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What are you going to be for Halloween?


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So a little off topic but still Halloween... Does anyone have creepy decorations or props I can borrow for one night? Our family/work Halloween party is on the 17th and this year it’s at our place. We have already spent like $200 on stuff but it still seems like nothing. If you have anything creepy I would be very appreciative and very careful with it. If you could please let me know!

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meh, takes too much time. IF I do something gorey, it prolly wont involve a diaper. :D

Um, now that I think of it, you saw my costume last year at the halloween party. We had pics together chicken fucker!! Remember?... oh wait, you prolly dont! :D

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I have some from 2007......

There was a bunch of us that did a Super Heros theme.....

I love Halloween.....

Here are some pictures from the past

Myself as the Riddler


Rick Bobby and Catwoman


Wilma, Catwoman, Poison Ivy


Myself and Catwomen


Girl Robin


Girl Robin and Poison Ivy


Look it's Ricky Gadson




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I'm not creative so I'll probably just rummage through my box of costumes: angel, ninja turtle, majorette, 80's person, sheep, others I can't remember....

Yes, that's right, 3 years ago i went as a sheep... I would fear for my safety if I rocked that costume around a few of the people on this board.


Lucky you survived!

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lol! i may b working that night but thanks for the suggestion - trust me when i tell u that is a double edged sword dressing up cause my kids WILL TELL me if my ass looks big.

what if their was a mid summers night dream theme and the girls dressed as hot fairies (feedback all you attending ladies???) and all the guys were hollywood movie stars and we were to party in hughs "grotto" ... how much fun would that be? look at me go on and i already am pretty sure im working... sorry i get carried away. i plan alot of events and cater to those entertainment industry types.

Edited by socaln8tv
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lol! i may b working that night but thanks for the suggestion - trust me when i tell u that is a double edged sword dressing up cause my kids WILL TELL me if my ass looks big.

what if their was a mid summers night dream theme and the girls dressed as hot fairies and all the guys were hollywood movie stars and we were to party in hughs "grotto" ... how much fun would that be. look at me go on and i already am pretty sure im working.

:lol:Don't worry, i can tell you...if it makes you feel any better. :p

just bare it we are are far better judges than kids :D

lol. No joke...at least we...ahem....leg humpers can appreciate it more. :D

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