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Motorcycle alarms (possible group buy)


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I was thinking of getting one of the fancy looking 2-way alarms with the cool pager type display thing.

There is a company called West Coast Cycle that do one called a Spy LM508:

click here for the web page

On e-bay they are $79.99 buy-it-now with $12 shipping being sold also by West Cost Cycle who have a 99.6% good feedback from 2800+ transactions.

Does anyone know anything bad about these?


Would anyone one else be interested in maybe a group buy of these (or something like it)?


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Sorry thats what i have insurance for. if you want the bike take it. just don't bring it back to me in good condition.
I would do pretty well if someone stole either of my bikes.

I agree. If someone steals my bike I'm getting a newer, better bike.

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although insurance rates will increase, I wouldn't want my bike back after some fuck has burned out the clutch trying to wheelie.


If someone steals mine I hope they total it or it never finds it's way back to me. The bike won't feel the same after it's been violated by someone else.

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Sorry thats what i have insurance for. if you want the bike take it. just don't bring it back to me in good condition.

I agree... I think disc locks and alarms are silly on bikes anyway... When's the last time you heard someone's car alarm going off and didn't even bother to look? Like 500 times in the past year for me.

Disc locks... You think someone's going to piss around for 5 minutes trying to hotwire your bike and ride away with it? Nope, the guy and his 3 buddies are going to grab the thing, toss it in the back of a truck, and get the fluck out of there...

Bottom line... if someone wants your bike, they will get it.

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I would be pissed that someone stole my bike until the insurance check came.

Maybe I wouldn't be so pissed if it happened on a cold ass day like today...or in the middle of January when I am still making payments and it's sitting in my garage.

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Looks the same but $40 more.

If all the haters bothered to look at the alarm it is the pager kind so it will tell you the alarm is going off, yes only from a few hundred yards but I would like to know it's being tampered & maybe be able to do something about it :beating::boxing: than come out of work etc & then see an empty space where it used to be.

Oh well, just a thought.

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Looks the same but $40 more.

If all the haters bothered to look at the alarm it is the pager kind so it will tell you the alarm is going off, yes only from a few hundred yards but I would like to know it's being tampered & maybe be able to do something about it :beating::boxing: than come out of work etc & then see an empty space where it used to be.

Oh well, just a thought.

... So you're eating lunch at the local McD's and your pager/alarm sounds. You run out to see 2 guys loading your bike into their mini van, exactly like the video. 2 loading it and one driving the van. What do you do?

At best, you yell "HEY FUCKERS GET OFF ME BIKE YOU FACKING YANKS!!!" As a result, your bike, which is 1/2 in and 1/2 out of the mini van gets dropped from the mini van. The punks drive away and look for another bike to steal.

At worst, they kick your ass after they drop your bike.

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Dude got his shit yanked!!! They put his CBR in a mini-van no less!!! Yeah, if they're gonna take it, then its gone. I'm more worried about some douche knocking it over than someone taking it.

I agree...

I don't park my bike far enough away from me to matter... I do very little destination based riding and don't do any bike nights.

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Ok well I guess no one really give two shits about there bike judging by all the "i'll just get a new one then" comments. I guess none of you have or use home or car alarms either, in fact, fuck if the wife goes missing I just get a new one of them to.

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Ok well I guess no one really give two shits about there bike judging by all the "i'll just get a new one then" comments. I guess none of you have or use home or car alarms either, in fact, fuck if the wife goes missing I just get a new one of them to.

Your taking the responses the wrong way..

1st . Its not like someone is going to load your car into a minivan and drive off

2.nd If someone is going to steel your bike, most likely it will be more then one person loading it up and say your pager does go off and you go out there.. like what has already been said. (they either throw your bike to the ground and you pay your $500 deductable to fix $400 in damages., or they beat your ass and steel your bike anyway. or if your really unlucky, they kill you so you cant report anything to the police.)

The point of the situation is, IF SOMEONE WANTS YOUR BIKE, THEY WILL TAKE IT..

my life is not worth coming out to fight a bunch of d-bags trying to take my bike. try and think about the type of people your dealing with. You have insurance for just that reason.. so based on what your saying,, fuck buy the alarm and cancel your insurance. 9 times out of 10, you will make out better with the insurance company then what you would if you tried to sell the bike.. so with the money you get, you could go and buy a brand new one.

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I wish they had wife insurance. If they stole your wife you could just get a better one:) I am calling my agent today.

Brett We do care about our bikes that is why we park them into garages and keep them in our site when we park them. These two things are the best deterants and if someone goes through the trouble of breaking into my garage to steal it or is has big enough balls to put into the back of a van in broad daylight then I am not going to try and stop them

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I am in the boat of I like my bike too and I put a Scorpio alarm on it. It has a vibrating and/or audible alarm on it so I can know if someone messes with it. I have never really tried it, but it is supposed to have a 1/2 mile radius.

My position is that if someone is going to throw it in a van, there's not a lot you can do. However, if I was allowed concealed carry and someone was stealing my bike, I would know it, go out there like nothing was happening (stealth mode so as to not set off any alarms) and then they would have a gat in their ear before they knew it. I have no patience for bike thieves.

Would I perhaps get hurt defending my bike? Yep. But that would never deter me. I'm a Scorpio through and through and I'd stick a Bic pen, bike key, whatever in a fucker's eye with the quickness if I caught them fucking with my bike. Let them lose their periphreal (probably spelled wrong) vision for the rest of their life over fucking with someone else's property.

Fair trade to me. If they didn't start it, it wouldn't have happened.

Perhaps I'm a bitter old man already, but I don't believe in a pacifist lifestyle. Mess with my shit and see what happens to you. I'm not killerama but I believe in the ability and have the desire to inflict damage on people who deserve it.

And if I die defending something that means something to me, we all gotta go sometime. The only way I'd let it go peacefully is if I could not get the jump on them in time or if they had an obvious gun, or so many that odds are obvious you're in a losing battle. Then you would be stupid to give up your life for a bike. But alarm it? Sure. At least it should bring attention to what was going on and someone might get a license number. It also would let you know if someone was sitting on your bike.

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Im not saying that I wouldn't confront them because I have the same protective mentality whether its my property or someone I care about. Im just saying that generally a bike thief will have your bike loaded and gone in under 30 seconds which by the time the alarm goes off, they are probably damn near gone.

If you want to protect your bike.. GET LOJACK... that way when they find your bike, they get the whole ring of thieves..

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