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Best Condoms


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Hmmm...seems like their's some animosity between you 2. Wheeze...did you try and stick it in her butt...without asking? :nono:


interesting... while that is a situation that would cause animosity between 2 people... :eek:!


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interesting... while that is a situation that would cause animosity between 2 people... :eek:!


lol. Hmm...that is interesting. Maybe...i'm wrong here, but...kinda sounds like you know from experience? Just asking...:D

No. I think I just harass her to much. Mj is out of my league!

She plays football remember? :p

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sue johanson says check out the female condom bc it feels more natural.... lol

mmmk, i've heard 2 comments from friends of mine... one said that nothing but the ultra thin works for him, and the other one said he can't feel anything anyway, so he just gets whatever makes his girl happy.

might as well try a few different kinds out though... it probably varies from person to person... otherwise they'd only make one kind... right?

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sue johanson says check out the female condom bc it feels more natural.... lol

mmmk, i've heard 2 comments from friends of mine... one said that nothing but the ultra thin works for him, and the other one said he can't feel anything anyway, so he just gets whatever makes his girl happy.

might as well try a few different kinds out though... it probably varies from person to person... otherwise they'd only make one kind... right?

What do you know about Sue Johanson? lol. Did you randomly ask your friend's...what condoms they prefer? Condoms are condoms. Does it really matter?

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What do you know about Sue Johanson? lol. Did you randomly ask your friend's...what condoms they prefer? Condoms are condoms. Does it really matter?

sue johanson, the funniest old lady evar?? yeah... i'll admit, I let the old lady school me on a few topics. lol.

That info was brought up during random conversations... I know, kinda weird... people just tell me that kind of stuff. :lol:

again for the record i did not call mj a linebacker..............



Hey JRMMiii, this must put Wheezle no higher than 2 on the mayonnaise scale. Guess we have company.:p

You put yourself at a 2 on the mayo scale?? interesing.

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He was angry every time I met him. Of course, I am sure he asw how you look at me all doe eyed all the time. :cool:


but srsly, he just looked angry... he was actually quite content most of the time :)

Mayonnaise is gone?


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