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Did it used to be legal to beat up homosexuals?


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hatecrimes are offensive and the penalties should be more stringent. the guy at the bar who gets beat up for mouthing off or sleeping with someone's wife has a choice to shut his mouth or keep his pants zipped up. the guy who is born a different race and is targeted for it doesnt have that luxury.

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hatecrimes are offensive and the penalties should be more stringent. the guy at the bar who gets beat up for mouthing off or sleeping with someone's wife has a choice to shut his mouth or keep his pants zipped up. the guy who is born a different race and is targeted for it doesnt have that luxury.

But what you fail to realize is that guy who was mouthing off and got his ass kicked... if he was gay the guy beating him up gets a stronger penalty even if he didn't know.

They just have to prove the person doing the beating "hates gays"

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But what you fail to realize is that guy who was mouthing off and got his ass kicked... if he was gay the guy beating him up gets a stronger penalty even if he didn't know.

They just have to prove the person doing the beating "hates gays"

then dont get in a bar fight. its pretty simple. i hate photo cameras at stop lights because i speed.

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then dont get in a bar fight. its pretty simple. i hate photo cameras at stop lights because i speed.

You're not making the argument right... you're saying it's ok to break the law if it's a dumb law or just because you want to :)

I don't want to be punished for speeding, so either you eliminate speeding laws or I just stop caring

thats like telling a hot chick not to dress slutty in order to not get raped... :???:

lol jk

Not too far off base, I imagine your JK was to avoid people getting mad, but it's a pretty good example.

I don't think we should punish people differently for things they may not know

Man beats up loud mouth = assault

Man beats up gay loud mouth = hate crime

If you say "this guy is gay, and I'm going to beat him up" it's premeditated.

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if i get a ticket its bc im speeding. im not saying its ok to break any law. im saying i make the choice to speed, hence taking the risk of getting caught and potential punishment. I have a choice not to speed. people targeted in race, sexual orientation etc.. do not. i suppose there are loopholes to most laws. ur argument is one of them and i see that.

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if i get a ticket its bc im speeding. im not saying its ok to break any law. im saying i make the choice to speed, hence taking the risk of getting caught and potential punishment. I have a choice not to speed.

But that theory only comes into play when you know you're speeding.

What if you THOUGHT the speed limit was 35 and you were driving 35... but the speed limit was 25, so you get a ticket for going 10 over.

What about when the speed limit is 35, you know it's 35, but you drive 45 anyway. That's still 10 over, but now it's a harder punishment because you KNEW the speed limit was 35.

My whole point is just, 10 mph is 10 mph, treat them both the same. Hate crime legislation looks to penalize the 2nd scenario more than the first.

Edited by Likwid
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But that theory only comes into play when you know you're speeding.

What if you THOUGHT the speed limit was 35 and you were driving 35... but the speed limit was 25, so you get a ticket for going 10 over.

What about when the speed limit is 35, you know it's 35, but you drive 45 anyway. That's still 10 over, but now it's a harder punishment because you KNEW the speed limit was 35.

i see what your saying. at the end of the day, my argument is a broad perspective and i just support the idea that punishment should be more harsh if race or sexual orietation is found as the basis for the act in a court of law. a misdemeanor speeding ticket scenario is miniscule in the big picture..perhaps a poor analogy. at best its circumstancial and a judge could simply argue willful ignorance (with my luck....;)).

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This just occured to me . . . Is it now a felony to play "Smear the Queer?"

(and I mean this one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smear_the_queer, before someone tries it on Urban Dictionary)

Only if that group of kids in the picture (the ones surrounding the kid on the ground) succeed in stomping a mud-hole in said queer.:rulez::D

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It doesn't matter WHY someone commits a crime, punish them the same.

hell it doesnt. thats the difference between murder 1 and murder 2 or manslaughter. motive plays a part in establishing intent in criminal acts.

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Everything is slanted tho. If a straight guy beats up a gay guy its a hate crime. If a white dude calls a black dude a racial slur, its racist. But if the gay guy beats up the straight guy its just a crime. If a black guy calls a white guy (or another black guy for that matter) a racial slur, it's not a big deal. Where do you draw the lines? Everything is grey, unless someone says " I killed him cause he's gay." One thing I have noticed though, is the minority or "group" blows stuff way out of proportion in the first place and makes it look like the crime was commited because of their beliefs. "You fired be cause Im a blonde" "No, I fired you for being a dumbass"...

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