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Grew up In Ohio, live in Pittsburgh Now...


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As you can see from the title I did grow up in Ohio till last year. Now I live just south of Pittsburgh. I joined these forums because one of my friends talked it up so here I am.

Little quickie about me: I own a 2008 Suzuki GSX-600R all black purchased June 2009. I have tried other forums but never got anyone to want to join for group rides. I currently ride alone, but am looking to make more friends who enjoy the same thing I love. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask, I love meeting new people.

Well thanks for reading, Have a great day.

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There are some nice roads near there.

Being as your getting into the mountains and all that.

Oh yes, they have a lot of windy roads all over the place, and like you said especially towards the mountains to the East.

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Ohhhhhhhh I see how it is....."some member" suggested you join, but you don't give a shout out to him....what a hater. WELCOME ABOARD DUDE MAN!

By the way, I think I am due for another voicemail....



Sorry, I should have stated that you of course suggested me to join the forums here. As for another voicemail... I don't know, they are out of the blue. Plus you aren't suppose to expect them. Then they aren't as funny to listen to then.

How many have you saved so far?

Anyways thanks for the welcome. The forums have been extremely helpful in any questions that I have had.

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We were just in the Pitts....errr... Pittsburgh this past weekend. It was a pretty cool place, just tough to figure out where you're going! Wow. The raods run every which way! I don't think any 2 roads run parallel over there! Going around the block requires about 10 turns! We went to visit some of the wife's family. Stayed in Carneige, visited Mount Washington for the awesome view, followed the wife's cousin through downtown, saw the sports venues, then get the hell out of there. I might have liked it more if the weather would've been warmer.....

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welcome....there are a lot of good people on this forum to hook up with and ride. you might also want to check out the sportbike alliance of pittsburgh....i have been on some good rides with them as well

+2 on www.sportbikealliance.com.

what part of South of Pittsburgh?

BTW welcome.....


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