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6/20 or 6/21 Ride


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Well I'm home early (not by choice) and I'll tell about my day. I decided to meet up with everyone in Barnesville since I didn't want to ride North then turn South right back past my own house. No sooner than I get on Rt800 2 FJR's appear in my mirrors then we come to a stop at a traffic light. I let them go passed me when it turned green and decided to follow them and see what kind of pace they would set. They were rolling at about 80 indicated (72 actual on my bike) and were riding pretty good. When we got to 22 I decided to go around and see if they would keep pace. Both of them did pretty well till we started hitting some more of the curvy sections on 800 and 1 of them fell completely out of my mirrors and the other fell back about 1/4 mile or so. Where 800 runs parallel with I70 I slowed to about 40 MPH and waited for them to catch up. First 1 then the other were both in my rear view again by the time I reached the bridge to cross the interstate. I then just cruised up to the Certified station in Barnesville and they followed me in. It turn out the 2 guys are brothers and I told them about the group coming down and they could join us if they liked. 1 of them got a call from his wife and she wanted to go now so he turned around and road all the way back to Cleve to pick her up.

Slowly but surly the rest of the riders started showing up and at about 10:45 there must have been around 22 bikes there. I met some of the CORE folks and everyone seemed pretty friendly for sure, 1 real nice guy with a "english accent" ( sorry I'm horrible with names) I thought there would be about 8 or 10 bikes max and this sure was a surprise to me with all these folks. Personally I don't like doing sport rides with these many bikes on public roads as I think it's very hard to keep everyone together and some might feel "the pressure" to try and keep pace. I told a couple of them I was going to get a jump so I could take photo's of everyone riding by so I hit the road. I guess I should have asked what way they were going South because I sat on a guard rail for about 1/2 hour waiting for everyone to come flying by. Then I started thinking about it and I say to myself there is no way in Hell they turned off on 148, as I passed that intersection there was a construction sign that read "lose gravel" so they couldn't have went that way.. Yep they sure did. So I just continued South on 800 till I got in Woodsfield then it was on to 78 to the most excellent RT 536. I was taking it pretty easy on my first pass to check for gravel, grass, dead wildlife, ext and I come up on the corner that the group I rode with last Sat stopped to take photo's and I see a bunch of bikes parked on the curb. I'm thinking cool everyone stopped at this same place again to take some photo's. Well it turns out 1 of them over cooked the corner and ran off,, ( Again sorry, I'm horrible with names) I stopped to check out the situation and luckily the guy was not hurt at all (physically) but he broke off his left clip on and there was no way he was riding the bike out. The bike is a very nice CBR 1000 R with a Arata Exhaust and besides the clip on it didn't look to bad. Nobody else was offering the guy a ride I decided to "gay it up" and give him a ride back. He did do something really smart, trailered his bike to Bolivar instead of squaring off his tires riding down from Mentor on the interstate. So 100 or so miles later we arrive at the DQ in Bolivar and I drop him off at his truck. I already live 20 miles South of there and told him if he ran into any problems to call me and I would go and help him out. So far no phone call. He even paid to have my gas tank filled up when we stopped on the trip back and that was not necessary at all. I still had a pretty fun day and everyone I have met from here so far has been great and I have enjoyed every ride I have participated in so far.

The rider himself will have to clue everyone in as to what happened because I was not a witness to it or even in the vicinity. I hope the rest of the ride was great for everyone and I can't wait to do the next one.


PS I'll load up some pics tomorrow

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sorry i wasn't there to help out. i turned around at the bottom of 536 with bambam when the cbr1000rr didn't show up, but i got stuck behind a couple cars, so by the time i was halfway through 536, a couple people had already passed me on the other side telling me to turn around and go back, so i did.

i was the one in front of him down 536, so i hope it wasn't anything i did. the first mile or so, i kept my eye out for him since i wasn't sure if he had ridden the road before, and it seemed like he was keeping up just fine, so i went back to paying attention to the road in front of me (536 scares the crap out of me, so it was hard for me to look at my mirrors).

it sounded like the damage was minimal and better yet, he was unhurt, so i'm glad.

minus that, the ride was pretty awesome. got to meet some new people, meet up with people i haven't seen in a while, and ride some new (terrifying) roads. man, 255 was in great shape... too bad it's so damn scary.

all in all a great ride.

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Overall I had a pretty good day besides the little get off. Don't worry Jbot nothing you did at all. I felt pretty good through out my little session. I just lost focus at the wrong time and the dreaded target fixation cost me some asphalt time. 536 is a crazy ass road. I have never ridden a road like that. That total switchback and probably double apex took me by surprise :eek:. The main thing is I walked away with a couple bruises. Plastic and clip-ons can be replaced.

Mark thanks again for the ride back to Bolivar.

I enjoyed meeting everyone also. When I get her fixed I'd love to come down again. Hopefully the wife doesn't flip out too much and make me get rid of it :(.

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Isaac's P could you possibly get me the contact info for the leader of the 3rd group. They were 2 up not sure what make? They let me borrow there disc lock while I went to fetch the truck. I would like to mail it back to them. Thanks.

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Oh by the way I was videotaping when we were on 536 and my wipeout is on there. Should also have some cool footage of Jbot. Probably take me some time to edit it down but I'll try and post up when I get a chance.

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It was quite a turnout. We left Bolivar with 10 bikes split into a fast group & slow group. We rode a moderate pace to Barnesville where we picked up 6-8 more and 2 more after that. We wound up with 3 or 4 groups. Most continued to Hannibal where we regrouped at a gas station & plotted our courses home. I logged a little over 400 miles for the day.

