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Did it used to be legal to beat up homosexuals?


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I think what they're saying here (I didn't bother to read much of it) is that it is illegal to whup-azz based solely on someone's sexual orientation, and these acts are now viewed as a "hate crime" under federal law.

It was never "ok" to beat up a homosexual before... It's not "ok" to just beat up anyone.

You know those stories that you hear about the gay kid getting jumped when he got off of the school bus? Yeah, I believe that they're trying to curb that sort of activity.

Will it be effective? Who knows, for all the defendant would have to do is prove that he whipped the kid's arse for a different reason.... Which begs the question: If a homosexual is poppin' shit, and hits another kid; subsequently resulting in the homosexual kid catching a "bad one"... What's the liklihood that he or she could claim NO wrongdoing, and the kid defending him/herself is now persecuted under this law?

Granted that's a bit of a stretch, but it could happen...

My advice, make sure you have a witness or two BEFORE you commence the azz-kicking.

Edited by KruelHouse
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I'm with Pauly on this one, and I've expressed this to others. There is NO reason for punishment to be harsher because of the rationale/reasoning for a crime, the punishment needs to be EQUALLY HARSH.

It doesn't matter WHY someone commits a crime, punish them the same.

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What upsets me is the "treat me just like everyone else, I want the same rights" BUT, "I want more laws to protect/help me" This goes for almost every group that has wanted equal rights.


If you want equal rights then you must accept equal laws.

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The problem with that is, the people in power don't follow the 'equal laws'. I'm all for everyone following the same rule of the law..but realistically, it rarely happens. Women's rights groups didn't just spring up because they were bored...they sprung up because their pussies were hurting...AND the men who traditionally wield the power, didn't put women in the same roles. So yeah..euqal laws...blah blah blah...but that's only in a perfect world. The real world doesn't work that way.

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Oooooh' date=' thread drift...

Should an employer have to pay a woman for maternity leave if she gets pregnant?[/quote']

I say No. Getting pregnant isn't in the company handbook.


BUT...if it IS in the handbook, please PM me the name/address of said company so I can help spread the good word of the CEO throughout the workplace.

Edited by InyaAzz
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So' date=' it's a hate crime just because they victim happens to prefer the sausage?[/quote']

It's a hate crime if the victim is beaten "just because" he prefers the sausage.

I'm with Pauly on this one, and I've expressed this to others. There is NO reason for punishment to be harsher because of the rationale/reasoning for a crime, the punishment needs to be EQUALLY HARSH.

It doesn't matter WHY someone commits a crime, punish them the same.

I agree with this to an extent. Think about manslaughter v. murder v. premeditated murder. All are illegal, and by definition yield the same end result: death of a victim. However, premeditated murder often carries a harsher sentence than murder and manslaughter (even if it is voluntary manslaughter). This is mostly due to the rationale behind the crime Truth be told, instead of having harsher penalties for hate crimes, the vigilance and penalties for violence in general should perhaps be elevated. Things aren't like they were when most of us were growing up... Where you got into a fight, you both had bloody noses and perhaps a black eye, and then finished playing ball until the street lights came on.

Now kids are being beaten to death (see recent murder on Chicago's South Side), shot, stabbed, etc... All over some bull-isht. Some of these azz-wipes are even taping the fights and posting them on the net.

Regarding "hate crimes", I think that in the eyes of the victim/victim's family a "suitable punishment" is more of a moving target because high emotions make the situation more volatile.

If a Muslim kid were to get jumped (post 9-11) in school while being called "terrorist (insert slur here)", the punishment should be that the defendants be expelled from school (if that's the punishment for fighting). However, in the eyes of the parents (and media), you have a kid who was severly beaten in a racially-motivated altercation. Punishment should still be expulsion, however there will always be some people who will want more.

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If she gets pregnant, no. If she has a baby, yes. But fathers need to have the same privilege if you go that route.

I have a friend who used to work for a sales corp. that gave him compensating maternity leave when his wife was pregnant. I honestly think that he got 2-3wks to stay home with his wife and daughter...

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I have a friend who used to work for a sales corp. that gave him compensating maternity leave when his wife was pregnant. I honestly think that he got 2-3wks to stay home with his wife and daughter...

I believe maternity/paternity leave is covered under short term disability, I know I get 100% of pay for up to 13 weeks or something, then 40% for disability, but you can enroll in a buy-up to 60%.

I know I'm eligible to take disability if my wife has a baby, it's covered under the "care for another individual that is eligible for disability", interesting though.

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@Kruel: you're right but that relates more to planning/execution not to the intent.

Murder is Murder, doesn't matter if you did it because you hate someone for fucking your wife or for fucking your wife and is black.

I see your point. The sentence for the premeditated murder of a dude snakin' your wife should be the same whether or not he's a brotha... I agree with this.

However the defendant should get less time if said adulterer (black, white, hispanic, etc) pulled it out and tried to slap you with it as he jumped into the shower.:D

Edited by KruelHouse
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