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RandomNegro and his GoPro camera - you decide


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RandomNegro recently posted a few items for sale. One was a GoPro camera for $150. I PM'ed him that I'd pay $100. He told me someone offered him $100 already so I said I'd give him $110. He said he just got another offer for $120 and asked if I cared to raise my bid. I offered $121. He asked for increments of $10. I told him to sell it to the original guy for $120 and to let me know if it falls thru.

He contacts me a few days later saying that the buyer hasn't been in contact for payment and that it's mine if I wanted it. I said I wanted it and asked if my $100 payment was good (assuming I was the only one interested, I could offer my original payment). He countered with $110. I agreed that this was a fair price. Considering he's in Cincy/NKU area, I figured shipping it would be the best option. We agreed that Paypal would be the best option. I asked if $110 would cover shipping. He said "only air is free". We agreed that $113.50 would cover the camera and shipping. He gave me his paypal account and a few days later I sent him $113.50.

Last night I got a txt from him that he clearly stated that I needed to pay $113.50 + paypal fees. The paypal fees according to him were $3.59. So, I'd have to send him another $4.10 (I deleted this txt...so it might be slightly off). I told him I'm not paying the paypal fees since $113.50 was the agreed upon price. He said paypal was a good option...and with paypal, the receiver gets charged the fee. He seemed to be shocked that I was "stunting over $4". I could use that same argument against him.

I'm disputing the charge on paypal for a few reasons...

1. I paid the amount requested and he wants more.

2. He seems a bit shady after a bidding war didn't work out for him.

what do you think?

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i do that "ghost" bidder with some people when i sell football tickets, never to anyone i know though.

but yes, if that was the agreed price and he made no prior mention of you paying the paypal fees then there is nothing he can do about it.

ps zorro -- honda northeast is selling the gopro hero wide for 150 shipped on the wera board. if you dont find anything used, you could always go to them before they get in trouble with the "selling lower than advertised price" legal stuff...

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  cbrjess0815 said:
my thoughts: i'm happy i didnt take him up on the $120 offer... illl just buy one new when i get back

I'm curious how the $120 offer came about. he posted his camera for $150. I offered $100. he said he had a $100 offer. i upped it to $110. he then said the person up their bid to $120. is this how it went down?

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Damn Zorro... That's effed up mayne. You did the right thing by filing a dispute, and then letting the board know what's up.

As a brotha, it bothers me a lil that you were almost taken advantage of by a dude with "negro" in his screen name... This type of activity will continue to set us back as a people. :D

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  KruelHouse said:
As a brotha, it bothers me a lil that you were almost taken advantage of by a dude with "negro" in his screen name... This type of activity will continue to set us back as a people. :D

:lol: i wanna jump in and laugh with you here and maybe even make a joke but i dont want to chance it, could be a trap :lol:


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  KruelHouse said:

As a brotha, it bothers me a lil that you were almost taken advantage of by a dude with "negro" in his screen name... This type of activity will continue to set us back as a people. :D

One more thing for Chris Rock to put on his board

(can't see it at work, should be the one I'm thinkin of)


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  KruelHouse said:
Damn Zorro... That's effed up mayne. You did the right thing by filing a dispute, and then letting the board know what's up.

As a brotha, it bothers me a lil that you were almost taken advantage of by a dude with "negro" in his screen name... This type of activity will continue to set us back as a people. :D

LMAO.. Good luck Zorro, maybe you and the seller can work something out.

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I think it is interesting that randomnegro hasn't chimed in to offer a defense.

I think he's in school...or that's what he said as to why he didn't call me to clarify his stance and continued to text me.

I'm sure he'll speak up. After I told him I was disputing the charge with Paypal, he said it was a miscommunication issue and that he had the item ready to ship and it was mine if I wanted it. After all of this, I'm just gonna continue with my request for getting my money back. He stated multiple times about "stunting over $4". If he didn't care about the $4, he would've never have said anything about it. Unfortunately, my phone only saves 100 txt (50 in, 50 out) and I had to delete the rude txt he sent me in the middle of the night (he quickly followed that up with an apology saying he didn't mean to come across as rude) or I'd post that too.

Oh well, maybe it was a big misunderstanding...but at this point...I'm tired of dealing with it and just want my money back.

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