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does anyone here jog?


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I decided I am going take up jogging. Over the last year I have lost a considerable amount of weight, just by a few diet changes. I don't want to gain my weight back over winter, and have decided to take up running. This morning I went out and walk/ran a mile. I used to run a mile in about 7:30. Today. it took me about 15 minutes. :eek: Does anyone have any hints or tips on getting started in this?

Buy a bike. Much better on the knees.

Co-worker is doing some "couch to 5k in 90 days" book. Basically, start slow with a mix of run, walk. Increase intervals of running and decrease intervals of walking.

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I've benn running off and on for a few years now. Right now I usually run 3-4 miles at a 8:30 pace. I like to use runkeeper because it calls out your pace every half mile so I know if I need to pick it up a little or slow it down.

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I have been riding the bmx bike pretty regularly around town-10-15 mile bits. I prefer to ride it in a more "urban setting" because it allows me to jump stuff, and all the other good stuff that comes with a bmx bike. I have been back at the bmx track for about a year now, and am probably just as fast or faster than I was in my prime racing. I don't think I can compete with the guys I used to race with that didn't take a break anymore though.

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I havent been able to go around a track like that since i got my drivers liscense. I wish i still had my bikes I had back then. I think they are worth more now then they were back then. It was always fun finding your name in the ABA rankings in that newspaper-like magazine.

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I havent been able to go around a track like that since i got my drivers liscense. I wish i still had my bikes I had back then. I think they are worth more now then they were back then. It was always fun finding your name in the ABA rankings in that newspaper-like magazine.

indeed. I'm still a card holder. The ABA is no longer. The ABA and NBL joined up last year, its now called USA bmx.I am still riding a very similar setup to what I used to race, minus the magnesium forks( over the weight limit). Frame is the same, except different color, and the wheels,crank,bars,stem are all parts I used from my original race bike. :) I spend alot of time in the winter running gate practice at the indoor track. In the summer outdoor work gets in the way of my bmx riding time, but i still get to the track when I have time in the summer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well im done with the podrunner/C25K course and am now just running 5k's every other day. Also i have bested my 40min goal by chugging it out in an avg. 36mins. So now i just need some pointers on a couple things from people that run all the time.

1. At about the first mile my calfs and muscle in the front along my shins are on fire. I jog thru it and by the 2nd mile it mostly goes away or i have blocked it out. Is that par for the course or is it me needing more strength in my lower legs.

2. I try to keep a steady pace thru out the run basically using my breathing to dictate my pace. I read somewhere you should still be able to carry a conversation. I try to keep it around there. Right, wrong dont know but seems to work.

3. About the last half mile i start picking it up faster and faster till the end. Toward the end im pushing it pretty hard. Not an all out sprint but a pace i couldnt keep very long. My theory being eventually that last half mile will get longer and longer.

Basically wanting an idea to help with cutting the time down or if everything is par for the average guy basically starting out running.

Also i signed up for the race so i cant back out now!

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I've run for the past 10 years (competitively in HS and should have in college lol that's another story though) and work at the running shop and coached HS cross country for 3 years.

1)you most likely have the wrong shoes. Possibly size but mostly the function of your foot and shoe.

2)Don't get too repetitive. It's like lifting, if you do the same thing over and over and over again you don't see much. you should which up your distance. Whether it's going farther or shorter(but not sprinting stuff)

4)as far as breathing goes, try to inhale through your nose and exhale out of your mouth. it will get a smoooth rythem going so you can relax. The other thing that will help is if you can keep your arms at 90 degree angles and move them just back and forth.(if you don't run like that and you do, you will feel like a robot)

3)The reason why you pick it up towards the end is because you're tired and just want to be done. Almost everyone does it at some point. hold you're self back from picking it up. just because you wouldn't be tired at the end doesn't mean you didn't get a workout in

As far as shoes go through, I'd make a drive to Cinci or Columbus and go to Fleet Feet(I worked in Columbus and currently work in PA). We will look at you your feet, see what they are doing functionally and get you proper shoes. Sounds silly, but will makes a night and day difference.

What race did you sign up for?

