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If your ever in Laurelville....


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My friend Doug and I sent on an early morning ride today leaving at 7 am because i needed to get back home to do homework. anyway the plan was to leave columbus on 33, 374, 180, 56, 327 (through Tarr Hollow), 671, 50, 683, 93, 328, 56, 93, back up 33 to home to columbus. It was a little chilly but it didnt rain at all, although it looked like it wanted it. Anyway again, we made it to 374 and had a good time on that through South Perry on 180. We passed a pickup truck just outside S. Perry and thats where the problem started. However, its a good thing i have a small bladder cause we had to stop in Laurelville. While i was taking a leak, the guy in the pick up stopped and was talking to Doug. I thought he might just wanted to check out the bikes that blew pass him :-) (not really), but turns out that Doug's oil cap came off some where outsided of S. Perry and almost hit his truck. (getting long winded...sorry). Doug lost a lot of oil, but we where in Laurelville and there was a NAPA. We hoped there would be a simple solution to the problem, but to no avail....However, the bright spot of the trip was the service we received from several people in this little town. The guy at NAPA (didnt get his name) was a tremendous help. He tried for what seemed like forever to find something that would fix Doug's CBR, but he had nothing. No where in the city that would have been the end of it, he was making calls around town. He called a lady at the bank who's husbands name was Red Dog (he was wearing a Red Dog shirt when he came down to the store), he also called a guy named Ken at a Lawn care place about 3 or 4 miles away to see if he had something from an old mower or something. Even the lady at the bank came over to check on us. So while Doug chilled i went over to the Lawn care place to check what he had that we might be able to use. Ken was gone but his some Greg was there and helped me out. He had a box of old oil caps and i was able to find one that looked like it would work. THANK GOD IT DID!!!! The gentlemen at NAPA cleaned it up and put some white thread lock (i think) on it as an extra precaustion. Keep in mind that he did all of this without charging Doug a cent. I think he even topped his oil off free of charge. ANYWAY longer story cut we got it together and went on our way. Unfortunately our trip was cut short because of time i really appreciated the help and compassion we received from the folks in Laurelville, OH. It reassures me that there are still good people around and are williing to help thoses in need without looking for anything in return. I'll never forget those folks and hope to see them riding about next time down in the Hocking Hills region.....Oh yeah i did forget to mention that the guy at NAPA and Red Dog where both biker....;) Great people down there.

Just thought i'd share although i didnt mean to write this much.


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i have family in the hocking area.. right off 374/180 big pine.. and EVERYONE down there are so nice... never had any complaints

Its sad to say that i was surprised with the service when that is how it should always be...putting the customer first and going above and beyond. The free part was just a bonus, i wouldnt expect that at all.

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When I read that the guy in the pickup was there, I thought mayb ehe was ready to give someone a beatdown for being a crazy kid riding too fast! Good to hear that wasn't the case, and that it all worked out in the end!

I wish that small town attitude was still what you see everywhere...

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When I read that the guy in the pickup was there, I thought mayb ehe was ready to give someone a beatdown for being a crazy kid riding too fast! Good to hear that wasn't the case, and that it all worked out in the end!

I wish that small town attitude was still what you see everywhere...

I'm going to hope you mean well with this post man. I'm not trying to jump down your throat. But....why do we ride motorcycles? To have fun. What's fun to me? Riding fast. I'm sure, just like the OP we (all of us from OR) pick our spots...and times to open up the bike. We don't pin the throttle wide open, and weave in and out of traffic. I believe most of us, are smart enough to wait...and be responsible enough to pick a time to rip it open. Are you telling me you've never broken the speed limit on one of your bikes?

Getting pissed of at someone because they blew past you is pointless. If he's doing it at the wrong time and place, he'll get his.

Respect the road, respect the ride, respect the people around you.

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Yes I meant well with my post. I was just referring to the fact that there are still many people that hate biker just because they ride bikes! Maybe it's just jealousy over the amount of skill that it takes to ride a bike, that some people lack (even some that get onto bikes lack in the skill dept.!)

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your good jp. I didnt get that at all. in fact i did wonder if the guy had beef, but we did wait until there was a dotted yellow line on our side and no one was coming on the other side. we didnt even down shift or anything to get around him. He was cool and actually said he worked at some cycle shop in lancaster....dont remember which on he said though.

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Yes I meant well with my post. I was just referring to the fact that there are still many people that hate biker just because they ride bikes! Maybe it's just jealousy over the amount of skill that it takes to ride a bike, that some people lack (even some that get onto bikes lack in the skill dept.!)

Don't worry about it man, like i said i didn't mean to jump down your throat lol. I just think people should get all the details before they judge. And i thought maybe you were cutting down the op.

And definitely, i'm sure there alot of people who resent us. It takes skill, and a pair of brass balls to ride a motorcycle. :cheers:

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There are some good people down there and you always know where you stand with them. Just watch where you ride offroad down there as there are lots of meth shacks in the woods. I've had a gun in my face in happy hollow before.

Stop and eat at the Village Pantry sometime. (across from the gas station) Great diner.

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There are some good people down there and you always know where you stand with them. Just watch where you ride offroad down there as there are lots of meth shacks in the woods. I've had a gun in my face in happy hollow before.

Stop and eat at the Village Pantry sometime. (across from the gas station) Great diner.

Village Pantry is what i must have smelled while we where waiting outside of NAPA cause it was making me hungry!

No off roading for me. :-) the zzr's doesnt do good in the grass... LOL!

I'll be posting the video of a portion of the ride in a sec.

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your good jp. I didnt get that at all. in fact i did wonder if the guy had beef, but we did wait until there was a dotted yellow line on our side and no one was coming on the other side. we didnt even down shift or anything to get around him. He was cool and actually said he worked at some cycle shop in lancaster....dont remember which on he said though.

I'm glad to hear that you were riding responsibly (I've never rode with you, so I had no way of knowing! Just from your posts I would guess that you are a responsible rider. I know I almost always try to not pass, and if I do, make the pass by the book, unless the cage is going way below the speed limit, then I get the pass done and over with, then slow back to around speed limit. The more respectful we are, the less we have to worry about nay sort of bad image. I'm glad bike don't have the bad image that they used to!

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Don't worry about it man, like i said i didn't mean to jump down your throat lol. I just think people should get all the details before they judge. And i thought maybe you were cutting down the op.

And definitely, i'm sure there alot of people who resent us. It takes skill, and a pair of brass balls to ride a motorcycle. :cheers:

It's all cool! I just wanted to make sure you knew what I was talking about! I try to be careful about the image that bikers get. ATGATT is another thing I do to try to pass on a "professional" image, that people make get the idea that we're serious about riding.

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I was just down there the other day. Nuthin' exciting like you had. Just a great ride and poked around in area-riding buddy spent lotsa time down there. Glad to hear that the oil cap got resolved and even nicer to hear that 'friendly' focus to help someone in need.

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