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10 things we don't know about you...


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1. My name is Nathan. I don't like when people call me nate although im too nice to tell them to call me by my real name. Yes i know my sn is natedogg with basically every online thing i am a part of. I was young when i came up with it and can't think of anything new or creative to change it.

2. I was falsely accused of cheating my sophomore of college on a final exam. At the time it ruined basically everything i had worked for the 12 years of schooling i had before going towards engineering. I was put on probation and they failed me for the course. Put my gpa too low to make it into the college of engineering. Was forced to make a drastic change in life direction and now am happier than i was before.

3. I have too much heart for this world. Seriously. I care too much about friends, girls, i dont know how you guys can hit it and quit it.

4. I hate bragging about myself and hate when people inflate their egos.

5. I'm probably the quietest guy you'll ever first meet. But once i get used to you its all good.

6. Girls come to me, probably because of #5. i've never "gone after" any of the girls i've dated. i've had it easy when it comes to relationships.

7. I love to draw and am good at it. Mostly cars, i hate copying cars that i see others doing or producing but rather create my own prototypes.

8. I was in marching band on the drumline. We were one of those schools that people filled the stadium just to see the band, not the football team. We were damn good. I hate to tell people i was in the marching band.

8a. I am an Eagle Scout. I earned it when i was 14 before high school started. I don't really know why, but i was ashamed to admit it but have realized now that the rewards its reaping down the road in terms of job opportunities and scholarships make up for it all.

9. Im an only child country boy. I love the country life and atmosphere. Grew up on the farm shoveling hay and bull shit (literally) with the bull in the next pen over staring at me the whole time. I believe this instilled the work ethic i have today. However, I went to NYC once for a week and now want to live there. (not bc of the girl)

10. I despise anyone who drinks and drive. My grandfather was killed by a drunk driver on his way to work in the morning...on a wednesday. I was 8. There are 12 other cousins in my family that were too young or not born yet who were never able to meet him. In fact its because of this i didn't drink until i actually turned 21. Never did the "norm" of drinking in high school or when i got to college. I always associated drinking with his death.

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1. My name is Bryan... with a Y. But i'm not like nate (err Nathan) and i dont really give a damn if you dont spell it right.

2. The only thing I get really passionate about is the Green Bay Packers, it's kinda sad really, but football really gets me pumped up. Hence, Pack V. F**** and the Viqueens this weekend has me going nuts right now.

3. Beer is sort of my hobby. That's not to say I drink a lot, I'm just usually the weird guy who shows up to a party with a 4-pack of beer with Imperial-something on the label. None of my friends are beer snobs, so I'm pretty much alone in my beer exploration, but that's ok cause it just means i never have to worry about anyone stealing my drinks.

4. I'm still insanely bitter about my previous job doing research at Nationwide Children's. It's been over a year and there are still days where I dwell on all the stuff I wish I had unloaded on my boss the day I quit. The single biggest mistake of my life.

5. So far, I'm on pace to be a physician and never pay a dime out of my (or my family's) pocket for any of my schooling along the way. I'm really proud of that. Just hoping I'm cut out for it when I get there.

6. I'm never really satisfied with anything in life and I think it's because I have way too high of expectations of everything in life and cant ever push it aside to really appreciate all the great things everyone thinks I have.

7. I've never dated anyone for less than 9 months.

8. Along the lines of #7, I'm debating proposing to my girlfriend of 2 years, but #6 is holding me back.

9. I used to be huge into bodybuilding. I won the under 24 division of the Ohio Natural Bodybuilding Federation back in 2006 and took 2nd to the overall show winner in the lightweight and novice divisions. Sadly I've not had the time to workout and lost nearly 35 pounds in the last year.

10. In stark contrast to #9, I ran varsity cross country all through high school (2000-2004). Never could motivate myself to run year-round to be great at it, so I always showed up the week before the first meet to start practicing, missed making varsity by about 10 ppl and made varsity by the 2nd meet. Consequently, the people who trained all summer got a little peeved at me, but we were all still friends anyway. Our team won the district every year I was there.

