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The Z is having surgery today.


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To have this subframe issue remedied so wish us luck.

Then tonight I can get this dam PCIII on. Woot!

(Pics in my album if you don't know of that which I speak.)


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It was just a joke buddy. Gosh, you didnt have to get all sensitive about it. :D

sure you are.

i took it to bikes2envy. they did it for $600. Hope youre happy now.

ill post up some pics later.

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Oh fuck it.

I've been waiting all day for you to take the bait and it's just not funny anymore.

I took it over to Oomps brother in laws place. They make exhausts for shadows/spirits so they have all manner of fab gear. Did a helluva cut/bend/weld job.

Thanks again Scott. I have a few pics but the light wasn't great when I got home.

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Sorry bro. Had a busy day. Got my first ride in today, went to a funeral, changed some brakes, burnt beer and drank wood and havent had time to check in on the OR all day.

Glad you got her straight. Guess I cant call it the high heel of motorcycles anymore. ;)

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I'll get some better pics when weather allows.

but as you cannsee the plastics finally line up.

The back seat doesn't need ziptied anymore and the pilot seat doesn't angle down towards the tank like it use to.


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cool man , glad you like the way it came out . I bet your nuts like it better too .

looks good .

Yep. they do.

Now you can safely ride cupcake with me now. :D

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