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F-you h1n1


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They are taking this really seriously at school too. I live in a house on campus but in the dorms they have an entire dorm level quarantined off and ready for anyone who would want to stay there voluntarily while sick. Basically free room and discounted meals. Also, if it's confirmed you have it they want you away from classes for at least 3 days and maybe more with arrangements already made for make-up work. Also, there was a note at the bottom that if it does spread then there may be a call for a campus-wide shutdown.

Oh how I'd love a week off school in the middle of the term. :cool:

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Really? Glad I got backups and emergency stocks...

I bet the anti-germ kleenex and everything else will be gone soon.

And the masks, that may or may not work.

Today's funny... so they put up those anti-germ hand cleaners in all the hallways. The ones that go off automatically when you put your hand under it. So this girl sits down in the hallway under one of them, and it goes off on her head... I saw her walking around looking for something to get it off her hair.

yes as a distributor we are only allowed a % of the amount we bought last year and this is for hospitals, nursing homes et cetera...We cannot sell to any new customers. Trying to supply only current customers.

Only certain types of masks are H1N1 rated. same thing we were going to order a month ago just to be able to get some in November.

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