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My name is brandt

1) I am an extreme perfectionist. If i start a project, and I cant get somthing to work out like i invisioned in my head. I have to mess with it untill its how i want it.

2)I love my job. I work outside, I plow snow, its somthing different everyday.

3)even though I ride motorcycles, i love bicycles just as much.

4)I am fairly quiet when I am with a group of people, I am a people watcher

5) I love music. I cant play any insturments or even read music, but i LOVE to sit and listen to it. Trying to figure out what the writer/composer was thinking/feeling at that time.

6)I went to school for machining. I worked in two different shops and realized that it was not for me. I love making parts for myself. But when I have a shop owner standing over my shoulder, it really irritated me.

7) 98% of the time, I choose to stay in my garage and tinker on somthing than go out on a friday night

8) When it comes to my vehicals,and tools i am a neat freak.

9)I have an amazing girlfriend

10) relaxation is the key to life.

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1. My name is Jeremy. That’s the only part of my name that I was born with. The rest changed after I left home at age 12 and was subsequently adopted.

2. Most of the people I have known for years still don’t know how to read me…And I have a lot of fun with that.

3. I am one of the most intensely laid-back people you’ll ever meet. That doesn’t make sense to me, either.

4. I am illiterate in 3 languages.

5. If it is worth doing, it is worth doing to excess. Guess you can call that passion.

6. I have been sober for 10 years, mostly because I am a mean-ass drunk…And #5.

7. I have been told by many that I am a decent guitarist.

8. “Twisted” doesn’t even begin to describe my sense of humor. I do have fun though.

9. I enjoy painting/drawing/building things.

10. I find that I am either compassionate or cold. Rarely in-between. I am not necessarily unsociable; I let you choose…

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I am illiterate in 3 languages


isn't everyone illiterate to most languages?

Main Entry: il·lit·er·ate

Pronunciation: \(ˌ)i(l)-ˈli-t(ə-)rət\

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin illiteratus, from in- + litteratus literate

Date: 15th century

1 : having little or no education; especially : unable to read or write <an illiterate population>

2 a : showing or marked by a lack of familiarity with language and literature <an illiterate magazine> b : violating approved patterns of speaking or writing

3 : showing or marked by a lack of acquaintance with the fundamentals of a particular field of knowledge <musically illiterate>

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isn't everyone illiterate to most languages?

A bit of a joke, son. Along the lines of your 2b entry. I communicate in English, Lakota, and Spanish...But would hardly consider myself a proper grammartarian.

I am finding that certain subtleties apparently do not translate in this part of the country.

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1. My name is Justin. At least since 3 years ago, and for the foreseeable next 7 years until my chip is reprogrammed and my OS is upgraded.

3. I have trouble counting to 10.

4. The theme song to my life is Bone Crusher feat. Killer Mike "Never Scared" (instrumental version), or "Total Eclipse of the Heart"

5. I'm the fattest 'in shape' guy I know.

6. I've been asked to have sex on the first date, but turned it down. We're still friends to this day. Fonz promised me he wouldn't ask again.

7. The more money I have, the more problems I have.

8. My name is on a European patent for an optical system

9. I know Jewel (the singer) personally.

10. Formerly a burlesque dancer

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  • 1 year later...

This looks like a great thread to be bumped, but I'm hesitant about posting...eh what the hell.

1. My name is already displayed, so that's obvious. I am originally from the Cleveland area (Fairview Park) and moved down here to Columbus a year after graduating from Ohio Wesleyan.

2. I have never been arrested, received a ticket, or been in a car accident. Was in an accident on the motorcycle shortly after getting my license though. I blame the tree.

3. I am pretty outgoing, honest and nice to a fault, and loyal to helping people any way I can even if they have screwed me over. As long as I'm given respect and attention, I can be the most loyal friend you have ever had.

4. Unlike smashweights, I have never dated someone that long. I've never been in love. I have a lot of anxiety and confusion when it comes to dating because I try to see the best in people even if it isn't there. I tend to give too many second and third chances. I'm a glutton for punishment I suppose. Way too much to write about lol.

