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Who likes the Columbus Zoo?!?


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Thats because Toledo is in the artic circle.

Not according to Nobel Prize winning former VP Alawicius Gore Vidal.... There is no more arctic circle & the whole planet is melting like the Wicked Witch of the West

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Shoot, I was just trying to stick up for the right wingers who all want less taxes and oppose taxes going for silly things like animal enclosures.

Giving tax money to zoos is definitely something a tree-hugging conservationist liberal would do, but not a staunch capitalist GOP member.

I'm lost now.

You're not as big of a dumbass as I thought or you just aren't totally in touch with your liberal side. Tree huggers certainly oppose owning animals and confining them, they all should run free. Capitalist only want to oppress the animals and rule over them for their own amusement. Maybe there is hope for you yet because you clearly don’t know the complete tree hugging liberal agenda. Let’s keep working on Justin so this board can peacefully exist without these stupid political discussions hijacking every thread.

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I can use Google to prove my points too Justin.....


The official position of the World Natural Health Organization in regards to global warming is that there is NO GLOBAL WARMING! Global warming is nothing more than just another hoax, just like Y2K and the global freezing claims in the 1960's and 70's were. Global warming is being used to generate fear and panic. Those behind this movement are using it to control people's lives and for financial gain.


There's a ton more links inside both those sites


For the last five years I have watched as the mainstream media told me that whether it was hot or cold, that was proof of Global Warming. If there were hurricanes or not hurricanes, that was proof of Global Warming. Essentially, there was no way to falsify Global Warming because no matter what happened, interpreters could find a way to make it fit into the GW paradigm. This is not bad if you are already sure that your paradigm is right, but it is bad if the very thing in question is the paradigm itself, and all the more so if you insist that your paradigm is the Holy Word of Science.

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Fonzie, quit thread-jacking.

I see you're not addressing any of my points, just as you accused ChevySoldier of only addressing the spelling error you corrected him on, & none of your other points

If that's all you got out of my post Justin, then I feel bad

What is it with everyone around here thread jacking every thread. I think we need rules that mandate we keep threads on topic. Of course the threads would have to be an approved topic the mods agree with.

I'm with Jack Bauer & the CTU.... Counter Threadjacking Unit


Edited by Fonzie
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Sarcasm doesn't play out too well here on the internets does it? If you actually think I follow your mind numbing links you are crazy. Don't you have an original thought of your own? Can you form an opinion without relying on others to form it for you? What are you some sort of a puppet mouth piece?

Videos now that's more like it reading is too hard. I kept waiting for a boat to run the turtle over but it never happened. A turtle named Obama now that's funny.

I do applaud your efforts to get this thread back to its original topic by bringing zoo animals back as the subject. However it does prove my earlier point that liberals want to set the animals free. That looked like a perfectly good zoo animal to me.

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Thanks for the Smithsonian article, JRMMiii...

But the best thing read so far is this one:

Svensmark's theory is that cosmic rays which originate from collapsing stars (novas) are the primary cause of cloud formation, in particular the formation of low level clouds, those 3,000 meters above the ground and lower. Muons, basically very dense electrons, which are among the few cosmic particles to survive the solar winds and contact with the earth's atmosphere to sufficiently interact with with atoms near the surface, liberate electrons in the atomosphere which in turn join with molecules that form stable clusters. These clusters attract a small amount of sulpheric acid and then water molecules to ultimately generate water droplets, the basis of cloud cover. But how exactly does cloud cover affect climate? Most climate models simply see clouds as a byproduct of climate changes, but as Svensmark and Calder demonstrate, clouds themselves are the predominant factor in global cooling. Although they trap heat between the clouds and earth's surface, they also reflect radiant energy from the sun back into space. The net effect of low lying clouds is therefore a cooling one. And, as it happens, all periods of global cooling have coincided with increasing cosmic rays and cloud cover.

Therefore, all climate models are wrong. And some sort of theory like what I've been preaching, is correct. heheh... It's the Sun, the Stars, the Clouds, and the huge vast amount of water in our oceans. The source of all hot and cold weather. And us puny humans aren't going to change that.

I mean seriously, pound for pound, ants outnumber humans drastically. I don't see any one blaming them for their industrious practices. Only the obvious is of concern, smoke stacks and cow farts. Something that is in our faces all the time.

Oh, and I like the Columbus Zoo, let's make that one of our first rides of Spring.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

>> Cool New Bears Arrive at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

First residents of Polar Frontier opening Spring 2010

I didn't see the date on the original post before I clicked 'copy' so I might as well post just for fun.

Clean out your freezer. You never know what you will find in there and with visitors popping in and out during the holidays, what a better way to get rid of a few aging items absorbing space in your ice box?

Roast Polar Bear Trim all fat from the roast. Wash well. Soak meat for at least 2 hours in water, salt and vinegar. Remove and pat dry. Place meat in a roaster, lay strips of bacon on top and place quarters of onion beside it. Roast at 350 degrees F. for about 3 hours. 15 minutes before serving, remove bacon strips, coat top of roast with butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast another 15 minutes and drizzle butter on top two or three times during this period. Serve Hot. Serves 6 to 8.


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