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Ohio riders track day at gingerman $100


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Great first track day for me, I took 3rd place! :D

Good meeting some people and putting faces with names! Late night for us, by the time we got back to Mentor and unloaded the trailer and reloaded trucks, it was after 2 am.

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Kevin...glad to see you two made it home. Sucks about the S.O. She didn't look too good in the car ride back to the paddock but once we got over there she seemed shaken but okay. I'm betting her thumb and wrist are hurting today. I know I am and I didn't have to bail!

It was great to hang out with you two and thanks again for the beer!

Edited by r1crusher
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  RVTPilot said:
I was in novice. Methinks you is faster than that, and me. But sorry to see you go down. I know that in our 4th session when they kind of opened up things for the novice guys, the yellow flags were out a lot. But that happens. Seemed like just about everyone was ok, relatively speaking.

That session was nuts with people crashing and a few more going through the grass. Sounds like everyones ok which is good to hear. It was good to meed a few new people and a few I have not seen in a few years. Thanks to rslocum for driving, made my 4 am home arrival time not so bad.

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  Hoblick said:

oh and ..

Gingerman track surface sucks

You're still in "stage 1."

I agree that the seams blow donkey balls, but there were guys going a hell of a lot faster than me that didn't seem to be bothered by them.

My day went something like this:

9:40 - "fucking hell - every turn out there tightens up on you, and the ass-end of my bike is bouncing all over the fucking place."

2 hours later: "I guess it's not THAT bad."

2 more hours later: "this track is pretty fun. Seams? what seams?"

I ran a lap timer the 2nd session after lunch and was turning 1:47's

the next session, I followed a slower, but very smooth rider with great lines. We never used 4th gear on the straights, but the lines were so much better, I ran 1:44's

The session after that, I put the speed and lines together and dipped into the 1:38's. I was happy with that. Started to find the limits of adhesion for Dunlop Qualifiers at that pace. Driving out of turn 3 got a little interesting on a greasy tire, but I survived.

Who ended up with my back protector? Twizted?

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Had a great time and it was good to see a bunch of OHIOriders out there. My first track day was a humbling experience but definitely learned some things. I look forward to doing a few more this year.

Glad everyone had fun. I myself was beat after that day. I was up at 4:30 that morning anxious to get started, a full track day, 5.5hr drive home, and finally after a well needed shower I hit the pillow at 3am.

Got some pretty decent pics of Skrewloose,R1Crusher,RVTPilot,termn8tor, and blue03636 on my camera. PM me an e-mail address and i'll get them out to ya.

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PM sent....but you could post them here you oversized square jerkin' mountain bike ridin' goof.

Speaking of mountain bikes, you probably could have been fast on that at the track. Should have given it a shot. :D

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Yeah, the track was interesting to learn for sure. And the sealer bumps you definitely had to know where not to cross them. I about tucked it in two once and have a few rear spin ups out of three. Started the day at high 1:40s and ended up with a best time of 135.8 about 3 sessions from the end for a new track. Baker was a heck of a tow coach till his tranny blew up :(

Just got worn out from the LED at Grattan Friday, WERA 20 lap solo race Saturday and Gingerman Sunday. Still a good time with Nick and I making it back to my place about 12:30ish.

Edited by SJC1000rr
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we got in last night bout 1030... had a great time .. sucks for all the ones that went down... glad your all right... hope... it doesnt scare any one off the track!... hobbie i know it wont you! lol..

and we'll see everyone at putnam!

PS hey redkow.. we have the back protector theresa borrowed at the house hit me up when ya want it we can meet someplace! thanks again

Edited by TwiztedRabbit
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It took me 1:38 to get through 8, 9, & 10. :D

The track definitely had its challenges, and I had inadvertant line changes in a couple areas thanks to them, but found a couple lines through 3 and 8 that made them less of an issue. And speed helped. I found so many areas that I need to work on to get quicker and faster. And funny how little of it has to do with the throttle.

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  TwiztedRabbit said:
when did you go down???

harb heard you went down too?? both doing aight?

good seeing everyone up there that we did....

had a great time... did aight... sad faces to kawasaki guy hope he gets his check engine light sorted out sad way to end the day

I went down second to last novice session in turn 6 I think it was. The second part of the double apex after 3. The "feelers" on my footpeg caught as I was coming out of the turn. Tea my instructor told me after I went down the I should take them off cuz they will catch and make u low side. That's what I get for getting too cocky and trying to push it. I had just told my self this is gonna be my last lap. Guess I made sure it was.

But I'm doing good today. My butts sore from sliding like I was sliding into home. That concrete apron on the side has like ripples on it. Hitting that rolled me two or three times into the sand.

The bikes ok I scraped up the engine case lower faring and shifter but I can handle that. What I need to replace is the shift linkage. The frame slider and swingarm spool took a lot of the damage need to replace those also.

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  RVTPilot said:
It took me 1:38 to get through 8, 9, & 10. :D

The track definitely had its challenges, and I had inadvertant line changes in a couple areas thanks to them, but found a couple lines through 3 and 8 that made them less of an issue. And speed helped. I found so many areas that I need to work on to get quicker and faster. And funny how little of it has to do with the throttle.

RVT you were looking good out there, and no there was no sandwitch.

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yeah, intermediate had a freight train look to turn 1 a lot. novice was a bit thick in spots to, which always ended up being 11, so we lost some good opportunity to work on entering and exiting that corner well. but i guess that's nitpicking. still had a great time, though that had a lot to do with our OR gang there. still feel shitty for cooter as I saw him sitting there in the session knowing that probably happened behind me somewhere.

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I'm ready for the next one .... well, after I get the fork seal fixed, new tires and a oil change.... been tooo damn long since I have been on a track ... would be nice to have a bike with more top end though ....

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  skrewloose said:

I'm ready for the next one .... well, after I get the fork seal fixed, new tires and a oil change.... been tooo damn long since I have been on a track ... would be nice to have a bike with more top end though ....


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  RVTPilot said:
yeah, intermediate had a freight train look to turn 1 a lot. novice was a bit thick in spots to, which always ended up being 11, so we lost some good opportunity to work on entering and exiting that corner well. but i guess that's nitpicking. still had a great time, though that had a lot to do with our OR gang there. still feel shitty for cooter as I saw him sitting there in the session knowing that probably happened behind me somewhere.

yeah intermediate bunched up alot in some turns...

and then the CR would let 8 people pas in the striaght away and then we were almost at a stop sometimes.. . thats why i had to get away from the group at the end

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