5. I am a painter and ceramicist. I went to OWU for Fine Arts. I have not painted in about 10 years. I lost my inspiration and drive. I hope I get it back some day, because it was very therapeutic for me. I do dabble in photography. I love taking macro shots even though it can be very challenging with my camera.

6. I love being out in nature. Parks, camping, canoeing, etc. I feel at peace there. I'm a mosquito magnet though! Also, after working at a summer camp for two years, I've developed a bigger fear of spiders. As long as they aren't on me or fast movers, I'm ok...maybe lol.

7. I love my pets and other animals more than most people.

8. I don't like large crowds; I feel overwhelmed. There are usually too many rude people and it drives me bonkers.

9. I love to learn and consider myself a nerd. I have stress related memory issues, so it gets very frustrating for me when I can't recall information. It makes me feel stupid.

10. I am a stickler for clear communication. Sometimes it may come across as bitchy, but I know what works best for me so I don't have to worry. I hate asking people questions and not having them answered. Huge pet peeve. I am a pretty impatient person (although I try to work on that). I can only give someone so many chances to be clear with me until I cut them off completely. Not knowing answers really does drive me nuts. I believe this stems from being used and mislead so many times. I used to go with the flow until I realized how much I was getting shit on that way. It's a defense mechanism now.

Wow this is kinda like therapy! I feel a little better now :p

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1. Name is Bill, Billy to family (or you better be a close friend) legal is William

2. I love the job I have but long for another.

3. I was a FF/Medic for 5 yrs Vol. 5yrs before thatI watched a friend die from a head on collision w/a pepsi truck. That is why I left the fire service.

4. I secretly have a hard time dealing with my family... especially my brother and the younger sister. I want to slap/beat the crap out of both of them.

5. I still do want to be on the Columbus Division of fire. It's a family thing. My uncle was a Batillion chief, My cousin was a lt at station 2, my other cousin is a FF in COlumbus, One of my brothers from another mother is (possibly the greatest fireman of them all) is also in Columbus.

6. I love my Superhawk but still long for a RC51

7. My family is a mustang finatic family. We have had Boss', Shelbys, Machs', A 427 Cobra, and a Pantera... (not nec a mustang but still one of the greats).

8. I was almost butchered by a lawn mower when I was 3, thousands of stitches later the great childrens hospital prep'ed me for surgery to remove my right leg at the hip. My military dad ordered them to take me to Licking memorial (yeah I know) where they saved my leg and reconstructed 90% of it.

9. I had two rotator cuff surgerys before I was out of college, from playing so much baseball.

10. I have been married, bancrupted, divorced and pulled myself back together all in that order before I was 25.

So to all the kiddies reading, dont get married and go stupid!!! Live a little. It is to difficult to do it all at once... marriage and college and owning a home all at once is next to impossible. Especially if you are the only bread maker...

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1) My name is Ed. Just Ed...not Eddie, Edward, Eduardo, Edmund, or any other variation....

2) I have been in every state except Alaska and Hawaii, parts of Canada, and many brothels in Mexico(this is the one that doesn't surprise many people).

3) I fired Expert with every weapon the Military would hand to me.

4) I have been married, bankrupt, divorced, remarried had a $126K job..got "Down-sized" and took a job making $40K, and only recently made it back up to getting a decent salary.

5) I can order beer and insult you, in 4 different languages.

6) I am a licensed Reverend, and can perform marriage ceremonies.

7) There is a cactus in my office.

8) My IQ was tested when I was 10, and they found my IQ was past the genius mark.

9) I've worked in IT more than half my life.

10) I have 5 children(1 step-daughter, 3 adopted children, 1 biological), the youngest is 19.

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1 I was married and divorced @ the age of 23. I actually am getting married again in July.

2 lots of things just come naturally to me. I am a natural athlete and learn skills rather quickly. I was a 4 year varsity starter at soccer. My senior year I was voted team captian and ended the season first team all Ohio.

3 I'm very humble. 2 sounds very egotistical but if someone teaches me a skill I give them all the credit. I would have never been so successful at soccer if I hadn't had such a great group of friends that had played with me from 7th grade to 12th.

