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Ride on Sunday


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This is why I also decided to wreck at the tracks lol. Now I know where my limits are and how far past them I can go...

I still need to get out to Coshocton. Ross, you need to get at me and do this. I won't ride in groups more then a handful after last year though. I don't care if its a large group with several smaller groups, that's fine. I m not there to measure dicks(mainly because thats just gay).

I thought you liked to look...:supergay:

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I made with a bike that i have just been learning to corner. Hey thanx again Todd for leading me on another great ride. I'm already back in Florida settling down had a great weekend with a long ass drive home. Great meeting you porter and chevysoldier and goal12.

Good to meet you as well. Always good to put faces to the screen names.

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I made with a bike that i have just been learning to corner. Hey thanx again Todd for leading me on another great ride. I'm already back in Florida settling down had a great weekend with a long ass drive home. Great meeting you porter and chevysoldier and goal12.

Oh, and I don't want to ride directly behind you ever again. The sound of that v-twin is just awesomejoose! I always liked the Tillers from reading about them, back before I rode, and now that I've been around bikes more, I still like em!

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ohhhh bikes have been totalled on that corner
This is why I also decided to wreck at the tracks lol. Now I know where my limits are and how far past them I can go...

I still need to get out to Coshocton. Ross, you need to get at me and do this. I won't ride in groups more then a handful after last year though. I don't care if its a large group with several smaller groups, that's fine. I m not there to measure dicks(mainly because thats just gay).

let us know

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That's a pretty nasty corner.

There always seems to be something in the road when I ride through there. Not saying that it was the case this time. Just for future reference.

Glad everyone had a good time, and made it home ok.

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Nice meeting the new guys , had a great time . Glad a couple peeps came out for daves last ride . I would much rather ride with Todd out east then alot of the runs in hocking , just seems that the roads are cleaner(-horse shit) . as for his ability to lead well i think everyone knows the truth , he is a hell of a lead and i totally trust him to lead me on any run . As for the new guy who went down , i wouldnt call him a nuub he was doing fine its just a ugly turn and took him by surprise no big . Im sure the experience will make him a better rider as i know all the runs i have done with most of you have made me a better rider. I do however second the track theory and cant wait till i can go .

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If I can get it fixed and pretty in time, I'm definitely joining again. Though might end up bringing trainer wheels mod to stay upright next time.

:lol: You crack me up, you're taking your spill extremely well. Props to you for not trying to blame the bike or road and being able to laugh at yourself.

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Self-deprecation is so much more fun than bitching and complaining. anyhoo, I finally washed the bike to find that it there are scratches on the tank and clutch cover. any suggestions to just patch it up enough to prevent rust/ further damage?

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Goal you are a trip lol, you didnt do anything wrong . like todd said that corner is ugly shit , it happens to the best of them . I am sure you wont be the last that is claimed by that corner . Need any help with the bike let me know !!

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Goal you are a trip lol, you didnt do anything wrong . like todd said that corner is ugly shit , it happens to the best of them . I am sure you wont be the last that is claimed by that corner . Need any help with the bike let me know !!

Plenty of riders have made it through that corner just fine...so he did something wrong. People make mistakes, corners dont .

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