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Ride Report - 06/13/09 (Christian Sportbike Ride)


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CSBA Ride 06/13/09

Hey Guys,

Sorry for the delay in providing my write up on this, but better late than never. ;-)

Overall I think the ride was a success with only a few misunderstandings/mishaps or whatever you want to call them. We left Columbus about 9:30 am and headed out for gas then 33. We divided up into two groups, a fast group and slower group. 11 bikes total 7 in the faster group and 4 in the slower group. Fast group hit 78 off of 33 and slow group hit 22 to 37 to 78 off of 33 so w could meet up at a Marathon in McConnellsville. The fast group that held up on 78 for 20 mins or so due to construction, so I would suggest missing that little section if you plan on riding 78. Anyway, we left McConnellsville and cont on 78 till we got to 145 which we took north to Beallsville. Slow group got there about 30 mins or so after the fast group cause we had to stop to fast again. The Beallsville diner was a good spot to eat they just don’t take credit cards so bring cash. From that point we continued east on 556 to 7. 556 was a nice road as well. We stopped for gas in Hannibal and then it 536 going north. There was like 40 Harleys and cruisers heading south on 536 at the same time together so it was probably some ride they had. Everyone waived which was cool. Anyway, to the hiccups/mishaps or whatever they where…..on 536 there is a stop sign and you can either turn left or right. Doug and I made it to that sign and looked left and there was a sign that said 536 so instead of waiting for the two folks behind us we continued on to the next stop sign at 78. We waited there for about 15 to 20 mins and the other two folks didn’t show so we headed back down 536 fearing the worst. Midway through 536 I felt my phone ring and though it had to be either John (who put the ride together) or Ben (who was part of the slow group that day). Turns out it was Ben. He and Jess, were where behind Doug and I, took a right at the stop sign on 536 and ended up on Rt 7 again by the river. After Doug and I went back we ended up being about 10 mins down Rt 7 from Ben and Jess. I’m glad Doug and I went back to check things out (lessons learned on this trip). Once we all got in the same place we discussed the trip back. Ben and Doug wanted to cross into WV to say we did it and I wanted to hit 800 back to 78. Jess didn’t really care as long as we didn’t take to long to get back to Columbus. So we crossed the bridge to WV on 7 snapped a couple pics and headed to 800. 800 wasn’t bad as far as gravel or anything like that, but it needed to be repaved something terrible. The road was really rough….it we had more time I would have taken us to 26 over to Marietta, but it was about 5 or so and we where about 2 hours + from Columbus. Instead we took 800 to 78 to 77 to 70. I have to say the 77 and 70 are extremely BORING!!!! I almost fell asleep on the way back. J

Anyway I learned some stuff on this ride that I’ll take with me going forward:

  • This was my first time leading a group (I’m glad my first time was only with 4 people – leading a group that is….I know how some of your minds are. J ), didn’t really like that but it was an experience.
  • Things that are obvious to you are always obvious to those following you
  • If you are part of a larger group, ask detail questions about meeting places
  • Get details on meeting areas and expected times of arrival
  • Stop at all stop signs
  • Make sure you get at least some of the cell numbers of the folks in your group – Glad you took my Ben or else we would have never found you
  • Always go back to get those that maybe left behind….its a sick feeling not seeing everyone in the group you where leading
  • Do more solo riding. J j/k kidding, but not really LOL!!!
  • Do more group leading with folks that ride like you
  • Have a good time no matter if you get lost or know exactly where your going
  • Grab a map or GPS
  • Have the fun of getting lost is getting back home on roads you didn’t plan on riding that day.
  • The Katana handles all day trips with a breeze and loves the twisties!!
  • Thank the Future Wifey for letting you use her bike while yours is in the shop

Well, I think that about covers it. Thanks to all the Ohio-Riders who came out, I know you had a good time! Hope you can make the next one….and for those who’ll be in the slow group (if we have one), I’ll be a better leader the next…..you caught me being a brand new leader, but I appreciate your patience. J

Pics link below:


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Ebon........I should have gone, and maybe could have helped the confusion a little. Maybe next time.


It would have nice....we made it through with a learning experience so its all good. I think John said you recomended the Lunch spot, it so great choice. Good food and friendly staff. If we do the two groups again and i have to lead, i'll be more prepared (It was a last second decision for me to lead)....good news is everyone made it back without any major issues.


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Nice write up. You all covered a lot of the roads I wish I could live by. To have that type of riding out my driveway would be heaven. Most importantly there were no mishaps.

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The Beallsville diner was a good spot to eat they just don’t take credit cards so bring cash.

HAHA, thanks for helping with my bill! I felt like a dick trying to hand over a credit card and the lady looked at me like she had never seen one before.

I thought Saturday went really well. It was probably the best group ride I have ever been on and was well organized. I was in the fast group and although we were flying, I never felt as if I was being pushed too hard. I have followed some crazy people in the past and that wasn't too fun. I was the last person in our group to get off the highway on the way back...Hilliard is ALL the way on the other side of town and I was happy to get off the bike when I got there.

Edited by Bkizz
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I would like to go on one of these rides, I just don't think I'm quite ready for that long of a ride! Maybe I will be by the next one! I'll be watching for the map for the next one, although with my luck it will be the weekend that I'm taking the BRC! LOL

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HAHA, thanks for helping with my bill! I felt like a dick trying to hand over a credit card and the lady looked at me like she had never seen one before.

I thought Saturday went really well. It was probably the best group ride I have ever been on and was well organized. I was in the fast group and although we were flying, I never felt as if I was being pushed too hard. I have followed some crazy people in the past and that wasn't too fun. I was the last person in our group to get off the highway on the way back...Hilliard is ALL the way on the other side of town and I was happy to get off the bike when I got there.

Glad you made it back good. Dont worry about lunch man its all good. :-)

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