4 like someone before me said they were IQ tested at a young age and tested very well, I also did. I also tested into the top 2% in the nation in math.

5 I didn't go to college. My family owns a fuel distribution company. Since I was young enough to be in a car seat I was in the semis riding around with my dad. At that time my grandfather owned the company. Now my father owns it and i run the same routes now as I rode in the car seat. I have customers tell me about a kid in a car seat that they remember riding with one of the other drivers a long time ago. I usually get a smile out of telling them that was me. Soon it will be my turn to run the show and I already have plans for the company.

6 if you haven't got the hint by now and from my postings I'm pretty country. When I get off work my relaxing night is grabbing a six pack my rifle and my truck then headed to our family farm and waiting for some unlucky groundhog to poke his head out.

7 I love learning. When I find something that interests me I nearly obsess until I learn everything I can about it, master it, and then move on to the next thing that catches my interest.

8 friends. If you are my friend I would move mountains for you. All my friends know all they need to do is make a call and ill be there asap. I'm a giver and it has gotten me in trouble with people who I once thought were friends and just took advantage of my generosity.

9 I have had 2 knee operations. The first when I was 15 on my right and the second when I was 25 on my left. Exactly 10 years to the day. Both operations were for a torn acl and from playing indoor soccer.

10 I watched an Amish kid die a few years back and it messed me up pretty good for quite awhile. I couldnt sleep after it happened cuz I would have crazy dreams when I would fall asleep. It all kinda changed when I met my now fiance. She pulled me out of a dark place and I give her credit for that.

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1) When I was young I accidentally dropped a cinderblock on my older brother's hand, leaving him permanently disfigured.

2) I knew exactly what career I wanted when my dad bought me a computer at age 13. 25 years later I'm still in that same career.

3) When I was young my family was very poor and in overwhemling debt. Now my wife and I are doing great financially, but I'm pathalogically paranoid of anything that threatens that.

4) I suck at selling vehicles because I'm too honest and have been known to list all the scratches in the auto trader ad.

5) I am far too logical and legal-thinking. My opinion on a subject can change from one extreme to another based purely on the precise wording of the question / the law, etc.

6) I emigrated from the UK to the US when I was 22 to get married. I do not want to ever go back.

7) My hobbies include designing and building camera systems. I have a CCTV system more advanced than any private citizen should have. Every vehicle I drive must have a dashcam. Bikes / cars / anything. I have a portable dashcam I install in rental cars.

8) I once backed into a dumpster in my own driveway, and the incident was caught on 8 different cameras. It's on youtube. Same account name.

9) I am obsessed with the physical security of my house and family. The window in my front door is reinforced with enough lexan to stop a 22LR. The locks are frames on every door are reinforced using custom made 1/4" steel plates to resist kicks, sledgehammers, hydraulic frame spreaders etc. They are so strong that it would be easier to cut a hole in the wall to gain entry. Anyone who sets foot on my property causes my CCTV ystem to alert my phone and I can watch them remotely until they leave, or call the police before they even get to the door.

10) I'm obsessed with fire safety. My family have emergency plans for fire, home invasion and natural disasters. Every room has a fire extinguisher and a networked smoke detector and every window can be used to exit the house without having to jump, even the top floor. My son was trained to use a fire extinguisher at age 6.

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1.) My name is Mark (duh)

2.) I am the first member of my family to be born in the US (all previously born in the UK)

3.) There is a small village in England that my family is named from, the name dates back to before the Black Plague.

4.) I marched drum line a 4 years of high school and all the way through college.

5.) I have a tattoo and I'm getting ready to get another soon.

6.) I'm currently back in school to finish my bachelors degree... considering my masters.

7.) I've been married for 10 years to a woman who if you told me I would have married her I would have told you that you were crazy.

8.) I'm extremely lucky at times... example, I went to a tech conference in Vegas and won an iPad and a xBox Kinect system from the vendors in attendance.

9.) I was named "Best Drummer" in 2006 at the Emergenza Music Festival.

