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cop slams eldery lady with knife


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The threat was handled appropriately for the situation. The woman holding the knife could have been shot justifiably. The police didn't have the time to make a diagnosis of her mental capacity and acted swiftly for their own and others safety. Proper training took over and no one was hurt except the bad guy, I call that a success.

Knowing after the fact that the woman has Alzheimer’s makes their actions even more appropriate. I don't know how much time many of you have spent around Alzheimer’s patients but violence and irrational behavior are very common. Her care givers are at fault here for giving her access to the knife and for not supervising her. Stupid hurts no matter what your age is. I do feel sorry for her and regret she was put in the situation for which she was not responsible if she truly suffers from Alzheimer’s.

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An entire gaggle of welfare addled imbeciles is standing around judging the cop's actions and causing a bigger scene, prompting the ultimate mass response from other WPD and CPD officers.

Did I miss anything with the facts?

My assessment, after 13 years in law enforcement:

Yeah... does you 13 years experience tell you for a "fact" that the bystanders were on welfare...? If so, WHAT abut them make them welfare-addled or imbeciles? Please, do tell?:p

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I hear that she has Alzheimer disease. Which I know all too much about. Feel very sorry for the woman, but chances are she will probably not even remember the event. But, on the other hand, I think that the police officer went over the top! I know that they have to be able to control a situation, but damn!!! I am sure that there will be issues over this. Wonder how things will play out. I live in Whitehall, so I know that area well! I am sure that Wall Mart is not on the top 10 list, at all.

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ehhh, that was a simple take down without much force used...

Not that I'd want my feet kicked out from under me either. No thanks.

Whitehall actually has lower crime than most of the rest of Franklin County.

At least it was that way before the WalMart moved in, geez...

Watch your back when there, I see the weirdest crap in that parking lot.

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Yeah... does you 13 years experience tell you for a "fact" that the bystanders were on welfare...? If so, WHAT abut them make them welfare-addled or imbeciles? Please, do tell?:p

10 young men hanging around on a tuesday afternoon asking for change "or trying to demand it" hahaha:violin:

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:lol: I dunno why, but I laughed my ass off at that.

What's funny is he is probably gonna presume I mean it's because he is (half) black, when in fact it is because he is holding a firearm.

And that right there is what it all comes down to.

As far as the welfare issue, have you been to a Wal Mart at 10:30 in the morning? You got two crowds there, soccer moms / MILFs and worthless dredges on society. I watched the video. I didn't see any minivans or hot moms walking through there, thus I must conclude the audience was composed of shitheads, losers, fucktards, and assmooks. Oh, and douchemongers. Can't forget the douchemongers.

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Some one called the police because the woman was brandishing a knife.

The police have an obligation to respond.

The police respond to find some elderly nitwit holding a knife, with reports that she has threatened others with it.

The police ask her several times to put it down and she refuses.

She gets put down so as to disarm her.

She almost immediately gets medical treatment summoned by the police.

An entire gaggle of welfare addled imbeciles is standing around judging the cop's actions and causing a bigger scene, prompting the ultimate mass response from other WPD and CPD officers.

Did I miss anything with the facts?

LEO with a gun asks you nicely to put down the knife and you didn't?

+1 what he said


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Nothing about that crowd screams 'welfare'. I guess I don't properly know how to classify someone on welfare...but I've been to Walmart before. I'd say a good fair amount of people that shop there are above the poverty level..they shop there to save money. This Walmart may be different...still doesn't mean someone is on welfare if they aren't a soccer mom.

As far as the take down....I am with Justin on this one...and also with the others who say the cops acted appropriately. They neutralized a threat...but at the same time she wasn't threatening the cops....but who wants to wait around until she becomes a threat? Not me. But at the same time, she wasn't threatening anyone as far as I could tell. That being said...Cops have a hard job and you can't discern that info in a couple of seconds.

I don't think the cops had to take her down that soon though...she wasn't making any violent motions (that I saw) and they could have handled it a bit differently. I know if it was one of the cops grandmas holding a knife, or someones grandma in the department, you best believe she wouldn't have been taken down like that.

