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whats riding mean to you?


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in a sentence whats riding mean to you.

im trying to put something together. youll see the finished product afterwards. but for now everyone give me a nice sentence or thought of what riding means to you. sentimental thoughts about it.

like taking you away from stress

giving you the adrenaline rush

etc etc

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Instant sanity salvation, I need no preparation, I dont need to haul it anywhere, I dont need to ask permission from anyone. If I've had a bad day or a good day, its waiting there for me. It only takes a turn of the key and I come alive with it. My own little world where all that matters is the here and now....

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I think we're all saying (or thinking) the same thing here. Its loving a machine, and that machine giving back that same love. The adventure, danger, seeing and feeling things that you cant get in a car. Being exposed to everything, feeling excited yet at ease at the same time. Being different that every other person around you in a cage, oblivious to their surroundings. Oh yea, lets not forget being on a machine that cost me 5K and being able to out accelerate most entry level supercars (juvenile, but still a valid point).

All I know is I have a shit load of work to do, and I cant stop dicking around on this site for the past 3 hours...

Edited by alcohol3232
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All I know is I a shit load of work to do, and I cant stop dicking around on this site for the past 3 hours...

Happens to me all the time... well, maybe not the work part :rolleyes:

Ever ride along in a car and then just realize you're half an hour further down the road? Well I want those minutes of my life back, so I ride.

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