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What are your favorite raving or "moved" (also read deleted) thread?


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I found OR vs AFJ threads entertaining.

Person on person thread fights are always entertaining as well.

Oh! The one time when people from Oklahoma came on the board starting shit with us about how much Ohio sucks and more. Remember that time?

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  e-flores said:
It wasn't worth it...

And the busa chicks thread that was full of win!!! Just packed full of win!!!

I loved when Busahawty was talking shit and said:

"What you know bout them Ostrander roads?".

Um. Yeah. :nono:



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  e-flores said:
...the busa chicks thread that was full of win!!! Just packed full of win!!!

I remember the busachick thread, that was good :p, but I like my brass balls, I mean my brass ball thread ;)

What is the "today" thread? Don't recall that one or maybe I wasn't aware of the R&R forum at that time :dunno:

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What is the "today" thread? Don't recall that one or maybe I wasn't aware of the R&R forum at that time :dunno:

chick signs up, posts an intro that she is looking to be a fender bunny "today" a bunch of us jump on and find out when and where she wants to ride, jrm gave her an offer, and then wrillo brought her to the Pig Iron M&G last year.

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  magley64 said:
chick signs up, posts an intro that she is looking to be a fender bunny "today" a bunch of us jump on and find out when and where she wants to ride, jrm gave her an offer, and then wrillo brought her to the Pig Iron M&G last year.

that was fucking funny when he showed up with her hahaha

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  shittygsxr said:
It WAS worth it

You're the only one who seems to think so. I have no problem moving them back if it means you'll quit bitching about it. I swear dude, you care more than Ross did, and it was his girlfriend. There's something weird there.

My favorite are these threads where you all bitch and moan. You hate me and this website so much, yet keep signing in. So far the bitchers are people who haven't supported the site to begin with. Most are people I called friends, but have come to realize are just two-faced dicks. Everytime you all start in on this I laugh.

Mandi cheated on Ross. Shitty, that has nothing to do with you. As I told Ross, he can post whatever he wants about her. He never did. You were the one who kept it going on here, and wouldn't let down. Why? What was your interest in the matter? I told Ross the day he was at our house shortly after the whole thing went down that if he wanted to post anything he was more than welcome. But it didn't involve you.

Gregg, the whole nut up or shut bullshit isn't needed. Drop it, or go on your merry way again. I was glad to see you back. But if it's only to stir shit, go ahead and leave again. You can laugh about that shit all you want, and you can justify it anyway you want, but it was fucked up.

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  NinjaNick said:

Oh! The one time when people from Oklahoma came on the board starting shit with us about how much Ohio sucks and more. Remember that time?

Am I the only one that remembers this? :lol: I thought it was comical and looks like I'm the only lame ass that did.


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