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10 things we don't know about you...


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1. My name is Anthony. I go by A.J. my parents wanted to name me A.J. but realized my first name couldn't be an A and my middle a J so they named me after my grandfather James, and came up with the first A name they could think of.

2. I learn quickly things that interest me. hence my 7 year mech eng college career. (math sucks)

3. I started my own company last year with my father and brother. If you want an epoxy coating or nature stone work done. hit me up. you can also check out Minsterconcretecoatings.com (should probably put that in my signature.)

4. I count. normally by 2's anytime i get bored. sitting in a bar i'll count people glasses red shirts what ever it may be... its wierd i know.

5. I have a chiweenie named Baxter. love him to death but man does he get on my nerves some times.

6. I have two siblings 2 years older than me. and only 2 months apart. I have four siblings more than 17 years younger than me. although i'm an only child. also the oldest youngest middle and one of five and one of three.

7. I am very competitive and arguementitive.

8. I despise religion because my mother was a jehovahs witness and got kicked out for seeing my grandmother who got kicked out for smoking.. and i hated going door to door to preach. screw all religions because of that.

9. I was never baptised. and it is going to be an issue when i try to get married.

10. I will own a motorcycle of some sort till the day i die.. its my only real hobby and nothing will stand in the way of it..

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1. My name is Anthony. I go by A.J. my parents wanted to name me A.J. but realized my first name couldn't be an A and my middle a J so they named me after my grandfather James, and came up with the first A name they could think of.

5. I have a chiweenie named Baxter. love him to death but man does he get on my nerves some times.

If I ever have a boy.. I plan to name him Anthony James (AJ) as well. After my dad and my husband.

What is a chiweenie? pics?

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  • I was born in Holland while Dad was in the Air Force. Made getting a security clearance interesting. It was hard to prove I was NOT a citizen of the Netherlands.
  • I still can’t believe I am riding a motorcycle. I loved dirt bikes as a kid but witnessed a pretty bad wreck between friends when I was about 12. I didn’t start riding again until I was 40 and am loving it.
  • I have worked in and around the hobby industry since I was 15. Planes,cars, models, trains, rockets, helicopters, I’ve done ‘em all since I was about 5. Give me some plastic and balsa wood and I can build damn near anything.
  • I am a huge military history buff. During high school I used to volunteer to give tours through the Air Force Museum and work at the Dayton Air show. My wife still gets pissed when I correct people when we are at national museums.
  • Got in a huge fight with a college professor in engineering. I had been doing well in my coop experience and pointed out that the professor was using outdated methodologies compared to the real world. I ended up walking out of school that day and never going back. My biggest regret.
  • Been happily married 18 years this Saturday.
  • I have three red head boys. Since neither my wife or I have red hair(its on both sides of the family) I often joke that they are not mine, but it is obvious to any who meet them that they are DEFINITELY mine as they are all mini me’s aside from the hair.
  • I love racing in any of its forms and have been racing in SCCA autocross on a 125 shifter kart for the last 7 years even being in charge of that for several years. Prior to that I was a corner worker at Mid Ohio.
  • I love to coach kids. I had several good coaches growing up and I hope that I can pass that experience along to the next generation. Mostly baseball and football, but also coaching the karters.
  • I have NO respect for people who are ONLY fans or just read stuff on the internet and talk like they know what they are talking about and try to talk down to me about those topics. These are people who have never flown in a plane, ridden a motorcycle, raced a car or any number of things that I have actually DONE. Seize the day and go out and do it before you talk to me. Then maybe I’ll respect your opinion.

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That is a very UGLY version. ours is marked like a black dachsund on top and white with black and brown speckles on bottom.

And ears bigger than the one in the picture.

If you scroll down, there are a bunch of pics and they all look different. One has HUGE ears!

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1. My name is Andrew...but depending on who I am talking to I answer to whatever. 1/2 of my friends and my parents call me Drew, the other 1/2 of my friends and my wife call me Andy, the only person that really calls me Andrew is Grandma.

