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Updated Motorcycle Oil Study

Modern Synthetics

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You are saying that dealers like the big ones in our area pay shipping on oil? The dealers I know have their oils ordered from TR and PU and usually have it all on big orders or are at a point in the way they buy that they do not pay shipping...

So most isn't a good comment to be making here...

Boy you're a rough one to please! I'd hate to catch you on a bad day.

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Boy you're a rough one to please! I'd hate to catch you on a bad day.

I just am not a fan of snake oil salesmen. I think Amsoil is a legit oil to use and a great choice if you feel it works for you, but for the guy to keep pedling the stuff and saying things that just are not true makes me somewhat feel he's not a good salesman and that offends me as it is the profession I am in...

Buy what you feel is best. Bottom line...

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ok I have a question. the price chart per ounce has amsoil at .29 per ounce. right about in the middle of the price range. so how come your oil cost more than all of the other brands on that chart?

I wanted some amsoil until I seen the $15/quart price tag.:rolleyes:

I'm very surprised to see that mobil 1 racing 4T did so well. I just tried that oil and I noticed a few things about it I don't like.

for one it's really cloudy and dirty looking straight out of the jug compared to Repsol Sintetico. and smells like oil with 5k miles on it straight from the jug. it's been in for less than a 1k miles and it's already dirty dark brown. something repsol never did. I could change that stuff at 4k miles and it was still cleaner.

and now I keep hitting N when shifting to 2nd.

I am planing on getting it back out and going back to Repsol sintetico. it's the same price anyway.

$15 a quart? Holy Cow! I'm not sure where you saw Amsoil 10W/40 motorcycle oil for $15 a quart but I do know of several retailers around Columbus that sell the Amsoil 10W/40 motorcycle oil in the $10.35 - $12.00 a quart range. Check them out "AMSOIL RETAILERS COLUMBUS". Individual shops set the prices and many charge a bit more than suggested retail in order to make it worthwhile to stock Amsoil. The profit margin on Amsoil is not nearly as high as most oil on the shelf. Retailers carry Amsoil products because customers request it and they want to provide customers with the products they desire, not because of large profits. These retailers are providing a service by making Amsoil readily available through the long retail hours that their stores are open. During that time they are incurring costs. Please keep that in mind when shopping for Amsoil products.

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You are saying that dealers like the big ones in our area pay shipping on oil? The dealers I know have their oils ordered from TR and PU and usually have it all on big orders or are at a point in the way they buy that they do not pay shipping...

So most isn't a good comment to be making here...

Please keep one thing in mind, I am an Amsoil dealer. Therefore I am talking about Amsoil. I am not talking about other oils and the large distributors because you cannot buy Amsoil through TR or PU. I say "most" dealers in regards to getting Amsoil to their shop. There are many great Amsoil dealers out there that do deliver and others that will set retailers up with an Amsoil account and not provide any service including delivery. Therefore, the retailer would have to pay shipping.

If you are a salesman then you should understand the idea of business sponsorships on Ohio Riders. Most sponsors join in order to raise awareness about a product or service through networking. One part of this networking would be responding to posts in that sponsors own threads. If it offends you that a sponsor would reply to posts in their threads then you should probably avoid all threads from sponsors because there is a good possibility that they may be trying to promote a product or service.

It offends me when YOU get on a thread about AMSOIL and YOU assume that I am talking about other oils and distributors and then YOU call ME a liar in other words. I am not on here slandering other oils or making false claims about Amsoil. If you have any constructive dialogue that pertains to this thread please share. If not, please stop slandering me and avoid my threads. I will continue to respond to posts in Modern Synthetics threads about a great oil, Amsoil. Please think about what thread you are on before you make false assumptions and start telling people that I am "saying things that just are not true."

Edited by Modern Synthetics
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What does it take to become a dealer?

It depends what type of dealer you are referring to. Are you interested in selling Amsoil products through a retail store or are you interested in starting your own business and setting up other dealers, retailers and commercial accounts. Please give me a call and we can discuss it.

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$15 a quart? Holy Cow! I'm not sure where you saw Amsoil 10W/40 motorcycle oil for $15 a quart but I do know of several retailers around Columbus that sell the Amsoil 10W/40 motorcycle oil in the $10.35 - $12.00 a quart range. Check them out "AMSOIL RETAILERS COLUMBUS". Individual shops set the prices and many charge a bit more than suggested retail in order to make it worthwhile to stock Amsoil. The profit margin on Amsoil is not nearly as high as most oil on the shelf. Retailers carry Amsoil products because customers request it and they want to provide customers with the products they desire, not because of large profits. These retailers are providing a service by making Amsoil readily available through the long retail hours that their stores are open. During that time they are incurring costs. Please keep that in mind when shopping for Amsoil products.

everywhere I've seen it being sold wanted that much for it though.:confused:

I just still don't understand why any oil is anything more than $5 a quart. it just seems like such a rip off.

