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dear god this is exactly what we need........

kawi kid

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Coshocton to be in the national news for anything like this would deff suck bad. :nono:


COSHOCTON -- A Coshocton High School volleyball coach and teacher is being investigated by the sheriff's office over misconduct allegations with a student and has been reported to the Professional Conduct Board at the Ohio Department of Education2_bing.gif.

Jennifer West also was given a written and verbal reprimand by school officials in late November. She remains employed at the school, Superintendent David Hire said. West said she did not want to comment on the situation.

West earned a bachelor of arts degree from Muskingum College in 2000. That same year she was hired as a substitute teacher and now is the head volleyball coach and a health teacher.

According to a memo placed in West's personnel file by Hire, West was with a male student at a private residence after a football game Sept. 25.

On Nov. 13, Hire was notified by the Coshocton County Sheriff's Office that an 18-year-old male student was questioned by the sheriff's office and he admitted that a good-bye kiss, or peck on the lips, occurred between himself and West as he was leaving the friend's home.

That same day, Hire discussed the situation with West, Susan Nolan, a Coshocton City Education Association building representative, and CHS2_bing.gif Principal Bill Hartmeyer. West admitted to kissing the student on the cheek and giving him a hug. The CCEA is the union that represents teachers in Coshocton City Schools.

Hire said he gave West a verbal reprimand and warned her that he does not condone that type of behavior and expects no inappropriate conduct in the future.

A warning memo from Hartmeyer also was placed in West's file on Nov. 23. In that memo, Hartmeyer said West was to refrain from placing herself in any situation that might be interpreted as a compromising situation because that might lead to unfair judgments on her character and on the character of the student.

Hartmeyer stated he had contacted the Professional Conduct Board at the Ohio Department of Education and reminded West to have no contact with the student during school hours or at school-sponsored events unless she has specific permission from the building principal.

"This should help alleviate further rumors," Hartmeyer wrote. "I will also remind you that you should not text or e-mail any students, as well."

Any further incidents or misconduct could result in additional disciplinary action, including termination, Hartmeyer informed West.

In the memo Hire wrote, he stated West was wrong in her judgment and behavior and she must refrain from putting herself in a position that could potentially imply anything that could be misconstrued as inappropriate conduct and behavior with any student.

"The key is to maintain appropriate student/teacher relationships," Hire wrote. "Our trust and respect must be earned on a daily basis and you must begin the process of showing your students and parents that you are trustworthy of this important responsibility."

In a written statement to the newspaper, Hire said appropriate action has been taken and he could not elaborate on the investigation by the sheriff's office.

Prosecutor Bob Batchelor said he had not received a case package from the sheriff's office and could not comment on the issue. However, he said that if the student is 18, felony charges probably would not be filed.

Coshocton County Sheriff Timothy Rogers released a statement saying his office is continuing to conduct an investigation into the matter and interviews are ongoing.

Edited by kawi kid
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want a good time read some of the comments to that story in my first post :lol:

Looks like the comments got pulled. NNCO is bad about that. They do it on The Newark Advocate site all the time. People out in the general public can't handle hearing much other than they WANT to hear, or want to believe. It really pisses me off, becaus ethere are many times some good discussions going, until someone gets offended.... :monkeypoo:on NNCO Gannett...

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its still going in the forum just click opinions then forum ;)

Read it. I don't like the forums after they redesigned the sites. I used to be an active poster on the Newarkadvocate forums, but after the redesign, I quit.

Anyway, I also wonder why the SO is involved in a school issue? If the student had been under age, ok, but it was an incident outside of the school, both people are adults. Let the school system take care of it internally, that's where the issue is, a breach of trust, and improper conduct. Nothing illegal, move on SO!

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