2. I just got married June 11th.

3. My wife and I both have 1 daughter from past relationships but no kids together yet.

4. I have always had a preference for black animals. I have only had black cats, and my favorite dogs are Black Labs. My current Lab, "Duke" is my best buddy.

5. I tried college 3 times before I finally got my shit together, quit partying, and graduated.

6. I have a very severe fear of heights, but looking out of an airplane window while flying doesn't bother me in the least. (weird, huh??)

7. I would love to learn how to play the drums someday...I have always had this dream of being a drummer in a rock band.

8. I LOVE straight Tequilla!! Especially Cuervo Gold.

9. I have a tattoo of a half naked chick.

10. I work as a Respiratory Therapist but I am in the process of going back to school for Healthcare Admin.

Edited by drew95gt
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1. My name is Dalton. You can call me anything but D(only one person does and I like keeping it that way)

2. I am 18

3. I hate partying, and refuse to go out with any girl who gets hammered more then once a week(that means they are whores)

4. I am 99.99999% sure I will enlist in roughly a month

5. I love my jeep almost as much as my bike. If someone messes with either I will kill them. No joking there, jail does not scare me.

6. My family has two ankle biters, but secretly they are cool

7. I am trying to move out and go back to alabama

8. I am from Alabama and love it down there(I ride when it's 30* so it could be almost all year :))

9. My idea of fun is sitting around

10. I say what i want, I don't care who I offend, if you don't like it I dont care, you can kiss my ass.

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1.I like big butts and I can not lie

2. When a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in my face

I get sprung.

3. I get hooked and I can't stop staring

4.My homeboys tried to warn me but that butt ladies got makes me so horny.

5.I'm tired of magazines sayin' flat butts are the thing

6.I like 'em round, and big

7.I just can't help myself, I'm actin' like an animal Now here's my scandal

8.I want em real thick and juicy

9. I gotta be straight when I say I wanna fuck till the break of dawn

10. I'm long, and I'm strong and I'm down to get the friction on


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1) I played the flute in band and enjoy musical theater, but I’m not gay.

2) My wife got pregnant three months after my vasectomy….he’s mine, so don’t go there.

3) I have done well in a career that I love. I actually look forward to going to work, but I still enjoy my off-time.

4) I was the first varsity goalie on the first soccer team that my high school had. I wasn’t bad either.

5) My father went from piloting a 49 foot sailboat around the British Virgin Islands in July to being diagnosed with cancer and dead by the end of August. I still pick up the phone to call him…..

6) I don’t do a good job keeping in touch with old friends. In fact, it dawned on me the other day that my only friends are those whom I pay. I have to wonder if my jokes are funny.

7) I enjoy solitude.

8) Watching the sun come up over a dense wood from 15 feet up in a tree stand is finding God.

9) Speaking of whom, I’m not a fan of religion. Karl Marx said it best… “Religion is the opiate of the masses”. Not criticizing spiritual people, but I do believe that organized religion is man’s crafty crowd-control creation.

10) I once heard a simple quote that made sense to me. I try to live my life by it, but as with all people, I screw it up sometimes. “Do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do and not because someone might be watching.”

PS... The font is different because I did it on a word document first and then copied and pasted... 1) for spelling and 2) because I don't like to log in for a long period of time on the work computer. Big brother is watching.

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3. I hate partying, and refuse to go out with any girl who gets hammered more then once a week(that means they are whores).

No...that means they are alcoholics in the making or just being young and reckless. Alcohol does not = whore. Whores ask for the money first.

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No...that means they are alcoholics in the making or just being young and reckless. Alcohol does not = whore. Whores ask for the money first.

sentence 1: NO

sentence 2 & 3: YES

you get a passing grade for this post but walking a fine line :p

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1. Married

2. Have a black cat

3.love to play

4.under 5ft

5. In 30s

6. Love old cars

7. worked at autoworks at 15

8. Been on bikes since age 2

9. Happy

10. Love my hubby

Edited by snot
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