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If you do an online place, lets say runners world or any running companies website(Brooks, New Balance, Asics etc) you have to keep in the mind about 60% of those people writing reviews were probably not properly fit for them and don't understand the differences between the shoes like a specialty store does.

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1. Im sure your right about the shoes. I didnt want to drop a $100+ on some shoes right away and then not stay with it like previous attempts.

2. Tonight i cut it a little short due to the rain. Sprinkles are fine but it started turning in rain. So i only ran for 30mins.

3.Honestly i usually breathe out of my mouth and will switch to in nose-out mouth if i catch my self huffing and puffing. It seems to calm me back down without having to slow down. I will have to keep that in mind next time.

4. So slow and steady is they way to go. I guess everything will just come naturally.

Here is the race i signed up for. 5K of course.


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yeah most people don't want to spend 100+ on shoes. but like I said definitely worth it. shoes now are about $110 some more, but it all depend on what feels good. The other thing too, is you might need a insert of some sort(not Dr.Schulls). Lets say you go to Fleet Feet, they might cost anywhere from $40-$50 on top of shoes. nice thing about Fleet Feet is if the shoes don't work you can take them back and swap them for something else. it's unheard of but so true.

But like you said, it all comes to you eventually and naturally. 5ks are fun. they're my favorite distance. plus they are EVERYWHERE so you can always do one

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I'll keep this short because I'm no pro...shoes are number one. Insoles are second. I have a decent pair of shoes with good insoles. I've been running 6 miles in 54 min as of late. I use a heart rate monitor and try to stay around 75% of my max heart rate. It's a nice easy run without any pain and I enjoy it.

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2

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Just a couple months ago i was dreading doing 8min run or whatever it was and praying for the walk interval. Now i can do 5k without being totally out of gas at the end.

I will definatley look into proper shoes once that time comes. Thanks for the tips!

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I've been running 3mi 3x-4x a week for calorie burning. I'm not going for speed or anything like that just now - just want the calorie burn. I run an 8:00-8:30 pace. I'm on a 2lb/wk fat loss plan that required me to be 1000 calories under BMR every day, so I don't have the energy to do anything really adventurous.

When I was at maintenance weight of 195lbs (current 206, so 10-15 lbs left to go until I hit 190 and go back into maintenance mode) I extended the distances and was running 7 miles a day and 14 miles on sunday. This was about 5 years ago. I had no problem with energy levels because I ate enough to fuel the running.

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$100 shoes are not always needed, when I was running a couple years ago I was 250lbs and using $40 newbalace running shoes from kohls, and they were great. I'm planning on starting back up after my vacation in 3 weeks

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$100 shoes are not always needed, when I was running a couple years ago I was 250lbs and using $40 newbalace running shoes from kohls, and they were great. I'm planning on starting back up after my vacation in 3 weeks

I disagree with that. Very few can get away with that. Im talking a small handful of the population. But hey, if it works then it works. Nothing's wrong with that

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$50 Reeboks from Meijer are working out great for me for my 3mi runs. Back when I was running 7mi/day I had bad knee pain and wound up curing it with a pair of $200 Brooke Beast shoes that were selected with the help of the shoe specialist at Galyans/Dicks. I'm an overpronator, apparently.

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Just a couple months ago i was dreading doing 8min run or whatever it was and praying for the walk interval. Now i can do 5k without being totally out of gas at the end.

I will definatley look into proper shoes once that time comes. Thanks for the tips!

There's an Up and Running store in downtown Troy that should be able to help you out, too. I've talked to their people a number of times at races and such, and they seem pretty good.

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There's an Up and Running store in downtown Troy that should be able to help you out, too. I've talked to their people a number of times at races and such, and they seem pretty good.

I was going to check them out.

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  • 4 weeks later...
My goal by the end of the year is to do a 5K race or two and be under 40 minutes. I feel that is an achievable goal.

Well today was the day! Knocked out my first 5K race at 32:30. I will have to wait till they post the chip time for the actual time. I think i started to far back at the start and had to make my way thru alot of people. All in all it was fun, i didnt jump out to fast, had gas in the tank to kick it up the last 3/4 mile beat my goal by 7.5 mins and personal best by 1 minute.

Woo Hoo i stuck with it!:D

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