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Nice day for a ride to the lake - 06/06/09


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Met up with Kevin (r1crusher) and Steve (RVTPilot) to head over to N. Marginal road on the lakefront for an "exotic car show". The car show was kind of a bust - a couple of old Ferraris, a wicked Supra, a late model GT40 (probably the best piece of automobile machinery there), some BMWs, some Audis, a 1972 Lotus, and a Viper... nothing outrageously exotic.

Met up with a couple of DESMOHIO guys, and OR member Likwid - went to a ride through Willoughby Hills / North Chagrin area, grabbed some Chipotle, and headed back to the west side. Nice little ride...










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My, aren’t we narcissistic, where are the car pictures? I want to see the GT.

We were there 5 minutes before he rolled out... didn't even start snapping photos until right before we were going to leave. But, if it makes you feel any better... here is almost exactly what it looked like. Except it was black without a racing stripe (I think?) :D


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Ohh, and BTW, for the DTC guys, just wanted to mention that I actually SAW a castle today. Squires Castle is off River Rd. Yeeeeeea!! :D

@Lost1888: That was the first time I've ridden to the "east side". 174 was a nice little jaunt, but the houses on Rt 87.... my. gawd. I would guess in the $2M-$3M range.

Quite the difference from E 55th.

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Ohh, and BTW, for the DTC guys, just wanted to mention that I actually SAW a castle today. Squires Castle is off River Rd. Yeeeeeea!! :D

@Lost1888: That was the first time I've ridden to the "east side". 174 was a nice little jaunt, but the houses on Rt 87.... my. gawd. I would guess in the $2M-$3M range.

Quite the difference from E 55th.

Some of them are well beyond the single digit millions. I have landscaped in this are since I was 13 and have worked at many of the house you have seen. It's amazing! There is some alright roads over here but the speed limits are low and traffic can be annoying on the weekends. You take what your given I guess. I was over in Rocky River today and the park has a couple nice turns. I know just about every crack and pothole on 174 and all the surrounding roads. It's actually kinda sad:(

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The Daisy Hill area, surrounded by the white fence, has some absolutely amazing homes. It's all private back in there and the police are not very friendly. Learner's house is on the north side of 87 west of chagrin river up the hill, dual gated driveway, was sold a couple years back. Something like 6 mill. The driveway stone was sent in from I don't remember where. Just the landscaping alone is insane! When my oldest now 13 was little he used to ask me to drive by the house with 6 chimneys. My wife and I still laugh to this day because when you drive by you can't see anything with all the mature trees they planted almost 10 years ago now. I miss working at places like that. The things you would see.

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You guys rode in my part of the town and I missed it.....nice pictures JRMMii........had some guests......

went to the Watami Japanese Seafood Buffet next to the Parma town mall.......$8.99 all you can eat sushi and hot food......if you like sushi...check that place out.....

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Not always...you will see the sushi made in front of you so you will see the ingredinets........:D....


we went to a place called Blue Canyon in Twinsburg for dinner....it is a upscale hip joint......I ordered a gourmet burger for fifteen bucks.....yack (I told them medium and it was served crunchy well done :eek:)......I was so disappointed.....our english ivy 7.95 burger......was even waaaay better......

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