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Please keep one thing in mind, I am an Amsoil dealer. Therefore I am talking about Amsoil. I am not talking about other oils and the large distributors because you cannot buy Amsoil through TR or PU. I say "most" dealers in regards to getting Amsoil to their shop. There are many great Amsoil dealers out there that do deliver and others that will set retailers up with an Amsoil account and not provide any service including delivery. Therefore, the retailer would have to pay shipping.

Your comment was that what you offered was free shipping. You then stated that was a savings that most dealers do not get from when they order oil period. You didn't mention names per say, but saying that "This is huge to most dealers because oil is expensive to ship and after freight charges there is no profit to be made on the oil", you hinted or suggested that "most" dealers pay for oil to be shipped. Now it is simply Amsoil products that they may or may not pay shipping on. I guess you are saying that most Amsoil distributors sell the oil and charge freight/shipping so, most Amsoil oil is probably a little higher due to the dealers having to pay extra costs involved. That seems counter productive and tough on "most" dealers that carry your product. Wouldn't Amsoil want there to be some consistency in regards to what is charged to retailers?

If you are a salesman then you should understand the idea of business sponsorships on Ohio Riders. Most sponsors join in order to raise awareness about a product or service through networking. One part of this networking would be responding to posts in that sponsors own threads. If it offends you that a sponsor would reply to posts in their threads then you should probably avoid all threads from sponsors because there is a good possibility that they may be trying to promote a product or service.

One thing that needs to be expressed here is that yes, you are a site sponsor, but you have a duty to be completely honest with people. I never stated Amsoil sucked or stated that you are a bad guy. As expressed by others here, you have some hurdles to jump to prove your value. You are a representative of the product, but not in the way that is typical in the industry. An Amsoil rep can be a guy with a mower in his garage and a sign in his yard. An Amsoil rep can also be a guy that drives all over and actually reps the product. Point is that it is known as to how you can become a dealer and a rep.

I'm not offended when you respond. I don't care. But, just be careful when telling people about how dealers get stuff. You are being a bit more clear about the fact that you were saying it was Amsoil only that MOST dealers pay freight and shipping. That answers a few guys' questions about why the cost is higher at other places for the same product. They are probably trying to incur a profit and if they are as you stated "after freight charges there is no profit to be made on the oil" and it is Amsoil you are saying is what you were referring to, I understand now. I wouldn't want to bring in something with zero profit, either. I was misreading your comment and thus, my reasoning for responding because "MOST" dealers that are out there are not paying freight for oil... from other companies...

It offends me when YOU get on a thread about AMSOIL and YOU assume that I am talking about other oils and distributors and then YOU call ME a liar in other words. I am not on here slandering other oils or making false claims about Amsoil. If you have any constructive dialogue that pertains to this thread please share. If not, please stop slandering me and avoid my threads. I will continue to respond to posts in Modern Synthetics threads about a great oil, Amsoil. Please think about what thread you are on before you make false assumptions and start telling people that I am "saying things that just are not true."

Slandering isn't occurring here. I took your comment about most dealers paying freight on oils as being towards other oil companies. You cleared it up by saying Amsoil is the oil company that most dealers pay freight on. That's something you are experienced with. I know the other companies and the deals the guys like PU and TR make with chemicals. You were being vague and you cleared it up.

I will say that using a lab test and a test funded by you guys makes the others look bad in comparison. That's a bit of saying the others aren't as good. But, they make claims that are probably also vague as a lot of companies will use the same methods or pull certain categories they excel in to market their product. I also never said anything opposing the great oil comment even about Amsoil. But, you read my tone and feel I am against Amsoil when in fact, I stated if it works for you as a customer, it is what you should stick with. That's with any top shelf synthetic.

Glad you cleared up the freight comment. Sorry I misread it.

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everywhere I've seen it being sold wanted that much for it though.:confused:

I just still don't understand why any oil is anything more than $5 a quart. it just seems like such a rip off.

The retailers selling at those prices are probably paying freight charges to have Amsoil delivered to their store. Therefore, they need to charge more than Amsoil retailers that have an Amsoil dealer that delivers to the store free of charge.

Most of the top quality, true synthetics oils out there have base stocks blended from pure chemicals. They are also designed with special additive packages tailored for motorcycle applications. Making an oil this way is more expensive than refining an oil to remove a certain amount of impurities and then adding the proper additives. I think that even the Amsoil critics out there would agree that a full synthetic oil is a better lubricant than a conventional petroleum oil. I'm sure there are many $5 a quart oils out there that will do the job for people. It all boils down to what you want out of an oil and whether you are willing to pay a bit more for a better oil.

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well see though how do you know the oil is even worth the extra money. I mean as even that study has shown us, just because it's a synthetic name brand oil doesn't mean it's worth a crap.

ps, I've seen a badly damaged low mileage engine that used royal purple oil. I kind of figured that stuff wasn't worth a crap just because of that. but now with a little scientific testing I recon I was right.

looks like my feeling about Valvoline oil has also been proven right. it's just a standard dino oil that is out performing synthetics.

Edited by serpentracer
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