I wasn't in the group with the get off, but there are a couple tricky turns on 536, including a 15mph right hander. Many 15 mph turns you can take 2-3 times the posted speed, but this one is really a 15mph turn. It's a decreasing radius that closes up after you're committed... http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=28843

Edited by Tpoppa
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Well.. I'm spent. I just finished splitting a pitcher of frozen Margarita with the Mrs.. I'm tipsy' date=' tired and horny. Maybe I can persuade a little back door action. ;) That sure would finish this day nicely.[/quote']



Great to hear that you guys had a fun day.....and the spill wasn't that bad...

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The Pics.

Here is the 2 FJR's I picked up on the ride to Branesville.


Here people start showing up, the couple on the SV & VFR were on there way to VA.




This is everyone that I know of.


This is the corner on RT800 I was waiting for everyone to come flying by.. It didn't happen thanks to me not asking anyone what route they were taking South :o


Looking up hill here.


The damage to the CBR, this is the worst of it and it looked like a pretty easy fix to me.


Hopefully someone else will post of some photo's of what I missed on the rest of the ride. I still had a great time and will be doing more of these rides in the future.


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Isaac's P could you possibly get me the contact info for the leader of the 3rd group. They were 2 up not sure what make? They let me borrow there disc lock while I went to fetch the truck. I would like to mail it back to them. Thanks.

Isaac's P actually now that I ran everything through my head it might of been the lady that was riding with Pat that gave me the disc lock. Could you ask her if it was and get her info and I'll mail. Thanks man.

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I forgot tomorrow is father's day. My dad is in Alaska so all he gets is a phone call. Can't you put your kids in a bag and strap them to the back like Uncle Punk does? My fur kids are at grandma shitty's house for the week. Maybe you can stop by and give them hugs for me.

If I strap the kids to the back of the bike I would have to staple the goggles to their head like Punk does with his child.

How is grandma shitty doing? I didn't get a chance to see her last time G was up because I went to the wrong house. Hah.

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Mark.. it was very cool of you to ride him back to Bolivar. I didn't think my 748 would be up to the task. About 3-4 weeks ago I had to ferry Jbot back from Bellaire to Mentor and just about lost the rear a couple times. The downed rider is a lot larger than Jbot so I figured it was a bad idea. I rode to the gas station to see if anybody had a good '2 up' bike but people were saying you had already offered to take him. Again.. very cool of you.

So.. the rest of the ride went well and without mishap. After lunch at the Sububway we headed up 255 to 800. 255 makes 536 look like a fucking joke' date=' in my opinion. I attempted to keep BamBam(Bill, red Supersport) in my sights but that was futile. After a couple near misses I decided to just relax and enjoy the ride. I let Brian(red R6), Pat(yellowZX6) and Jinu(red 998) go past and they also left my field of vision in short order.

I felt really good on 800, 556 and 78 but 536 really got under my skin. I haven't seen that road in that bad of shape ever. Ousley was right.. it's rough. Once I hit 255 and scared the pee out of myself I just laid low and swayed back and forth. I guess it was just one of those days.

Pretty short day.. we got home around 6 o'clock and only put down 330 miles. I'll take it, though.[/quote']

You made it back in one piece..and you had fun riding...so it sounds like a great day to me.

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Wow, sounds like I missed a (mostly) great ride.

Rob, really sorry to hear about the mishap, especially since I know how pristine you kept that CBR. Just glad to hear you're ok.

Now I'm really wanting to get in on one of these. I'd really like to ride 536 again (without my wife on the back), and it sounds like 255 is definitely worth checking out. Hopefully I'll have a free weekend when another one of these happens.

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us guys up north are going to have a get us a trailer so rob can tow us down with him when he goes to bolivar. i've briefly considered doing the same thing before, but it didn't quite strike me as to just how much better it is to do it that way until i saw him rolling in on his truck, all comfy and tires not squared off.

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Skrew and I trailered to Bolivar once 5 or 6 years ago. Honestly, it was more of a PITA than anything. If you can't handle the ride to Bolivar, you prolly aren't going to dig the 300-400 mile loop through SE OH anyway.

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If I had the option, and there was a need for other bikes, I would rather trailer than spend more than an hour riding on boring highway flat spotting my tires...just to get to the start of the ride. 400 miles in a day is what I'm used to when hitting the back roads.....so that part isn't the problem. If I had a more comfortable bike..it probably wouldn't be an issue.

Would I *not* ride because I didn't have a trailer? No. If the option was there would I take advantage of it? Probably. Especially if you have a mechanical failure...or a brain failure and god forbid you go down. Having that trailer somewhat nearby is worth it.

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Would I *not* ride because I didn't have a trailer? No. If the option was there would I take advantage of it? Probably. Especially if you have a mechanical failure...or a brain failure and god forbid you go down. Having that trailer somewhat nearby is worth it.

Yeah having my truck fairly close by this past weekend was money. I'll definitely truck it down again to Bolivar when the bike gets fixed. 200 miles for me round trip on the highway to Bolivar is just not my idea of a good time. I'd rather keep fresh for 300+ miles of actually good riding.

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I hope you get your bike all back together quick Rob.

Wow, sounds like I missed a (mostly) great ride.

Rob, really sorry to hear about the mishap, especially since I know how pristine you kept that CBR. Just glad to hear you're ok.

Thanks guys. I just got bruised up some. The bike would of been mostly ok but when it slid across the road on it's right side and hit the grass a peg stuck or something and flipped it on it's other side. Broke the clip-on and clutch lever clear off. The front cowl is broken in a couple places and the right and left cowl are scratched pretty good. I think when it landed on it's left side it took the biggest hit at the clip-on but when the tail section hit it actually bent it some also. Definitely an insurance claim to get her fixed.

Lost1888 you hear anything good or bad about western reserve Honda. If i'm going to claim I definitely want all OEM parts so she looks good as new with 13000+ miles and one get off.

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