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  1000rrrider said:
That is a subject that I really dont like since just 3 days ago my little angle called me to the bathroom to show me the red water and say to me "now what"

Eeewww... Can't bring myself to make fun of, or even kid around about that one!!

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  1000rrrider said:
Well try harder next time , seriously though when you hit a car with a train doing a good speed do you feel a good jolt in the train or do you just blow thru and feel nothing ?

No, I dont feel anything. Bigger vehicles like dump trucks or semi's, I'd prolly feel. Imagine running over a pop can with a full size truck, about the same as hitting a car with the train ;)

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  OsuMj said:
um... so most tampons are flushable. Hair clogs the drains. :p I'm challenging you to read a tampon box. lol

i hate doing dishes.

I've been working in the commercial facilities and construction industry for 20 years now. The number one item that clogs the toilets is tampons. Yes, the box does state they are flushable, but that just means they are septic treatment friendly (ie; breakdown at about the same rate as toilet paper), that does not mean they don't get snagged and hung up in the pipes (as they do)

As for hair.... the waste pipe connected to your toilet (assuming your dwelling is close to code) is either 3" or 4", you would need to shave your head completely, drain the water out of the bowl completely, fill bowl w/your hair, then flush to even come close to clogging that pipe w/your hair.

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