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Can your baby get pregnant if you have sex while pregnant?


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I'm concerned that my son has a secret girlfriend?

My 17 year old son has been very secretive with me lately, recently he has started to refuse to go to church with the family and tonight when I was going through his room I found a magazine with naked men in it. He obviously has a girlfriend that he is hiding from me that brought that magazine into my home and I am afraid they are having intercourse and I am greatly concerned that he is going to get her pregnant.

What should I do about this?

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Yes, unfortunately. The only solution to this is to essentially abort the baby and then have your baby abort its own baby. This is what is called a "double abortion."

It is a very rare case, and in consequence, a very painful procedure. If the double abortion does not occur, what could happen will be worse. When a woman is pregnant, she is feeding herself and her fetus, but when the fetus is impregnated, the mother is essentially feeding herself, and two fetuses, therefore both fetuses could develop at the same rate.

The result would be catastrophic. While the mother is giving birth, the baby could concurrently give birth to its own fetus, causing both babies to die soon after.


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Usually no - but I have heard reports that if you sex while being bombarded with gamma radiation, and your unborn daughter is destined to grow up to lead a resistance against robot overlords - then she might get pregnant while inside the womb.

Otherwise - you're safe.


Every scifi movie written.

  • 2 months ago

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  John said:
this is my favorite


I'm concerned that my son has a secret girlfriend?

My 17 year old son has been very secretive with me lately, recently he has started to refuse to go to church with the family and tonight when I was going through his room I found a magazine with naked men in it. He obviously has a girlfriend that he is hiding from me that brought that magazine into my home and I am afraid they are having intercourse and I am greatly concerned that he is going to get her pregnant.

What should I do about this?


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  John said:
this is my favorite


I'm concerned that my son has a secret girlfriend?

My 17 year old son has been very secretive with me lately, recently he has started to refuse to go to church with the family and tonight when I was going through his room I found a magazine with naked men in it. He obviously has a girlfriend that he is hiding from me that brought that magazine into my home and I am afraid they are having intercourse and I am greatly concerned that he is going to get her pregnant.

What should I do about this?

Oh, the best is her update... He can't be gay because we taught him that it is against god's plan... Teehee... Thank Lucifer that kid will be eighteen soon, hopefully his new boyfriend will teach him about the condoms though! Run, Kid, run from your crazy, retarded parents!!!

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Oh' date=' the best is her update... He can't be gay because we taught him that it is against god's plan... Teehee... Thank Lucifer that kid will be eighteen soon, hopefully his new boyfriend will teach him about the condoms though! Run, Kid, run from your crazy, retarded parents!!![/quote']

*shhh* don't tell anyone, but that question was posted by a friend of mine as part of a roaming game...

Roaming: where those of us who were bored witht he usual drivel that goes on in the religion and spirituality forum of Y!A would come up with outlandish questions to post in other forums, and "dare" other members to ask said questions.

for example I could be like "2 wheels: go into the pets>fish section and ask; How do I stop my pet catfish from scratching me? additional info: I put my pet catfish "lucy" in her aquarium this morning, and she kept clawing my arm, and hissing at me, How do I keep her from doing it in the future? I really don't want to have her declawed because i think that is mean" then you would post the question, and post a link to the "roaming" thread, and then the next person to post would dare me to ask a question and so on... It was one of my fondest memories of yahoo answers...

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  magley64 said:
*shhh* don't tell anyone, but that question was posted by a friend of mine as part of a roaming game...

Roaming: where those of us who were bored witht he usual drivel that goes on in the religion and spirituality forum of Y!A would come up with outlandish questions to post in other forums, and "dare" other members to ask said questions.

for example I could be like "2 wheels: go into the pets>fish section and ask; How do I stop my pet catfish from scratching me? additional info: I put my pet catfish "lucy" in her aquarium this morning, and she kept clawing my arm, and hissing at me, How do I keep her from doing it in the future? I really don't want to have her declawed because i think that is mean" then you would post the question, and post a link to the "roaming" thread, and then the next person to post would dare me to ask a question and so on... It was one of my fondest memories of yahoo answers...

.... :confused: .... really?

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more roaming















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  magley64 said:
more roaming















Not that bored! Maybe I'll look at some of those sometime....

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