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My 9 year old has a "boyfriend"


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Damn that's expensive just to make sure your daughter's mobile chastity belt is still on full lock.

Gotta have a smartphone = $$$

With data/texting plan = $$$

Then $25 initial + $9.95/mo

It's gonna cost you like $100/mo to make sure your 9yr old is safe. Save that money for diapers/formula at 14... you've got 5 years, that's $6000 you can save for baby stuff.

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mom said i have to call her and tell her that... i said no you need to tell her your there and can back it up. oy vay...then i get i dont see a prob with it. they just 9 year olds being friends txtn each other. you got a prob with it call her!!! she is waiting..

In general, kids actually want to live up to their parents expectations.

Tell her the truth, that you worry about her, and you want her to be careful.

About who she's with, what she does, and where she goes.

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In general, kids actually want to live up to their parents expectations.

Tell her the truth, that you worry about her, and you want her to be careful.

About who she's with, what she does, and where she goes.


Recon, you're like that one sobering thought that pops into our heads and comforts us during our drunken stupor. Comforting logic.

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Recon, you're like that one sobering thought that pops into our heads and comforts us during our drunken stupor. Comforting logic.

Kids auto reject anger, fear, and panic from adults...

They know truth when they hear it.

How they do that, I don't know...

The best time is when they ask, never miss that opportunity.

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In general, kids actually want to live up to their parents expectations.

Tell her the truth, that you worry about her, and you want her to be careful.

About who she's with, what she does, and where she goes.

good advice. i'm not good with finding the correct emotional words.

This is a scary situation I have never been in before. Obviously i'm over reacting trying to figure out how to react correctly so i don't push them away. Basically my thoughts are, you know those super religious parents kids normally rebel and do crazy things. So i'm thinking i need to be in the middle. To strict and they will want to be bad.:o

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I have a 13 yr old sister (Dad has a 2nd family) I just showed up on my bike in full leathers and sporting my field knife on my hip in front of school one day to pick her up.... didn't have to say a word... the boys all know they mess with her they get to deal with me ( she tells them...) Hilarious but effective...

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I've got full custody of a 13 year old daughter. She's had a boy "friend" for years. They'd play at the pool, and I'd tease them both about it. Kept them both on the defensive... Lol!

Now it's the middle school popularity thing, and I'm as open as a book with my daughter. She tells me one of her friends had a pregnancy scare, and without judging just said that had to have been scary. She didn't want any part of it. It's her choices, and the rest of her life can carry the consequence. The best thing is I don't have to lay the law down- with open dialogue she understands that.

I do keep a strict house, but keep everythong open and respectful- and I've got a good 13 year record. I'm hoping to keep the streak going. Heh.

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dude, she is 9. i remember the "girlfriends" i had when i was 9. basically it consists of sharing finger paint and sitting by each other at lunch lol. in two weeks she will realize that having a boyfriend sucks and dump him or she will realize that HE sucks and dump him and get another "boyfriend"

now if her boyfriend was 27 and lived in his van... THEN i would worry.

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It is impossible to control a kid in another state. Sorry man ..you are screwed! Especially if her mom is ok with this.... Be prepared for her to be pregnant at 14.

Can you possibly be any more insensitive?!? Dude's already worried 'cause his little girls in another state & he has limited influence/access to her, & now you got fuckin' diarrhea of the mouth :nono:

Just because you teach 2nd graders, doesn't mean you know shit about parenting kids, so why don't you learn some tact & STFU

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Wow! A lot of people like to tell others how to raise their kids but don't have kids themselves. :nono: Gump, I have a 7 year old but thankfully she still listens to me about the boys. Its not gonna go over well when she says she has a "boyfriend". You know you can shut off her her texting all together right? My babygirl doesn't have a phone but she also lives with me so there isn't a need for it yet.

To the fucks making smartass comments - I can't wait for you to have kids. Your perfect little world is gonna be turned upside down and I'm gonna lol out loud

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i have a 9 year old. she talks about boys but doesn't have a boyfriend. she has friends that are boys. Hell i took him to the bike show with her. My daughter is a tomboy though. she goes riding with them. she has a quad, they have dirtbikes.

She has a phone, but she gets it when she is not with us, say grandmas or a friends house. she doesn't even use then either. she has it so we can call her. she does txt her girlfriends but asks to do so.

Shes at the, "i like jim, hes cute, but don't tell him that" stage.

I can see it being hard that she is outta state, i'd be freakin out too.

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dude, she is 9. i remember the "girlfriends" i had when i was 9. basically it consists of sharing finger paint and sitting by each other at lunch lol. in two weeks she will realize that having a boyfriend sucks and dump him or she will realize that HE sucks and dump him and get another "boyfriend"

now if her boyfriend was 27 and lived in his van... THEN i would worry.

I agree with this statement.

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