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Those of you with penises


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and @Fonz, I didn't have to join her social group to go look at her photobucket album...

She must've changed it then......'Cause now it says you must be a member to view her club

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Like I said in the other thread........ At least she's postin' pix & not just bein' a tease about it

I'd rather have a hooker than a stripper......Gonna spend the same $$ anyways....Might as well get some lovin' outta the deal, without all the drama!

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Like I said in the other thread........ At least she's postin' pix & not just bein' a tease about it

I'd rather have a hooker than a stripper......Gonna spend the same $$ anyways....Might as well get some lovin' outta the deal, without all the drama!

hey btw speaking of hookers, we had a little discussion around the camp fire after a few beers about whats better a dead hooker of a dead hooker on ice??

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Attention whores just bug the shit outta me I guess. And alot of other people on here too.... When I see a girl that does that kind of crap, it makes me want to do the exact opposite because they don't deserve the attention.

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hey btw speaking of hookers, we had a little discussion around the camp fire after a few beers about whats better a dead hooker of a dead hooker on ice??

Now thats the kind of question Mr. Anderson should be posting.

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Seriously, what kind of an up tight attention whoring prick comes in and starts a thread about someone else being an attention whore. I'm sorry was someone walking on your grass, lighten up Francis. I must have missed the memo that stated you decide what is appropriate subject matter to be posted? I must be slow but what I have seen are appropriate threads posted in the correct areas. Only a fool would try to set a limit to how much attention someone gets. Most posts are made to get a response from another member, if you don't like someone responding to a post STFU and move on. These things have a way of working themselves out usually with much hilarity. Why would one uptight ignorant attention whore be any better than an overly friendly desperate attention whore?

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Seriously, what kind of an up tight attention whoring prick comes in and starts a thread about someone else being an attention whore. I'm sorry was someone walking on your grass, lighten up Francis. I must have missed the memo that stated you decide what is appropriate subject matter to be posted? I must be slow but what I have seen are appropriate threads posted in the correct areas. Only a fool would try to set a limit to how much attention someone gets. Most posts are made to get a response from another member, if you don't like someone responding to a post STFU and move on. These things have a way of working themselves out usually with much hilarity. Why would one uptight ignorant attention whore be any better than an overly friendly desperate attention whore?

It was hardly a call for attention to myself. I'll totally admit it was a call for attention to what's happening around here. There are off topic areas for off topic discussions, true, but remember the basis of this site is "For motorcyclists in and around Ohio." If you come here for that, welcome! And you're more than welcome to talk about whatever random things you want. But just because you own a motorcycle or ride a motorcycle, that doesn't automatically mean that was your purpose in joining (sara_rides). If you come here because you are trying to give blue balls to everyone you can so you feel better about yourself, I'm not going to welcome you and neither is the majority of the site, as shown by her neg rep she so quickly put together.

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for the love of gawd, can we stop comparing the attention whore to sara_rides? Sara is the fiancee of a pretty well known member here. She is alot higher class lady than the aforementioned attention whore.

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Well would it make you happy if I posted pix of my moobies?:lol:

I believe there is an appropriate thread for that as well... http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=30619

I believe there was some sort of movement to name the thread "Boys dreaming of seeing OR naked chick pictures, but secretly wanting the cock, and instead getting nasty pics of non-OR people from the interwebz" due to its complete failure to produce produce pics of OR people... sooo if you feel compelled, you might just make this thread legit!

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My first course of action would be to keep the Intro threads clean. I would like to ban the next person that posts "Show Me Your Tits" in an intro. Like we want that to be the first impression she has and how she may be treated on the board.

As far as RedRidingHood goes the reports have been made. So there is no need to look in that direction. We now need to decide where we want this group to go. As far a people being annoyed about posts. Report them. How hard is it to click an icon and type that you think is wrong with a post.

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I believe there is an appropriate thread for that as well... http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=30619

I believe there was some sort of movement to name the thread "Boys dreaming of seeing OR naked chick pictures, but secretly wanting the cock, and instead getting nasty pics of non-OR people from the interwebz" due to its complete failure to produce produce pics of OR people... sooo if you feel compelled, you might just make this thread legit!

Well I'd hate for all the homo's to start drooling and then get jealous of the sheep since they get to play with said moobies. Yes jagr and kawi, I'm talking about you:p

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My first course of action would be to keep the Intro threads clean. I would like to ban the next person that posts "Show Me Your Tits" in an intro. Like we want that to be the first impression she has and how she may be treated on the board.

As far as RedRidingHood goes the reports have been made. So there is no need to look in that direction. We now need to decide where we want this group to go. As far a people being annoyed about posts. Report them. How hard is it to click an icon and type that you think is wrong with a post.

I'm reporting this post.:D

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