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Some teenage drama show on the NOGG. It's a Nikelodeon(sp?) spin-off channel. :lol:

And why they have that on TV is beyond me because that show teaches a lot of RIDICULOUS crap. Teaches teenagers that kissing people of the same sex is cool, having sex at 15 is the way to be and many other things that teenagers should not think are the right thing to do. But maybe i have to many "morals" for todays youth. Who knows...

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And why they have that on TV is beyond me because that show teaches a lot of RIDICULOUS crap. Teaches teenagers that kissing people of the same sex is cool, having sex at 15 is the way to be and many other things that teenagers should not think are the right thing to do. But maybe i have to many "morals" for todays youth. Who knows...

have you ever watched ABC FAMILY lately :popcorn: you would be pissed.

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And why they have that on TV is beyond me because that show teaches a lot of RIDICULOUS crap. Teaches teenagers that kissing people of the same sex is cool, having sex at 15 is the way to be and many other things that teenagers should not think are the right thing to do. But maybe i have to many "morals" for todays youth. Who knows...

:plus1: It's insane! My wife and her sister told me about it and we can't believe it never gets the boot. It's like a Cinemax movie with way underage people as the audience.:nono:

Same with "Secret Life of The American Teenager" on ABC family. More teenage sluts = More fucked up children = More welfare = More diseases = and so on, and so on...

I can't believe the shit they show for teens nowadays. Fucked up programming!

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And why they have that on TV is beyond me because that show teaches a lot of RIDICULOUS crap. Teaches teenagers that kissing people of the same sex is cool, having sex at 15 is the way to be and many other things that teenagers should not think are the right thing to do. But maybe i have to many "morals" for todays youth. Who knows...

now whats not cool about that?

this man has a point :lol:

That man has no daughters. :o

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