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NASA wants your body!


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True story. Ever thought about where your body goes when you donate it to science. It doesn't always end up on a table for a bunch of students to dissect.

Apparently there is a need to test NASA's new space suit for impact! What better way then to stuff a human corpse in it.

Had to share that strange but true story. I read this off the order requisition for a cadaver test panel. I guess NASA wanted to make sure he was free from Hepatitis and HIV before they began to beat the hell out of him.

Impact testing? Push him out the door at 50mph?

I can almost picture it as a "mascot" sitting in their break room.


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True story. Ever thought about where your body goes when you donate it to science. It doesn't always end up on a table for a bunch of students to dissect.

Apparently there is a need to test NASA's new space suit for impact! What better way then to stuff a human corpse in it.

Had to share that strange but true story. I read this off the order requisition for a cadaver test panel. I guess NASA wanted to make sure he was free from Hepatitis and HIV before they began to beat the hell out of him.

Impact testing? Push him out the door at 50mph?

I can almost picture it as a "mascot" sitting in their break room.



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check out the book "Stiff". It talks all about what groups do with cadavers. The military will buy a cadaver for $25,000 and use it for landmine testing. I recently found out my grandma only has $10K of life insurance, but wants some big ass funeral. So I thought that would be a good way to supplement some extra income to pay for her service. Granted she will be in a hundred pieces when the military is done, but she's already dead, so who cares.

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check out the book "Stiff". It talks all about what groups do with cadavers. The military will buy a cadaver for $25,000 and use it for landmine testing. I recently found out my grandma only has $10K of life insurance, but wants some big ass funeral. So I thought that would be a good way to supplement some extra income to pay for her service. Granted she will be in a hundred pieces when the military is done, but she's already dead, so who cares.

that is straight up gangsta

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that is straight up gangsta

I told my wife to do the same thing with my body. I mean, I'm already dead, what the hell does it matter if I'm buried, or burned, or eaten, or people shit in my chest cavity like I'm a Kohler toilet. $25Ger is $25K more than she would get if she dumped my ass in the earth. Go buy a boat, and she'll forget all about me.

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you've inspired me to revise my will. whoever wants a piece of whatever money or estate I leave behind will receive it based upon the percentage of my corpse they consume. I'm going to recommend BBQ.

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you've inspired me to revise my will. whoever wants a piece of whatever money or estate I leave behind will receive it based upon the percentage of my corpse they consume. I'm going to recommend BBQ.

Now you're thinking.

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Anytime, glad I could help.

Edit. Did you see what the first result was? :lol:

yes :lol:

^^^round and round and round and round.....

look up www.ohiosheepriders.com

thats even more funny :eek:

:confused: didn't come up with anything, you got me worked up over nothing...:mad:


Edited by chevysoldier
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haha I don't know if anyone on here is a doctor, or in med school... but After seeing what they do to cadavers I'll never donate my body to science. I mean just expect that they will mutilate you every way possible. One of my first anatomy labs when we were studying the reproductive system, there was a bucket of preserved penises that was passed around the class. You picked out your own cock to dissect and study. Even after I'm dead and gone, I'd rather have worms eat my body than have a bunch of college kids cutting up my wiener into Vienna sausages. You also got to see one of these, but REAL


Donate to NASA ftw!

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We have done CT scans on said cadavers at my work. I didnt understand what was going on at first so I started being friendly with one of the researchers (it was easy, she was hot) and she explained what was going on. I was always curious when they came in with huge boxes REALLY early in the morning. They do CT scans to see what "broke" haha. They usually do it before and after. Cool stuff. I would have to say, those suits are pretty impressive!

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