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What's the difference between a porcupine and a BMW?


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I would be doing about 5 under the speed limit and brake-checking the shit out of him afterwards. Twisty road with no easy exit points, just look in the rear view and watch the veins pop out of his head.

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Maybe Dude doesn't like his $40k+ car being followed by some jackass racer wannabe in a shitbox Mazda?

There was a good following distance, if you don't like it, move to the side and wave someone on. That's what I'd do.

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He gave him plenty of room but why would u drive like youre racing if u feel like ur being tagged? Just drive however you want, no need to succumb to peer pressure. Guy was a douche... no way i'd be all "ok, relax"... more like fuck you i drive how i want you drive how you want

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meh :dunno:

I don't really care what people do behind me in a car. Drive as close as you like. Hit me it's coming out of your insurance, not my problem.

Had I been in the mazda, I'd have zipped by as soon as I seen him pull over (no conversation would have transpired).

If I'm being tailgated on the bike, I ditch 'em (and unless they are in something SERIOUS, they are not keeping up when I hit the throttle)

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I would be doing about 5 under the speed limit and brake-checking the shit out of him afterwards. Twisty road with no easy exit points, just look in the rear view and watch the veins pop out of his head.

+1 and then punch it whenever there's the slightest oppotunity to pass.

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I'm a little torn with this one. I have major road rage when people ride my tail, but I don't think that was tailgating. I'm one of those guys if I am going over the speed limit and you try to pas me, yeah I'm speeding up...LOL! The BMW took off like he was in the Indy 500, so how was the Mazda pushing him? Oh well....

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