So I guess I agree with disarming her, but not in that fashion.

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Nothing about that crowd screams 'welfare'.

Mmmmm..... about 1/3 says "welfare", 1/3 says "settlement from bullshit lawsuit courtesy of Byron L Potts", and 1/3 says "milking SSI disability for all it's worth and having mo' babies 'cause they gets me some moan-ey from da gubment!".

"I'm Byron L. Potts... and I'm a law-yyyer".


Where did you go to school? David Duke university?

Yeah, I went to school at David Duke university. The Fightin' Lynchmen, they got good spirit but a shitty basketball team.


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Mmmmm..... about 1/3 says "welfare", 1/3 says "settlement from bullshit lawsuit courtesy of Byron L Potts", and 1/3 says "milking SSI disability for all it's worth and having mo' babies 'cause they gets me some moan-ey from da gubment!".

Yeah, I went to school at David Duke university. The Fightin' Lynchmen, they got good spirit but a shitty basketball team.


I won't even comment on your choice of school.

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I don't think the cops had to take her down that soon though...she wasn't making any violent motions (that I saw) and they could have handled it a bit differently. I know if it was one of the cops grandmas holding a knife, or someones grandma in the department, you best believe she wouldn't have been taken down like that.

So I guess I agree with disarming her, but not in that fashion.

I'm in this boat too. Yes they should disarm her. But the body slam of a frail 84 year old lady crosses a line imo. Cops should use some tact now and again. Every person can not be dealt with the same way. They should realize that old people may not hear their command well, or that it may take them a second or two to comprehend what they are hearing and comply. Hell I'd bet any one could have taken that knife off of her without getting a scrape. Grab arm remove knife from hand.

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I vote one for the cop. A knife can be just as deadly against even a firearm within even several yards (no, probably not with the old lady though). But at that close distance, even with the old lady, chances are very well there of being stabbed, even if only accidentally. The woman refused to put it down, then appeared to struggle a bit (cameraman fail @ running closer at that exact moment), and the cop quickly acted to neutralize the weapon to both protect herself, and who knows...even that same elderly lady. We can all play the "what if" game here, but that will accomplish nothing. Obviously the cop didn't take her as too much of a threat since she moved right on in to try to take the weapon, then realized she had to take her down. No real chance of death involved (taser => pacemaker...etc). Now if the cop would have done something more while she was on the ground, then I think there would be a controversy here, otherwise, no. Just my 2 cents...

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IMO she didnt look very threatening. the cops could have def. handled it a lot better.

and as soon as an officer begins to think that way is when he ends up in a casket

She got what she deserved. The officer asked her to put it down and she didn't comply.


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I'm in this boat too. Yes they should disarm her. But the body slam of a frail 84 year old lady crosses a line imo. Cops should use some tact now and again. Every person can not be dealt with the same way. They should realize that old people may not hear their command well, or that it may take them a second or two to comprehend what they are hearing and comply. Hell I'd bet any one could have taken that knife off of her without getting a scrape. Grab arm remove knife from hand.

Body slam? Come on now. It was a simple leg sweep. You guys act like she picked her up and power bombed her. If you look, the elderly lady STILL will not give up the knife even while on the ground until a citizen steps on the blade, and the other cop steps in to pry her hand off the handle. Once again, +1 for the cops.

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Man, a lot of armchair quarterbacks....... yeah, she got taken down, but was told repeatedly to drop it... keep walking towards the officer and even when down didn't release the weapon. I think one of you face to face with a person, old or not, with a knife would have a whole new perspective on this situation. One lucky swipe that hits a major vein and its game over!! Do you forget or not know that knifes penitrate bullet proof vests...... sorry, its "i'm going home tonite to see my kids come hell or high water!" Don't blame the cop at all for what she did and all the morons (I dont give a shit what color they are) that stood around till this happened then rushed up to complain that the officer disarmed her are another part of the problem. All that ass with the video was worried about it getting something to sell to the press or otherwise...................... sure wasn't anything to do with justice for gods sake.

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