10.) I have 2 albums available on iTunes.

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9) I am obsessed with the physical security of my house and family. The window in my front door is reinforced with enough lexan to stop a 22LR. The locks are frames on every door are reinforced using custom made 1/4" steel plates to resist kicks, sledgehammers, hydraulic frame spreaders etc. They are so strong that it would be easier to cut a hole in the wall to gain entry. Anyone who sets foot on my property causes my CCTV ystem to alert my phone and I can watch them remotely until they leave, or call the police before they even get to the door.

I wish I knew how to do this....the cctv system alert thing...

guess i have to participate now...

1) Name is Kyle. Legal name Richard or yes...Dick (everyone thinks thats funny)

2) I enjoy work. All kinds as long as i am engaged in it and i am learning something or helping someone

3) I love designing/ building contemporary furniture/ home interior things.

4) I love my motorcycle.

5) I almost died from a severe case of E. Coli about 7-8 years ago.

6) I am very social and enjoy talking to anyone about anything. Don't believe in judging someone who came from a different walk of life.

7) I am 22 and have had the same job and girlfriend for 7 years and am happy with both.Consider myself kind of lucky in that aspect of life.

8) School (college) is stupid.

9) If I am in a conversation/ argument with someone and don't know the answer to something I have a weird tendency to have to find out the answer. Not to prove I am right or wrong i just have to know whats right.

10) I will try almost anything once. Especially foods. however I never cant gain weight no matter what/ how much I eat.

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1. I have three first names, none of them are billy or joe. :lol:

2. I like the Adirondacks better than Ohio, I was born there.

3. I have never been married, not sure I ever wanna be married either

4. I have two dogs who are like my kids

5. I have dial up internet

6. I refuse to pay for tv when they still have commercials

7. I have two degrees in environmental science

8. I'm currently unemployed (see #7) :rolleyes:

9. I love dual sport riding, it's like having limitless options for riding :)

10.I have the same user name on five different forums

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1) I've only been married almost 6 years but I've been (including living with) my now husband since April of 1999.

2) I met my husband online in October of 1998 before it was all hip-trendy-cool-e-Harmony-Match.com bs. We met in a mIRC chat room (channel) called #Worldchat on the 'Undernet' server. I was even dating someone at the time, but we just hit it off and the rest is history.

3) I am a Green Belt in Kenpo but I haven't done Karate since I was 13.

4) My dog ate a pear I caught in a Alanis Morissette concert. I was given tickets to the concert cause a friend of ours sent alot of money to Tori Amos's RAIN foundation. Well, Alanis was the headliner. She was not that great. But near the end of the concert she went back behind the curtain and came back out with a fruit basket and started tossing fruit. Somehow I caught a darn pear. It was either that or get a black eye from it. I had plenty of crazed lesbians begging me for the pear asking me what I was going to do with that awesome pear. I wouldn't let any of them have it just because they were creeping me out and wanted that damned fruit so badly. I took it home and my dog who we just got and was only 6 months old at the time was intreigued by it. She sniffed that pear and eventually ate it. Yup. My dog ate a pear thrown by Alanis Morrisette.

5) I got married in Niagara Falls, Ontario over looking the Horseshoe falls. Took friggn' 6 months for me to get my marriage license due to their backlog.

6) I'm from Southern Illinois originally and despise all of Illinois except Chicago.

7) I lived in Anchorage, Alaska for about 6 months. Even became a resident. I've seen Wasilla (Grandpa had a cabin there) and it's nothing that impressive. Certainly not future-president status.

8) When I lived in Anchorage I worked in security as a Pre-Board Screener for Anchorage International Airport. This was pre-9/11. 1997 actually. Strangest thing I ever saw on the x-ray was a chain saw. He was allowed to take it on board due to lack of fuel supply and chain not attached.

9) When I was only about 20 I had a cruddy job working at CompUSA and my husband came to pick me up one day at work cause we were sharing a car... someone asked him if he came to pick up his DAUGHTER. Thought I was his kid.

