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The abortion thread - if you dare ;-)


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let's keep this as civil as possible. we're all friends here, and I don't think ANYONE among us will argue that terminating a pregnancy is a good thing. If so, I lied - we're not all friends here.

from where I sit, abortion is a terrible terrible thing. I struggle to think of a scenario where I would consider abortion as a 'good' or even 'least evil' option - for me, and my wife (or previously my girlfriend)

that said, I don't think it should be illegal.

There are certainly people who are less fortunate than I am, who don't have parents, brothers, aunts, uncles, grand parents, or friends who would help support them financially if they had an unexpected pregnancy. to be brutally honest, I'd rather my tax dollars pay for someone's abortion than paying to raise their kid for 18 years; and then paying for his legal defense, or her illegitimate children when she cranks out 3 kids before her 19th birthday. Statistically, 'saving' these unwanted children is more like sentencing them to a life of poverty. Of course there are exceptions, but not enough to sway me...

That is my primary problem with many staunch pro-lifers. They advocate a solution they're not willing to back. Ok, so we outlaw abortion - how about all the people who are against abortion pay for the unwanted babies? or how about they really put their money where their mouth is and take in a single mother, who was planning to have an abortion (a friend of mine and his wife actually do this through their church. I have a ton of respect for that program, and donate to it yearly.) Otherwise, propose a solution, and don't just introduce a different problem.

Do I like abortion? not at all - but I dislike the idea of ME, YOU, and the rest of the tax-paying public paying hte penalty for others' mistakes.

and, discuss.

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I'll avoid saying I like the idea of abortion. But I agree with you redkow - I'd much rather pay twice as much to educate youngsters about how to have safe sex than to pay for supporting single mothers (not that that's the real cost...)

Why are we so prude about giving kids the proper information? I know I like sex... why can't they? My parents said one thing: Don't get her pregnant, or don't come to us for help. Well, given those options I chose the former.

Better education promotes a better society. Period.

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not my choice to make either but.. there are always extenuating circ... what if your daughter was raped ... she got preg.. what would you do..? i know what i would do.. are as state above.. what if i couldnt support the child that was concived... or DIDNT want kids.. its personal opinion and if i lose friends over this meaning if you will condemn me for my choices.. and not respect my freedom of choice then you were no good friend in the first place..

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not my choice to make either but.. there are always extenuating circ... what if your daughter was raped ... she got preg.. what would you do..? i know what i would do.. are as state above.. what if i couldnt support the child that was concived... or DIDNT want kids.. its personal opinion and if i lose friends over this meaning if you will condemn me for my choices.. and not respect my freedom of choice then you were no good friend in the first place..

We aren't friends and I hate u.... but not because of ur freedom of choice :p

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it should totally be legal! Who are we to tell some girl that she has to keep a baby she doesnt want or cant take care of. I have 2 kids myself and love them to death,but if they had to suffer through life it wouldnt be fair. They need to make mandatory birth controll for all people on welfare and there wouldnt be abortions anyway!

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my solution is simple: all boys receive vasectomies at birth and tax-reimbursed reversals when they decide they want to have kids. case closed, no abortions, no unwanted pregnancies, lots of sex.


Best idea I've ever heard!

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Not a mention about abortions for medical reasons?

same basic idea.. mother cant have kid.. cuz it will kill her or whatnot... and as for the best idea ever.. thast great lets promote sex and no consiquenses LIKE RAMPANT STD's.... great idea if you ask me... :rolleyes:

Edited by TwiztedRabbit
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i agree with the first statement.

how about this for ya. say there is a mother who has about 3-4 kids at the age of 22 has custody of zero of them, has no job, and lives on welfare... what should we do?

Let the cop from the other thread jump on the hood of her car.

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I'm personally against it, but I think it is a state issue not a federal issue. The problem is there is a double standard on the sanctity of life. If a doctor fails to deliver a child properly, does an amniocentesis wrong and causes a miscarriage, he can be found negligent and face a lawsuit and or lose his medical license. If a pregnant woman is murdered, the suspect is then charged with double homicide for killing an unborn fetus (ex. scott peterson). So when is it okay for the government to recognize that life as a legal entity? Because right now they pick and choose, either it is a life upon conception or it isn't? I agree that there is a greater financial cost to society to support someone through welfare to raise their kids rather than to pay for an abortion. However I don't think that justifies the abortion. Maybe if we restructured or got rid of the welfare system, it would encourage people to be more responsible with their ovaries. Right now, many indigent people view kids as a tax write off and not as a responsibility. Our government does too much to reward irresponsible behavior. Paying for their abortions is no different and fails to correct the behavior from the beginning. Quit putting a bird feeder in your front yard and the birds will quit shitting on your car.

Edited by dmagicglock
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...and as for the best idea ever.. thast great lets promote sex and no consiquenses LIKE RAMPANT STD's.... great idea if you ask me... :rolleyes:

Still need to practice safe sex, afterall the "idea" behind safe sex is to keep yourself safe and free from disease, not prevent pregnancy.

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it should totally be legal! Who are we to tell some girl that she has to keep a baby she doesnt want or cant take care of. I have 2 kids myself and love them to death,but if they had to suffer through life it wouldnt be fair. They need to make mandatory birth controll for all people on welfare and there wouldnt be abortions anyway!

Please tell me you really don't think that only people on welfare have abortions.....

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Right now, many indigent people view kids as a tax write off and not as a responsibility. Our government does too much to reward irresponsible behavior.

that is so truthful! ppl drive me nuts.

a girl was giving up her child to a family that had paid for most of her medical bills and was even giving her money, day the child is born she changed her mind cuz she could get even more money outta the gov for having the child. even tho she figures she will lose custody of the child eventually... god damn welfare trash

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I have come to realize over the last few years that irrespective of what my opinion may be on abortion, this song's just not about me. I have absolutely no business telling anyone what to do with their own bodies. You feel the need to get an abortion? I'm sure you have your reasons, and you don't need to make them known to me. Want to keep your baby? I'm sure you understand the struggle that lies ahead, and good luck to you. Giving your baby up for adoption to a couple of poofs? That'll make for great TV down the road, and good luck to you too.

I really, really don't understand the tenacity that some people have with controlling other people's lives, especially the more private areas.

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