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A question about sport bikes.....


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Thanks for the input. I guess it is probable that alot of the pics I see or bikes sitting out are just being detailed and lubed. I wasnt aware that the bike could be moved once on the stand. Having not been up close to one before, they look less stable then the sidestand but I guess not.

KLR's dont need stands. You just flip them upside down to work on them. Besides they like it when you tickle their belly! :p

Here's a KLR stand. :D


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Seriously I am not. I am sure that the stands are perhaps cheaper and more common now for the average person to find. I have been around bikes my whole life and just in the last year have noticed that this is a more familiar trend.

As far as ease of storage and fitting more bikes, I dont see how that would work out as well. Correct me if I am wrong but you have to be behind the bike to set the stand up/down where as you can push a bike back on its side stand by holding on to the the bars/clipons.

Just curious. I have a bike lift for working on my bike and lubing the chain but I dont use it very often. I can see where an under frame lift would be difficult with alot of fairings so the stands look like a great idea. My point was made after flipping though an auto trader and seeing that half the sport bikes were on stands in the pics. Just seemed strange so I thought I would ask.

carry on...

You have a bike lift because you don't own a sportbike... Otherwise, you cannot lift a bike with a stand that is used for cruisers and MX machines.

When you say "daily use", you understand that they are only using it at home as they obviously aren't carrying them on their shoulders while riding so they can use them at the burger joint, right?

Basically, the storage idea makes perfect sense as a bike is MUCH wider on the side stand than a rear stand. But, to each their own.

I use a rear stand on all the bikes - even the street ones I work on or the street ones I have ridden because of the fact that I can get to things much easier. Chain, tires, cleaning the lowers, etc. All easier with a rear stand.

Oh, and my bike doesn't have a side stand so... Guess I'm a HUGE squid...;)

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Without starting a debate on what's the best to use... I use WD-40 to clean the chains and then use a Teflon dry wax to coat them. I never really liked the chain wax until I road through a pretty hard rainfall. The stuff held up really well. My mind was changed.

We use WD40 at the track and wipe off. Simple, works with o,d,x,etc ring chains...

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Without starting a debate on what's the best to use... I use WD-40 to clean the chains and then use a Teflon dry wax to coat them. I never really liked the chain wax until I road through a pretty hard rainfall. The stuff held up really well. My mind was changed.


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When you say "daily use", you understand that they are only using it at home as they obviously aren't carrying them on their shoulders while riding so they can use them at the burger joint, right?

speak for yourself...

you should see how cool i look when i put my bike on the rearstand at Chucky Cheese. all the girls jump on me.

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