said?"

I made it a point to head back down there last year and take a picture with the tree. I talked to them and let them know I was OK. They seemed to think I wasn't gonna be riding again anytime soon. HAH!!


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haha suprised they werent talking pics and shit for furture laughs they are some crazy mofo's. especially when we were younger he and i and the fam did some stupid shit out on their farm haha

remember them ????


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Sorry Inya, I might have to disagree with you just a little about them not going on this ride.

555 is a destination road, most of us have ridden it because it's a destination road. It holds something different for everyone. There are people riding cruisers, Goldwings, sport bikes and Harleys on it. Everyone riding it has a different skill level and riding experience. Some people start out with liter bikes and don't actually kill themselves. It's up to the person riding it to decide their own risk level. The road is no joke and can bite anyone at any time but not trying it is just not an option once you know about it. Are there better options for inexperienced riders, most certainly and kudos to you for making them aware of the dangers of this road.

I think the road is fun as hell and wish it was closer to home but I can also see how some would not like it.

My warnings for the road are that it seemed to have about five to eight miles of dirty road and I mean every corner, left, right and the middle of the road. Watch out for tar snakes and assume most right handers have gravel in them. Ride within your skill level and come home safe.

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Why don't you like 555 and not to be retarded but what does sheep mean?

The three year anniversary picture hunt doesn't sound like very much fun. I'd rather be riding somewhere....


The winners last year rode more in one day than you and I rode combined all year... it is absolutely about riding.. period

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You make a valid point Tod, but if I was to ever ride that road again, I wouldn't do it with an inexperienced rider. I had fun, don't get me wrong. but if it were me, and it's not me , so take it for what it's worth, I wouldn't lead a group down 555 with newbies in tow. Much better options in Southern Ohio for newbie riders.

As much as I hate on Ohio since moving here, the south part of the state has some awesome roads for riding. I even second guess taking my bike back up to MI, because the roads up there (at least in SE MI) can't compare.

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Sorry Inya, I might have to disagree with you just a little about them not going on this ride.

555 is a destination road, most of us have ridden it because it's a destination road. It holds something different for everyone. There are people riding cruisers, Goldwings, sport bikes and Harleys on it. Everyone riding it has a different skill level and riding experience. Some people start out with liter bikes and don't actually kill themselves. It's up to the person riding it to decide their own risk level. The road is no joke and can bite anyone at any time but not trying it is just not an option once you know about it. Are there better options for inexperienced riders, most certainly and kudos to you for making them aware of the dangers of this road.

I think the road is fun as hell and wish it was closer to home but I can also see how some would not like it.

My warnings for the road are that it seemed to have about five to eight miles of dirty road and I mean every corner, left, right and the middle of the road. Watch out for tar snakes and assume most right handers have gravel in them. Ride within your skill level and come home safe.

I agree. It's a road you have to ride at least once to say you've rode it and to see what everyones talking about.

Just take it easy your first time down it, experienced or not.

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