10) You probably already know this.. but I'm a big voters rights advocate and in 2008 I was the Street Team Leader for Rock the Vote in Columbus. During that time I met the former Secretary of State, Mayor Coleman, put on a concert near the Ice Rink with the Rock the Vote tour bus, was interviewed by Portugeuese reporter for a publication, and spoke at many-a tailgates and other events promoting the importance of voting.

Side note-- what I find funny about this post is that most of the time when people ask you to tell them something they don't know about ya.. I have to say I ride a motorcycle. LOL That usually makes their jaw drop.

Edited by DGTL GRL
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1. My name is Charles close friends and family call me Chas or Chaz. Every male on my father's side is named Charles.

2. I am a 3rd generation truck driver although it wasn't my first career choice. As a kid I wanted to be a truck driver and a cop maybe in a few years I will try being a cop.


3. I have a college degree in computer networking and business administration. The last semester of school I decided it isn't what I wanted to do and the job market went to hell.

4. I learned about 2 years ago that I have ADD which explains the problems I had in school. I was intelligent but teachers had a hard time keeping me challenged. I think the schools reteach too much.

5. I am a strong supporter of the Consitition especially the 1st and 2nd amendments!

6. I HATE large crowds or groups specifically with stupid rude people pushing and shoving. I am working on this flaw .

7. I have a low tolerence for stupid people.

8. I am a very open honest person. Some including my wife and family might say brutally honest, but I was raised that honesty is the best policiy.

9. I am one of the most loyal dependable people I know.

10. I don't belive being from Wasilla Alaska disqualifies you as President! So being from a certain town eliminates you as a presidential candidate. You know I remember reading that 35 years old, natural born, and not from wasilla AK. FYI I'm not a pain for president fan!

I have been trying to edit this to add info about me for an hour but my net-book and cell phone are having issues!

Edited by crb
to add info about me!
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So being from a certain town eliminates you as a presidential candidate. You know I remember reading that 35 years old, natural born, and not from wasilla AK. FYI I'm not a pain for president fan...

Some moderator might want to look into why all crb's posts keep being edited. I think someone is messing with him.

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1) I have never met anyone who is better at "mine sweeper" than I am.

2) my wife and I had our first "date" when she asked to go for a ride on my bike. I had a girlfriend at the time, but bought dinner anyway.

3) I have two younger brothers, spaced roughty at 2.5 year intervals after me; and a sister who is just about 11 years my junior.

4) I get sick and/or pass out at the mere thought of intravenous needles. regular shots are fine, but the idea of something inside my veins makes me sick. Tonsil surgery at 24 SUCKED ASS.

5) I have two tattoos that I don't particularly "regret," but I wouldn't get over again. I'd prefer the cash back in my pocket, and they're both pretty meaningless.

6) I have minor scoliosis and thus deal with pretty much constant back pain.

7) my right pinky finger is permanently bent. I broke it when I was 8 or 9.

8) I have known all 7 of my groomsmen since before I was 13 years old. (2 of them were my brothers though)

9) when I first started looking for bikes, I thought sport bikes were dumb, and wanted a cruiser.

10) I can play trombone, baritone, tuba, and electric bass pretty well. I majored in music for about a year before deciding I preferred it as a recreational activity rather than a career path. I would have double-majored, but one of the required music classes was at 8 AM, and I didn't want to wake up that early. truth.

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1. My real name is Mike not "the walrus" like some like to think.

2. I have been riding for 16 years and have somewhere over 130,000 miles logged to date.

3. I have 4 boys, 3,5,8,10, 3 dogs, 6 fish and little sanity left.

4. I have been at the same job since I was 19, 16+ years.

5. I have been with my wife since I was 17 years old, 18 years.

6. I have had the same bike for 10 years, and 40k+ miles. the bike before this one had 45k+ on it and was only replaced after it was totaled out.

7. I seem to not like change to much, huh?

8. I have lived in the city my whole life but really want to live in the country. and spend most of my time outdoors and in the woods.

9. I bought my first bike at 19, and had 6 bikes since.

10. I have never had a speeding ticket on a motorcycle, only points I ever had from a bike was the one I totaled out.

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