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FML shingles suck


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I I somehow ended up with shingles? Let me tell ya the nerve pain is enough to drive ya crazy. Not to mention my work won't let me come back until it is cleared up(no pay) And the doctor said I waited to long to get any meds to help with it. So I said fine it dont hurt to bad I will just go home for a week and let it run its corse. Wrong the next day the pain settled into my neck and runs up to the back of my eye. NICE! FML

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What are you a pirate? Eat sum fruitage.

Oh wait. That's scurvy.

Good luck with the fire pain and at least it's not crotch shingles. :D

:facepalm: You're mah boy, but yer an idiot. :D

I had shingles back late last summer. Thought I had gotten bitten by some freak insect on my back near my armpit. By the time the pain was in full swing, I wanted to throw myself in front of a semi. And it took weeks to go away. Srsly, like 4-6.

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I had them last year, and it was no fun at all.

Anyone that's had chickenpox (similar virus) can get them. On the plus side, the chances of a second outbreak are pretty remote. Hopefully you can look forward to that.

Funny thing, (odd, not haha) my mother in law has them, she thought they were gone then they broke out again, or maybe just had spread and she didn't know it. All I know is I've heard that it sux.

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Funny thing, (odd, not haha) my mother in law has them, she thought they were gone then they broke out again, or maybe just had spread and she didn't know it. All I know is I've heard that it sux.

Actually, my doctor told me they're way more common in people over 60 (I'm not quite there yet) and the older you are, the worse they are.

Recurrence is less likely, but NOT impossible.

And yeah, they suck, BIGTIME

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YEah the doc said that I was to late into it to take any meds like valtrex. I was stupid and refused any pain meds and am now wishing I had taken them cause it sucks. Took some over the counter stuff that helped me get a few hours ouf sleep during the afternoon and now am back up and feel just GREAT NOT! This shit better not last 2 weeks.

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