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Got ran into by a bicycle today


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I was sitting at a stop sign on campus, patiently waiting for the people to get out of the cross walk, when I heard "OH F*(K!". Just as I look around, this guy on a bicycle runs into the back end of my motorcycle!! I looked back just in time to see him recover and take off.

What is so hard about avoiding a large red object??? He didn't even stop to make sure my bike wasn't messed up. :mad:

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I was sitting at a stop sign on campus, patiently waiting for the people to get out of the cross walk, when I heard "OH F*(K!". Just as I look around, this guy on a bicycle runs into the back end of my motorcycle!! I looked back just in time to see him recover and take off.

What is so hard about avoiding a large red object??? He didn't even stop to make sure my bike wasn't messed up. :mad:

Technically that's a hit skip if he did any damage... did you get his plate? :) lol shoulda kicked him over!

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Totally an opportunity to chase him on the Ceeber and make a citizen's arrest. Or at least see how a guy on a bike holds his own against a 35mph clothesline to the back of his head.

I think you handled it more laid back than I would've - he's lucky he didn't run into an angry 6'4" 280lbs guy on a Harley.

For some reason though, I think you'll run into that guy again. Well, not you, again, but he'll be around and.... nevermind. If you have any visual memory at all, you'll be able to recognize the kid and his bike. Better hope he's never around when you're in your cage.

Edited by JRMMiii
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I went back and forth on whether I should follow him and give the ole 'wtf'...

You totally should've.

There's gotta be very few other things in life that are more emasculating than being publicly dressed down by a chick on a sportbike for not being able to control a bicycle.

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You totally should've.

There's gotta be very few other things in life that are more emasculating than being publicly dressed down by a chick on a sportbike for not being able to control a bicycle.

:lol:In all seriousness. maybe he couldn't tell Mj was a chick? Mj, no offense...but with a helmet...and a jacket on maybe he couldn't tell the difference? lol.

But that would be hilarious. :D

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There were a couple little scuffs on my tail piece. They might have been there before and I didn't notice them (???) but idk. I didn't check it all out yet... I think me mostly caught my back tire...

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What is so hard about avoiding a large red object??? :mad:

I once had an accident in Jersey City. I was sitting in line for the tollbooths, heading out of NYC (near the Holland Tunnel). This douchebag in a BMW in the lane to the right of me is trying to force his way over in front of me. There wasn't any room, and he was being fairly rude, so I just kept rolling along at about 5 mph. Busy on his cellphone (according to my wife, who was in the passenger seat-- I couldn't see him over my hood), he kept drifting over, trying to bully me into stopping so he could cut me off. It might have worked better if, as I mentioned, I were actually able to see him.

Anyway, after about 100 feet of this slow-motion jockeying, I hear an awful CRUNCH, SCRAAAAAAAAAAPE, CLANK!

The asshole had wandered into the side of my truck, and dragged then entire driver's side of his Beemer down the right side of my truck. He ripped the steps off my fuel tank, and managed to even drag my front wheel's lugnuts all down the side of his now thoroughly-fuckered Beemer (making a pretty nifty 10-point spiral pattern).

He jumps out, and runs around to my side of the truck.

Stops dead when I get out, and he realizes I'm about 15 years younger, taller, and a whole lot angrier.

Eventually the cops come (Jersey State police), take one look, call the guy an asshole, and cite him. I politely hand him back some trim and mirror pieces that had ended up under my truck, and go on my merry way. The police report naturally exonerated me (the guy made an 'improper lane change'), so I had no issues with my company over the matter.

TL: DR-- Douchebag in a Beemer rams the driver's side of his car into the passenger side of my truck, in 5 mph traffic.


My truck was nearly identical to this:


65 feet long, 13'6'' tall, and fire-engine red. With a big shiny fuel tank right at eye level, on his side.

People are fucking retarded.

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I once had an accident in Jersey City. I was sitting in line for the tollbooths, heading out of NYC (near the Holland Tunnel). This douchebag in a BMW in the lane to the right of me is trying to force his way over in front of me. There wasn't any room, and he was being fairly rude, so I just kept rolling along at about 5 mph. Busy on his cellphone (according to my wife, who was in the passenger seat-- I couldn't see him over my hood), he kept drifting over, trying to bully me into stopping so he could cut me off. It might have worked better if, as I mentioned, I were actually able to see him.

Anyway, after about 100 feet of this slow-motion jockeying, I hear an awful CRUNCH, SCRAAAAAAAAAAPE, CLANK!

The asshole had wandered into the side of my truck, and dragged then entire driver's side of his Beemer down the right side of my truck. He ripped the steps off my fuel tank, and managed to even drag my front wheel's lugnuts all down the side of his now thoroughly-fuckered Beemer (making a pretty nifty 10-point spiral pattern).

He jumps out, and runs around to my side of the truck.

Stops dead when I get out, and he realizes I'm about 15 years younger, taller, and a whole lot angrier.

Eventually the cops come (Jersey State police), take one look, call the guy an asshole, and cite him. I politely hand him back some trim and mirror pieces that had ended up under my truck, and go on my merry way. The police report naturally exonerated me (the guy made an 'improper lane change'), so I had no issues with my company over the matter.

TL: DR-- Douchebag in a Beemer rams the driver's side of his car into the passenger side of my truck, in 5 mph traffic.


My truck was nearly identical to this:


65 feet long, 13'6'' tall, and fire-engine red. With a big shiny fuel tank right at eye level, on his side.

People are fucking retarded.

It's the same way in Chicago too, with Tollbooths. People try to run you off the road to get through. :nono:

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Kudos and much respect to OSUMJ for riding your motorcycle today in 40 degrees. A big ole "YOU GO GIRL" plus 3 snaps in 'Z' formation to you.

Really? I've ridden at least 40 miles on 7 of the last 8 days. I'd wait till it's below 20 to start giving kudos.


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